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Good Day "62"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:44 on 1st September 2015
Good Morning to all who are knocking about--ave a nice daySmile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 10:12 on 1st September 2015

Morning/afternoon to all, enjoy the day.

St Giles Fair is coming to Oxford soon, then Halloween, Firework Night and hey....Christmas about 115 days away, so where did that year go?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:41 on 1st September 2015

Looks like you are gonna be busy Ronald.

I have had a nice day out to-day on my own for a change i have been to Widnes

visiting some relatives had a good chat about old times.Smile

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 07:32 on 2nd September 2015

I came in the other day an my post dissappeared...where it went I know not where, but I was busy so I went back to that I was working out the other half of the garage from this summer.  It's going to be an craft work spot for doing different crafts....sewing etc. Talking Chrismas, as this year it's the week before trip to the coast for the family...bought each grandson tonight an metal detector for finding lost items, like pitate treasure, jewerly..what not else. Other then that I've been everyother day giving stuff for donations to be recycled  Right now I'm listening to Art Bell, he's doing ghost messages and recordings(EVP"s) One of the ladies said she was with "God"...hum....  So I guess I better get going. Our rain downpour was three 10 minute sessions...very brief. Grass is stil primarily deadand in need of an lot of help.. Wind di dan number of my flowers out front, the tall ones bent over and had to be cut where they bent...nice fresh flowers though.  I'll come in an day or so when I get things under control better..have an good day and all.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:09 on 2nd September 2015
Good Morning allSmile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:06 on 3rd September 2015
Hi to all POEsters, have a great day my friends...
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:16 on 3rd September 2015
Hi all--have a nice day -----especially on the PlainsWink
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:57 on 3rd September 2015

Heollo...and trip to the ordothodonist today gives me an day off on the garage.

I was reading about the tribe of "Benjamin" and apparently some people have them associated with "Shephardic Jews" going to Spain in the past.  I can see some simliarities to them, they almost died out due to their warlike stance in reputation in the middle east...but they were blessed by Moses, and aligned with David, produced two Kings and many great says they "take the spoils" and then divide them fairly though... amoung others. Many Native American DNA is coming out they started our as "Shepardic Jews" also....they call them "medgeons"... Benjamin as one of the  "lost Tribes" of the Jews, came from the youngest son. He his extremely faithful, when as asked to cross the "Red Sea"...while others held tight on the banks, he jumped right in cause his faith was that firm in "God's protection"...he later lived with his brother David. He was accused of taking David's silver cup one time and said he did not, but his other brothers were ready to condem him, when David said he conjured the whole thing up so see what his borthers would do..because as you know they all sold David to the Egyptians. He wanted to see amoung hisi borthers whom were so readily sold him into to Salvery....and accusing him and wanting to rid themselves of his prescence.....and fo course he became "King David" in his time. One reason perhaps he took Benamin with he knew he told the truth...that he did not really take something belonging to another.

Been staying up late listening to Art Bell and having an time getting to sleep there after...he talked to Peter Davenport last night...director of the UFO ccenter. He said that Tom Houser..over in "coasttocoast" had an bead heart attack and is in the hopstial with heart attacke. He was always an likeable guy...and askedus all to pray for his recovery. Not sure I spelled his last name correctly..but I know whom he is talking about. My right side of ear is bothering me today and we had an hail storm come through yesterday...I'm gald I was not at "Red Sunset" I was on my way to an store and noticed the cloud was acting much  like an tornado cloud...wanted to dip down an bit...then go tin the parking lot and I thought these two guys were going to leave, and I'd take theri parking spot, and they were in the process of telling me no, so I backed up and there was an carbehind me...what's with this thing lately of cars not keeping thier distance in parking lots to afford an few inches of space?..anyway, having be stopped, it didn't take me much to note I lightly bumped the guy, but no damage to either car. People need to know to keep some reasonable amount of distance coming up on an parked car..I woukld assume the guy thought maybe he could take th eparking spot if I didn't but but then again. The two guys I was talking to took off in an hurry into Chase Bank. Myabe ti was rigged to cause problems also? People do that these days. Sincerley hope not. 

The garage is just about done, maybe by the end of the weekend?...then I can start adding my Art supplies from around the house here, books and such. I go for now an talk later on. Have an good Day everyone...where are they?

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 12:45 on 4th September 2015
Good Morning to allSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:23 on 4th September 2015

Good morning James...I ate my lunch for breakfast, so I can get to work today, it's an three day weekend over here due to Labor Day weekend.

I heard on the radio last night the report of someone going around and wiping out the abilty of anyone to cerrespond in the internet through emails, web sites, sounds an lot like what I have been putting up with for years now. Is that where all the people in POE went?  Maybe we should check out facebook and twitter these days, as it sounded like the wasthe control medium of this outcome. Which would make it an Government thing going on, as everyone is aware the FBI monitors those web site...kind of like mild brainwashing going on. I say that becausean local weather channel posted my grandson's facebook page in it's media at the bottom of their page of weather pictures one time. Thier blogs are well watched by their mother also... and what's said in them. She still had it removed off their web site to the public in general. Anyway...I understand that if your in an web site that has had no one posted in it for two days that it's got an problem and has been maliciously "controlled" by whom ever is doing this. They apparently aren't after anything other then "contolling" going on.  Lack of communication by certain people hogging up air space of others....perhaps the "Whore of Babylon" Ben Laden mentioned before 911 going on? ...when he said she had infiltrated the USA. I thought at the time if was over the "riches" of our country...I don't think so now...I think he was talking of "spirit" finding an way to enter our time dimension and carry on thier work they were deemed to be known for when in life. Immortals..until God gets his hand on them. Your King Henry VIII who must of had it done to him also...they use "carriers" by way of real people.Her consort would be Satan...and this Catholic Excorist on Art Bell's show recently said that he uses "Opression" of others to  kind of "buy their souls".He would need an gal like enhance the oppression toward others even more I can see where her help would of opened up the door from King Harrod...jumping over  "John the Bsptist" and assuming the apostle"James"...since James was the number one Masonic Temple ritual of the "Occult" in starting the journey toward an oness with God...something he's been after ever since day one of his falling from grace. I believe that is what this guy does, he skips in and out of the spirit of other people....God can also, but he does it differently...he gives help and speaks of individual freedom. King Henry VIII was just another medium he used for his "Oppression" of others. One thing is for sure...he all but liked to elminate the churches back then...particularly the Catholic one. Whom themselves had control issues going on from within also...and an kind of shakey start from the crucification of Jesus. I coukld write an book about this in I follow what's going on through the era's.  He will always make himself look like an follwer of good faith to do his oppresion of others also...and of following the true church of God...not the fake one made for mankind's fall.I go for I've much left to work on this weekend in general... I feel autumn coming on strong now.  

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