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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 23:34 on 1st May 2016

I don' tknow about over there...but over here they have closed down an lot of photgraphy stores due the economyin the past several years....and I think people are maybe sharing them in sites made for photot's and palces like I agree, the experimnetation even in that web site for takign pictures has dwindled down anan lot since say 5 years ago.  Guess everyone is working more these days. Good to see you two guys back in here though telling us how you feel abu tthings, because it's th eonly way to change things is by the comments said in the forum. I loved james pictures of his yard he sent to me one year....inspiring to say the least.

I got caught up in finishing this book last night an read up until 5 was an murder mystery.....and left m e in such anxiety in general, I'm done in  the mystery books for an while. Private James an book about an private investigation organization.....whcih is an Globbal wide outift. It has so much real life to this book that it makes me ashame of what the world has come to....9 year's screaming from an drug Lord having his pleasure with the little girl, later she will have her jaw shot off her face as they get into an gun battle in an dance club. It's an book about an number of murders and linking the people killed to find the killer...who strangles them with an yellow scarf and ties little trinkets to their hands....leaving them "clues" takes half the book before they figure out what that is all about....but as you learn abou teach of th epeople murdered you get an real gritty story of their lives also. In the end...each of them had done simething to the murderer in thier day and why he was killing them...which turns out an surprise also.  It is in every sense an "adult" book to be reconged with and not at any point is there any romance in the thing or light heartedness.  At times is more "Crass" then anything. So i got only 5 hours of sleep since last night an trying to make up for it and I've never been an day sleeper but maybe for an very short nap.  

Spent the better part of yesterday getting flowers for this year and today...patio cushions.. for Mother' s Day out at the kid's son I guess was working some where today...or with someone.  They were replacing some car parts yesterday I noticed for someone.  Leg si not in screaming pain like it was this time last week, but it's stil farfrom normal in ways....least I's achey feeling even yet. So I better go and hope I get caught up in my sleeping tonight and peacefully. it took me hours to recuperate from finishing off this somewhat gory book in ways. Don' task me about the fight to survive they have in an open pit of corpses..... they are never buried in this city fo rlack of family to do it... and it's vultures that feed on the carcasses of humans. Yuck!..... Talk to you all later on....

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 07:06 on 2nd May 2016

Nowadays people seem to get bored quickly Shirley and unless you have somebody keeping things one step ahead all the time then I guess there will be a natural decline in whatever is being offered, until that is somebody realizes that the service is about to disappear and then of course there is the usual hue and cry, but sometimes support to bolster whatever it is that is they want to save.

POE site owners C&S are working parents, have children and a home to look after and who don't have the resources required to do what they would like to do on the site so they continue to nibble away as best they can with ever increasing hosting costs. After 15 years of existence, yes has been around that long I think what it really needs is an investor, somebody with money that could take the site to the next level, because I personally see many excellent opportunities to make a lot of money (given that cash was no problem). One can hope I guess, but if you think you might be the potential investor please make sure you contact C&S for discussion and become the hero of the day for more than 17,000 members, which again with minimal tweaking would grow massively. One can dream I guess...

Okay, my opinion in print so what do you think members, what do C&S need to do to revitalise the POE site, what would you add, or take away for that matter and are you that special person?


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Rod BurkeyPremier Member - Click for more info
Rod Burkey
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quotePosted at 09:11 on 2nd May 2016

I suppose the worst thing that can happen to any site is indifference of the viewers and users and stagnation by the site. Pictures Of England was a good site for people to look at quality images of England. The forums were more vibrant and the pictures maintained an acceptable quality. Sadly now, the forums are fed by a declining few and new topics get little response. Photographicall, the number of people submitting images has sharply fallen and I could name quite a few contributors who have ceased to send images over the last year or more. Maybe it's all a sign of the times with social media sites offering everyone and his dog the chance to gossip and state the blindingly obvious.

I don't know why the forums here have gone stale. I do think that the pictures are now sub standard in the main. It would be better to showcase only good strong pictures of England rather than just everything that is submitted. Sub standard pictures are not a good start to a new viewer. Some serious weeding out is needed. Quality control is the key. I realise that this requires time and effort but quality always tells in any market.

I think I've said enough now. My thoughts are entirely mine and expressed out of genuine concern. 


Edited by: Rod Burkey at:2nd May 2016 12:17
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 20:10 on 2nd May 2016

*The only thing I see different here as in the past is that there were more women posting in the past...and those men  we had were an wide range of all styles of lifestyles, airplanes, cars  and boats...sports.... with various hobbies they would discuss. We also had people that sent out post cards asking people where they were at if we missed them in the web site for very long also. It is perhaps the kicker in saying that when Kathryn left, so did many of the other women also. When Sue left, her photgraphs were not availbale any more...but her problem was an cancer illness and chemotherapy treatments.But this is not to say that they didn't go over to Facebook also...and back then we did not have access to Facebook here... like we do now.  I probably do talk more now in posting then I did back then...hoping people get to know me I guess and what I am doing daily. An forum is what people make of it.  No one can tell another what they should or should not's up to them.

This morning I woke up to an room of guys in black outfits from the middle east on TV... saying "Death to Americans"....if that time ever comes....whom will they blame for all their  troubles then? I did not know an single guy in that room, had never met any of them and I wonder whey they want me dead because I've simply don't  tknow who they are either. I as far as I'm concerned.... feel I don't affect any thing they do over in their own country. I am not military...I have no money but what to live I have no influence there either....and I generally do not go around seeing to it people hate me does that mean they are enjoying the terrible pain I am in this morning from this strained Leg muscle...I don' tknow. I hope not. I can not now hold down by blood glucose readings without getting more excerise.  I left the normal range this morning.  I am excessively hungry also trying to bring it down on the diet alone.  Possible thunderstorms this late afternoon...most likely won't help matters either.

