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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 22:18 on 19th August 2008
My  Nikon D3 shoots TIFF's---if you don't mind file sizes of around 38 megs right from the camera. Doesn't seem much point for every day use where Jpegs are more than adequate.
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 11:40 on 20th August 2008

If you have the disk space, then saving  the raw files intact is not a bad idea. As I said earlier, it really depends on what you will be doing with the photos after. If you are only ever going to print small prints, ie A4 or smaller, or post on the internet jpgs are fine, but being a lossy save system, every time you do any work on them, data is dumped when saving. This is due to compression. To maintain detail, you must make sure that comression is turned off when saving. The only drawback to this being that the files get bigger each time you save. Tiff's are a lossless system hence the large files.

If you want your photos published, most publishers require photo files over 25 meg in size.  They have the same problem of loss of detail in the printing stage. So Pauls 38 meg files would be ideal. Tiffs seem to be the order of the day for publishing.

I hope that this is clearer than mud. Lol

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Tony Tooth
Tony Tooth
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quotePosted at 10:16 on 12th October 2008

I only use RAW format on my Olympus DSLR. Software provided free with the camera then enables one to make adjustments in particular to the colour temperature, which is not readily achieved in other ways. The RAW format is then converted into JPG or BMP - but I never use JPG; it results in a (to me) unacceptable deterioration of image quality by introducing halos and aliases, whereas BMP is lossless. Image quality is more important than disk-space, to me. The only time I produce JPGs is to upload to this site.

The other reason I use BMP is that I've written a fair amount of my own s/w to do strange things you will not find in commercially available packages. It's MUCH easier and quicker to make changes in BMP than JPG - not least because you have to make a BMP out of a JPG to do work on it before putting it back into JPG format. [Technically, JPG is a matrix of Fourier coefficients, not pixels. On screen you always only ever see a BMP representation of a JPG. You never see the JPG itself. Its appearance would bear no relation to the picture it encodes.] 

Some of my BMP manipulation s/w is runnable from my website:



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quotePosted at 14:57 on 12th October 2008
This is way over my head lol I just use a digi camera that does everything automatically, if I had to change all the settings manually I reckon the subject would have scarpered before i'd taken the photo LOL  The photos I put in here are as they are taken, original. I could easily edit them on my PC but I don't, as I don't think they are the original photos then. If that makes sense??Undecided
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Mike Allmey
Mike Allmey
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quotePosted at 17:16 on 12th October 2008

It makes perfect sense Lyn. For this site, a jpeg is of more than adequate quality, and is the default file type for (almost) all cameras, as all PCs can open them. The need for RAW files only becomes an issue if you're serously into getting your images printed.

If the RAW issue isn't something you've worried about before - don't worry about it now!

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Sue H
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quotePosted at 17:26 on 12th October 2008
On 12th October 2008 10:16, Tony Tooth wrote:

I only use RAW format on my Olympus DSLR. Software provided free with the camera then enables one to make adjustments in particular to the colour temperature, which is not readily achieved in other ways. The RAW format is then converted into JPG or BMP - but I never use JPG; it results in a (to me) unacceptable deterioration of image quality by introducing halos and aliases, whereas BMP is lossless. Image quality is more important than disk-space, to me. The only time I produce JPGs is to upload to this site.

The other reason I use BMP is that I've written a fair amount of my own s/w to do strange things you will not find in commercially available packages. It's MUCH easier and quicker to make changes in BMP than JPG - not least because you have to make a BMP out of a JPG to do work on it before putting it back into JPG format. [Technically, JPG is a matrix of Fourier coefficients, not pixels. On screen you always only ever see a BMP representation of a JPG. You never see the JPG itself. Its appearance would bear no relation to the picture it encodes.] 

Some of my BMP manipulation s/w is runnable from my website:

I so admire your pictures Tony, especially as you are obviously from around my stomping grounds.

I am hoping to be able to grasp the technical jargon one day, when I've completed the college course I am taking now, I will take a photography course.

It's great to see you post here on the forum.

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Denzil Tregallion
Denzil Tregallion
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quotePosted at 11:30 on 13th October 2008
is this that sushi thraed then@?
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 20:21 on 13th October 2008

LOL @ Denzil.  Wink


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quotePosted at 08:27 on 26th October 2008
On 19th August 2008 22:18, Paul Hilton wrote:
My  Nikon D3 shoots TIFF's---if you don't mind file sizes of around 38 megs right from the camera. Doesn't seem much point for every day use where Jpegs are more than adequate.

Which possession of Tiff's do you shoot?Tongue out

Edited by: Stephen at:26th October 2008 08:28
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 14:17 on 26th October 2008
Don't understand your question Stephen. But, as you copied, I don't shoot TIFF's on the D3 ( nor on the D1 which doesn't offer Jpegs ), but if I did want TIFF's,  I'd do them from the RAW conversion.
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