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New Desk Top PC

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Craig Breakey
Craig Breakey
Posts: 268
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quotePosted at 18:39 on 21st November 2008
Hello,At the moment I Sony Viao Laptop for editing my photo's. And im thinking of just getting a desk top pc with a larger Monitor just for my photography. But its the Base Unit im not sure about, like which Processor,Graphics,Memory,how big a Hard Drive. could any one help please as the wife does not normally get in her Thankyou Craig.Cool
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quotePosted at 20:05 on 21st November 2008
Hi Craig, welcome to POE and dont expect an answer from me, all I do is use my pc, I'm not into technical things like that lol Laughing
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 00:07 on 22nd November 2008

Hi Craig. You wont need a costly graphics card for game playing but a Pentium dual core prossesor< ( 3 or 4mhz speed) with an 800mhz front side bus is usefull. 4 megabites of internal memory would be nice. I have a 500 gig  and 160 gig hard drive internal. And a 320 gig external. I back up all my photos on the external drive and then turn it off. If my computer blows up, then all my photos are safe. I have Windows XP backed up on my second internal drive, so if my main drive goes down, I can swap them over and carry on.

The actual size of you hard drive depends on how large your photo files will be, but the bigger the drive the more photos you can store. You will probably get a lot of different answeres as everybody's needs are different. But the faster the prossesor, memory and front side buss, the faster your pc can deal with resizing your photos and all the conversions.  All this sounds expensive, but the price of PCs has dropped so fast that you can get all that lot quite cheaply now.

Ooh Ive got a headache now. Lol

Edited by: Peter Evans at:22nd November 2008 00:10
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Craig Breakey
Craig Breakey
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quotePosted at 06:12 on 22nd November 2008
Hi Peter, Thankyou that has really helped. CraigCool
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:54 on 22nd November 2008
Peter, to the rescue and beyond!! Well advised again Peter.
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