I am looking at my neighbor's little trailer they bought on tiny nations just an bit ago, but the people were an bit bigger and could not even have enough room full length laying in the bed area. So I last left them headed for an slightly bigger tiny home. I do like there' s though, they never got their tiny trailer to live full time. She added an full length outside canopy also...and mmicrowave inside....and she told me then it was geared for just them as an bedroom and bathroom mainly with just an small 2 person eating area and not full sized appliances...but she felt at the time any place they went they would be able to sit outside around an campfire, under the canopy.. and talk with other people most likely. they pull this with an older van...which also can carry extra's for them, like tent an coolers  small propane BBQ as well....additionbal clothing.   In an group setting they could probably rent an cottage and share the rental fee's for that if they wanted more room...but they would always have thier bedroom and bathroom with them if the needs be.

Today I go an have my hearing tested...leave in about 2 I guess I best get going for now as I have some things to attened to like, dinner when we get back..have an good day everyone!. 



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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 06:52 on 3rd May 2016
Morning/afternoon to all POEsters...
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James Prescott
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quotePosted at 09:02 on 3rd May 2016
Good Morning to all Smile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 09:34 on 3rd May 2016

Long evening tonight with "Dancing with the stars"......OK...still not done with my ear problem...I can't seem to find anyone to clean my ears out....they want me to go to an ear, nose and throat specialist. She tells me at the clinc place that she can see two lumps of what she thinks is wax in the left ear completely closing it up and one in the right ear, but she can see the ear drum behind it.  I tired to get te emergency hospital the other day clean them and they said...that's another problem...let' swork on one at a time. They gave me an mae nurse to talk to tonight in California...Health net.  He tells me that when I asked this question....why do I not need an hearing device to listen on an telephone and why can I hear with I use an simple amphilier device...and if I shut it off...or not talking an an phone..I'm about as deaf as can get...but and then some hearing comes back.  He toldl me thatsounds travel in the air...are changed in the ear to vibrations...and goes to the brain... where they come out as what we hear as "words"....but there are other ways to get air into the body....and when for instance that's picked up...the skull can act as an hearing bone also...and transmute the vibrations to the brain rather then the ear bone..and an person can hear...most the time not as good as it being done through the ear...but still done just the same. My hubby said well, thinking it over...when you can hear is when you have something pressed in or against your ear...could it be the sound is focused by doing that...but the gal says no...the nurse says yes, if the soundis being picked up by the skull and sent to the brain as vibration... to be heard as words. So, I asked him over an week ago (doctor) to refer me to an specilist and he didn' we go back at it tomarrow again. The male nurse also told me that my strained leg muscel woudl take 10 days to 3 weeks to heal. I'm into my third week now.He said to honor the healing time also...and not try to excerise on the leg. I aske dhim if th eleg problem could be the mentmorphin as it's one of it's side effects...he said to give it the 3 weeks and after that if it still persits to go back and see my doctor. WE talked about several things tonight...he seemed very knowledgable.  Reminded me that they are there...24 hours and 7 days an week if I had any more questions. Blood glucose was higher tonight thenit was this morning even. I'm up now and think I'll retest it again here pretty soon see if it's coming down nice that would be. So I guess I shoudl go take care of that one I suppose, I'm getting my nights mixed up with my days as of late. Only one thing an person can count on these days....the kitty cat that picked you out at the animal shelter instead fo vice versa...still wants to sleep by you...complete wiht an few kisses until he makes himself comfortable. We have quality time talking to each other...I just know he understands everything I say. he's always been protective also. So I guess I best get going for's after 1;30 am here.

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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:02 on 4th May 2016

Ear wax? Could be time to get the bicycle pump out Shirley! lol

Hi to all POEsters

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 11:22 on 4th May 2016
Good Morning to all who are looking inSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 20:26 on 4th May 2016

Yes, I'm about ready to forget it for an while Ron...I guess I will have to use my aphifer until ti stops working and that again may be soon...but any rate I don't see how I can get it fixed in time for sissy's graduation.

Ok, Ron, I understand how C and S feel with the high costs constantly rising...we just got our voting ballots with big letters on the outside of for an tax increase this sure to open and read. Our services for about everything has to be self-earning in anyway possible....that means our Govt services have to do things like the fire company cut/trim down trees in between fighting fires...and the Park system offer trees/plants for sale to boost profits and perhaps Chris and Sarah can sell tickets for an raffle to come to England?....our Elks lodge use to do thier fund raisers that time they even gave away an classic car...and you buy as many tickets as you wanted for about one dollar. You might find an investor...Donald Trump is coming to town this Friday...Eugene anyway... and Ive noticed before that Sarah Palin has went there days before for fund raising her poltical ambitions. I will think about this for an while....but in the meantime...

Canada has an Fire raging taking out 80,000 people in evacuations today and they greatly need some help in my estimation..I don' tknow if they can ask for international fire fighting help or not.  Last I heard it's burnt nearly 1600 structures. Guess what they are blaming...the high warm winds blowing. Further north you go the less you need in an semi-desert weather situation going on. Canada is known for it's cooler temps and rain patterns....and it's massive forrests.

I'm really working on my diet to make up for not walking, today so far is the first day I have not had to down th epain tablets. Stuff is getting behind around here while I am "off my feet"" so as to say. I see my cat roaming around on the roof so I better go and see if she wants in for some reason...have an good day!...ants are in th ehouse really badly today also crawling on my counters...which I detest.  

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