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Good Day "62"

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 10:10 on 5th August 2015

Art Bell was good tonight...someone from your side of the pond called in...they were talking about if the moon landing was "faked"...they think maybe they went there but what the public saw was "faked". I had always heard that they got up there and found an alein moon base on the dark side and got the word not to bother their side of the turf....been many years ago. They said tonight and it was agreed upon... that an non-sheilded camera, the film would of would of beenin 250 degree heat.

We had our neighborhood gathering...both the police and the fire dept showed up, we have them both living in the neighborhood...and they brought their fire truck and played basketball, threw footballs to each other while the rest of us munched and talked away. I made Judy an 1977 Weight watcher's fresh fruit plate with pineapple birds filled with purple grapes and fruit on skewers...I told them since they just announced an all ban state  wide on outside fires of any kind, they didn't get their fruit grilled.... because they caused us all to go on an Paleo diet. They just laughed. How's that for being an true "caveman". 

It's 2 am in the morning..I'm going to later on.

As Pink Floyd says...Anyone out there?

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 13:32 on 6th August 2015
Hi to POEsters and hope you are all well...
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 17:05 on 6th August 2015

No, I'm not wellk Ron...all I'm doing is gaining weight and losing it but never enough do I lose. In short I'm ping ponging back and forth right now..I'm back up again this morning for no reason in particular. all know about the comet coming in mid-Sept...are you preparing for it...... and if so, what are you doing?  Will you by then have stored an couple of cases of bottle water...have blankets on hand and extra food. for starters. This one is 2.5 miles across supposedly.  The last one was 12.5 miles and fell in the Gulf of Mexico off South was an extinction event for much of the planet and they feel what caused the dinasours to instantly die, They have found their remains with grass being chewed when it happened. In short they never knew what happened. If they know it's incoming, I wonder why they have not published its trajectory as of yet would think they would have it by now. Maybe we will be lucky and it will burn up into an pebble before it gets here?....Have an good day.

I expect to maybe lose communicatiosn about tthen also...when we need them the most naturally..laughs*..itsn't that like today's world though...such an expensive computer I have and works quite badly for the most part with the  inabilty to post daily.... and not do as asked.... when I type something in.  No wonder the so called " 5th graders are smarter" these days. Bill gates so called "lemon" has finally arrived.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 20:23 on 6th August 2015
If anybody is interested in what Shirley is referring to see the following:
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 03:44 on 7th August 2015

Thanks Ron, one would think with all they have available, they could give us the trajectory of it's incoming....but yes, most of us over here know about it and have for some time. I would think an good share of it would burn up in space getting here.Word has it in some circles that lasers are ready to fire to try to break it up if it looks to threatening.

Someone in earthboppin in dreams board...just had an dream about Calis, France and asked what was going on over there....and got the reply of people wanting to use the channel tunnel from France to gain entry into the United Kingdom and they won't let them pass. They are beginning to protest it I guess. Something to be aware for terroist actions maybe?

I went outside today to revamp the back yard from not doing anything here lately...I watered for maybe 45 mins and barely did the water go down one inch in mositure. I started upping the front porch for into October today..if there's anything wild going on in Sept it may be me you see on the news handing out chocolate browines. You know cholcolate heals all..... Right! I would normally be getting ready for winter here soon. I noticed all the retail stores are hardly selling much and have thier stock to mid winter quotas. Only thing you can really get are the new little that for bad spelling?...."MUMs"..but there's hardly much out there for sale to replace your " burnt to an crisp" summer time flowers. There's nothing really fancy either in the way of flowers or decor  They have huge pots of what was $29 pots of flowers for $12 as an close out price.Maybe people are working to hard to be creative these days. I'm not quite sure how this Christmas is going to be...ours isn't looking all that good to tellyou the truth...for lack of money mostly.  Once again it may be one's crreativity that get us through it all. I guess I go for feet are still lightly swollen. I've been struggling to maintain my weight through all this also...not losing at all.I go see the doctor this coming Tuesday. I feel like I've been on an tennis ball table and I was the "ping pong" ball  the last three weeks. If it don' t go away, I may have to seek out an nasty joke or so...just to make me laugh or some such.Forget all my woes in life.

Where's James at...trotting about in the world?...somewhere? ...down at the Pub with fish and chips? Is that why we havent' seen "Ruth" here lately...they ran out of "fish" finally. Last we heard she was moving I think... I wonder where she went to. So I go for later on.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:19 on 7th August 2015

Well there you go Ruth, James....Shirley asks where are you?

Have a good day POEsters

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:04 on 8th August 2015

Good Morning to all who are around--had a horrendous journey home last night due to traffic on the M5 and M6 --it took 3 hours to do a journey which uruslly takes 90 mins..

Shirley i have been away since tuesday--visiting -but nice to be back home Smile

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 17:08 on 8th August 2015

Hi to all POEsters and hope you didn't have any hangers on, on the return journey James. lol

And Ruth are you about to comment?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 18:29 on 8th August 2015
Only the wife Ron---all due to an accident on the m5 early eveningFrown
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 04:48 on 9th August 2015

Gesh..what an day...hubby donated us to watch the dogs for our kids...we went out thee last night and worked over the burnt to the crisp flowers again, bringing in new ones in some cases...fertilizing and watering them at the same time. Then I restocked up the containers in the house with crackers/fresh fruit/snacks....and this morning I foun d an mini-donut bought it and 75 dollars worth of donut receipe for all winter long.luding chocolate and the sprinkles to go on it all. Probably enough for 8 batches and each batch majes 2 1/2 dozen of them. It takes 4 mins per ever six donuts. Little house tweeking with stuff and we left. But not withoutan scare earlier with "baily"....whose going on I think over 12 to 14 years of age...she got about half way over the next block and he called me to come get her in the car. So I did, she was tanting like crazy. She's so big and beasty looking foran chcoclate lab andlooks like an solid 100 to 150 pounds of dog now...seh don't move much either these days. WEll, she wouldn' t get out of the car ...or couldn't.... so we left her in it, I wound down the windows half way and put the air conditioner on "Max" ahd she sniffed it for about 15 minutes, then he brought her an little bit water to drink...with an slight push after about half an hour she got up and came through the garage into the into the house an laid under his desk. You have no idea the memories I have of her as an wee puppy sitting there and her heart just pounding like mad in her chest..I think that's why they got her for nothing...she has an heart defect. She would of been an $300 dog otherwise. Anyway I sit there an talked ot her during this time...petted her...neighbors came out as if they knew something was wrong.  On her way home she kept licking my hand and kissing my hand before getting out and going into her house and was happy the last time I saw her before we left... in the kid's bedroom...her space in their house. Like she was gratetful of the help..and I'll see it to she does no more walking over here for excerise.  It sacred me though today..had she collpased there's no way we could of picked her up as she's one big heavy  beasty type dog...Chocolate brown Labador.

Clouds coming in and I so wish it would indeed leave us with soe rain showers...I picked off dead leaves galore from the kid's rose bushes that were dead and the edges of even my 20 foot dogwood tree is burnt around it's leaves...we bought them an blue evergreen looks an light ash color, not the usual like an Colorado Blue-Spruce evergreen bush...the weather has about done us all in this summer so far. If it is cooler we have this drying ungodly "wind" with it that dries things out faster then you can water it. They can' twater where they live due to having an community well..they have to conserve it in dry summers. So we could use some rain..we have had less then an inch in the last two months. WE have been brealking records on heat and dry and lack of rain over all.

Anyway, today is Saturday and due to doggie sitting, it feels like an Sunday to me. So I guess I go an enjoy the vening and call out to the kid's house and see if they got home as later on.


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