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Brian Arlow
Brian Arlow
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quotePosted at 19:40 on 26th March 2008
i would like your thoughts about shooting raw images or how many of us use this ,  and what photo suite you think is the best  isuppose it can come down to what camera we use i got a pretty good suite with my canon 400d  but i mainly use paint shop pro so lets have some response to this folks
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 00:45 on 27th March 2008
I think it depends on what you will do with the photo's Brian. If you only ever keep them on your computer, jpg,s will do or if you only print them to 5x6, then jpg,s are ok. If you want to print them bigger than A4 then use raw. I use Raw Shooter for raw conversion and, after tweeking them in there, I go to my main photo suite. For the most part I use jpg,s, I dont print many photo's up larger than A4 size. I use Serif Photo plus x2 for work on the photo's. Its as good as Photo Shop, but a lot cheaper.
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 00:48 on 27th March 2008
By the way, I use photo Zoom pro 2, to resize photo's and convert to tiff files. Only trouble is, being lossless saves, the files get really big, 25 to 50 megs per photo.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 00:22 on 6th April 2008

I invariably shoot RAW + Jpeg--- RAW 100% of the time with landscapes and weddings---with the Nikon D3 dual cards set to RAW to one, and Jpegs to the other.  It'll also shoot TIFF's but at 36 megs per pic, I don't shoot those!  Software 99% of the time is Photoshop CS 3 Ext. and used PS for years, along with Paint Shop Pro too.  The D3 came with a free copy of Capture NX I can't get along with.  Phase One's Capture One LE  ( free) isn't a bad RAW converter too.   Another very useful free photo tool is Google's Picasa which catalogues your images and will find them in an instant---out of my 12,000-odd for example---and it's editting isn't bad at all for jpegs a free offering from Google, to boot.  Jpegs from my EOS 30D, Nikon's D200, D3, D70s print to A3 very nicely too on the Epson 2100.

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Len Philpot
Len Philpot
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quotePosted at 21:31 on 10th April 2008

Another very handy utility is the FastStone image viewer. It will read Canon CR2 raw files, as well as many others. There are many handy little features under the skin that makes it a very nice "dispatcher" for all of my graphical tasks. About the only thing it lacks is being able to to read PSP and GIMP native files.

If you end up with many significantly over or under exposed shots (and don't we all :-), then the 16-bit color channels of Paint Shop Pro and Photoshop will help since they allow more adjustment (stretching of histograms, etc.) without posterizing than programs with only 8-bit color channels. Same is true for file formats - 16-it TIFFs will absorb more battle damage without showing it than 8-bit JPGs. However, you have to push things pretty hard to see the difference and a typical TIFF from my 8mp 350D is about 45MB, whereas a JPG is around 7MB.

Personally, right now I use FastStone, Capture One LE and Paint Shop Pro X2. I also use the GIMP 2.4.x as well from time to time. One of these days I'll finally spring the $$$ (oops! £££ here :-) for Photoshop I guess.

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quotePosted at 17:48 on 30th May 2008
Photos doesn't need an apostrophe, it is a plural. thank you.
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 19:47 on 30th May 2008

Hi Stephen:

I checked out your photos - doesn't look like there are very many places in England you haven't visited.  Thanks for sharing all your photos here.  I especially like the ones from Salisbury Cathedral and York Minster. 

I think the spelling correction was meant for you, Peter.

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 20:49 on 30th May 2008
As I see it, as photo's is short for photographs, then it needs an apostrophe. If I am wrong, there are more polite ways of informing me. Thank you.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:59 on 2nd June 2008
And Peter, I absolutely agree with you! We have a great deal of fun here in the forum and the last thing we need is some smart a..e coming on too strong re spelling mistakes and grammar, when in fact it matters not! I am the first to take the p..s re mistakes of any kind, but I honestly don't believe any one of us really cares, so keep doing what you do best Peter that is, entertaining us and providing the lovely pics that you do! Thank you!!
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Ray Stear
Ray Stear
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quotePosted at 20:04 on 2nd June 2008

Bravo Peter and Ron. Couldn't put it better.

Ray S. 

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