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political (in) correctness.

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Vera Howarth
Vera Howarth
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quotePosted at 14:32 on 4th January 2010

we have returned from a wonderful New Years break in Oxfordshire.

We stayed in a lovely old pub/hotel 8 miles out of Oxford town.

During the day we went into Oxford, whuch I don't need to say ,but will, is a lovely and unique English town.

We spent a couple of hours in the Ashmolean museum ,and in the main was most enjoyable.

My favourite exhibit was the Guy Fawkes Lantern, the one he ,reputedly used in the cellars of Parliament.

One blot on the landscape though, which I found insulting and downright nasty- UNCOOL BRITANNIA.This piece described Britannia poorly and insultingly as a devisive symbol as Britains  imperialist past.Devisive to who,we may ask? certainly not to the british race ,and we do have a right to our heritage ,without insult or negation merely to appease some small sections of society.

It is what Britannia means to the Brirish people that matters and I for one liked her.

She was posed for by Frances Stewart ,a mistress of Charles II, and has graced us since.

For the Ashmolean to spout this rubbish is I find an addition to devisivness.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 14:42 on 4th January 2010
I agree with everything you say here Vera although I haven't been into the Ashmolean since the refurbishment. Maybe a letter to the Curator would be a good idea, tell him that POE are onto it with millions of visitors looking in. They might want to reconsider their words!
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:17 on 4th January 2010

I'm looking forward to going back to the Ashmolean on my next visit home.

I am sorry to hear about there treatment of Britannia though. I will say something when I am there (never one to keep my mouth shut, you know).

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Vera Howarth
Vera Howarth
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quotePosted at 13:05 on 6th January 2010
thanks for your support-I should have said something myself Sue, but I am in complaining fatigue at the moment.It is however my intention to email the director.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 13:29 on 6th January 2010
Bravo Vera!
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