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Causing an obstruction so it's illegal, inconsiderate parking, or this okay in your book?

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 23:20 on 20th August 2013

Around 1970, the Sussex Constabulary were quite dilligent when it came to errant parkers i.e. me. Outside my home in a quiet country lane, it was my norm to have my van parked in the right direction to leave to the main road; half on a grass verge and half on the road on the right side of the road outside the gate.

One night a knock on the door with police officers having a word about my van showing white lights to on-coming traffic ( i.e. hardly any) instead of the requisite red lights. Thus I had to turn the van around so its red reflectors/lights were now facing on-coming traffic, and off the officers now went after advising me about the offence I had been committing parking on the wrong side of the road at night.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:20th August 2013 23:25
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:53 on 21st August 2013

Paul, I'm not sure that it's an offence any longer (that is to park facing either way at night) without lights, but understand what you say. It possibly remains as a byelaw, but isn't used unless it needs to be, I don't know.

And Vince, they'll be moving out before we do! We won't be pushed out just because idiots park like that! The law in this matter is firmly on our side and I will use it if needs be. As for the car parked further up with the doors open, two people were in the car eating.

The roads around the area are very narrow anyway and I suspect there will be restrictions applied before much longer, because emergency vehicles would struggle to get through.

On top of that most drivers haven't got a clue about the overall width of their car and therefore virtually stop in the road, looking at you as if to say well move over then, when in fact my wheels are already in the guttter, they just don't have a clue.

I'll tell you something else it's nearly always people that are wearing spectacles that are the cause for concern, maybe they need to get their eyesight checked out, should have gone to Specsavers! lol


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 10:54 on 21st August 2013

Looks like my 1970 parking is still illegal as it was an unrestricted road,  hence 60 mph speed limit, thus---

parking at night on roads with a speed limit above 30 mph, cars must park near and parallel with the curb, facing the same direction as the flow of traffic, and have its parking lights on.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:21st August 2013 11:02
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 11:31 on 21st August 2013

Our roads are rated 30 mph and even 20 mph in places so one assumes the parking light law doesn't apply and besides who does leave 'parking lights' on nowadays, nobody!

>>>parking at night on roads with a speed limit above 30 mph, cars must park near and parallel with the curb, facing the same direction as the flow of traffic, and have its parking lights on.

There are even plenty who don't comply with that.

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 12:06 on 21st August 2013
 Indeed, it was a memorable event after over 40 years simply for it's rarity of a police officer actually taking their time to deal with ticking me off for it. Must have been a quiet night patroling the country lanes around Rye.
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 12:10 on 21st August 2013
Inconsiderate parking and driving gets right up my nose. It does make one want to drive a great big truck right down the street and knock the back right off it! 
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Edward Lever
Edward Lever
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quotePosted at 22:58 on 22nd August 2013
In my experience, the problem of the occasional car parked at night 'the wrong way round' pales into insignificance compared with the number of vehicles with defective headlights. Most of my night time driving is on unlit country roads, and an oncoming  car with only one working headlight is extremely dangerous (there is no way of knowing whether it is a car or a motorcycle). It seems to be a very common problem these days. Headlight bulbs are cheap (around £3) although not many people seem to be able to replace them on modern cars, assuming that they are aware that they have failed in the first place.

Edited by: Edward Lever at:22nd August 2013 23:03
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 01:30 on 23rd August 2013

Hey, we got an horde of daily walkers through our to none of them use the sidewalk...I understand, neither do I when I's easier to do in the street...and we all watch out for each other pretty much...I park my car behind our red car and sideways on hot days...wanna pay the $2,000 to have our truck repainted lik etey quoted us fro parking in the sun everyday..cause we have no where else to park, esp hubby at hiswork place parking lot. When I park this way, it leaves the driveway open, and there was an time I had kids out front using the basketball hoop daily also. Right now, that's out in the street on theone that everyone uses. Maybe things would be different if indeed there was an local city park in our area...but there' s not, so we make do with what's available. As far as th ecops go, I tried to go down the street to take an picture eof Mt. Hood and my daughter in-law met an another rpolicman at my door telling me to erase the camera pictures cause I might of gotten his grandchildren in them....I was taking an picture of Mt. Hood...not the nidghborhood kids. He was an retired policeman and was afraid it would put his grandkids in jeopardy...he apparently knows an lot of thugs...and then there was the time that we had two drunks having sex across the street in their car, thinking they were out in the middle of not where...but all kinds of little kids were walking past them watching them, the police told me that theymost likely would be gone by the time I go tout I went out and knocked on the door...maybe I should of presented her with an condom?...but I didn't I asked her if she knew she was in an residential area with children walking past the car...they got up, he re-adjusted his pants and they decieded to leave. Embarassing I assure you...bedroom acticities should stay in the bedroom and in privacy. Unless it's really hazardous..people living in the area mostl ikely already know about this and don't mind, or something would of been done about it before now. Having kids an people out an about hasn't stopped burgarlaries of my son's ATV, My grandson's bike, My neighbors clothing and bills, and another neighbors hitch off their truck in the past...daytime or night, or the near break-in of another neighbor's garage...he serviced cars for an car company in town before moving out. I'd have to see the car and I have no idea how to use this number your gave to access the picture I guess. I assure that "earth google" gives pictures out onmost neighborshoods down to 3 feet...but fro the most's easier not to go looking fro trouble...across the street and two houses away is an city cop for the town of Troutdale..and his car leaks oil...his personal car. Only bad if you have little kids walking through it an in on your carpeting. One reason why everyone needs an bit of cat littler around.

Im an bit angry anyway..I watched House Hunter's  International, and here's people all over the world moving someplace else and trying to get into an house they can afford, even though it may not be the biggest and best...and here's this ungrateful bimbo from Florida moving to Burgany France an complaining on an house that most people would love to own, just to have an house. I hope she gets shafted for her ungratefulness in ways. She kissed him in the end as if to say that he was doing the paying...let's hope it stays to him......since he finds her so well adequate to live with as to be picky in everything she saw.  It's not as bad I thought as the house that was electric fenced outside of it..on the house siding  in Alaska...because of bears breaking in through the patio ones. People forget at times to count their blessing also.

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