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Is it really OK for other sites to use pictures from POE?

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quotePosted at 13:02 on 6th February 2010
On my never-ending search for those elusive photo places under another forum threat, I have hunted through many, many sites and came across one that appears to be using POE pictures without any credits to POE or links to POE site, that I could find.  While the photos are downloading (which takes forever) you can watch the various names of sites scrolling through at the bottom left of the screen, so it is not only POE photos being used but lots of aerial photos and other site photos. Is this in fact legal?  Should there not be some sort of credit shown to the POE site?  Some of the photos are "watermarked" so you can see where they came from, but we don't do that with ours.  If it is OK to pinch photos from other sites would it not be worth asking them to add a link to POE and enlarge the numbers brought to this site?  The site in question is:  Apologies to said site if permission was sought.
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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 14:07 on 6th February 2010
Who's photos are they using Cathy?    My photos are on other sites, but then, they are my photos, so i use them where i want to. The problem is, if they are using peoples photos off here without permission from the person that took the photos. The copyright belongs to the photographer.
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Jason T
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quotePosted at 14:21 on 6th February 2010
Hey i've just checked this out Cathy!  your right!  its not so much a PoE issue, as an issue for the photographers, whos photos they are pinching! it looks like someone else will have put them on the site. But not asking the photographer is a no no!   theres some of mine on there!  i wouldn't mind if , like you say, they'd link back to me! but they don't, infering the photo is theirs!  fortunately my photos aren't big enough to really do anything with, i only post low quality images online, but thanks for the tip off!!
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Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:29 on 6th February 2010

Very observant of you, Cathy.

I must go and check out the site. Getting permissions from the us personally would be the the polite thing to do, but how many people in this world care about such things now adays?

Nobody is going to get rich off my try at photography, but a nod is certainly good manners.

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 15:31 on 6th February 2010

Yep----and 5 of mine are on there, interestingly using Poe's picture numbers, but certainly no creditation to anyone.  Their member Robhood on 26 Nov 09 has been busy posting several here.....

You'll find my pictures he's posted under Watership Down, The Lee,Little Haseley, Warborough, and Long Crendon here on Poe.

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Sue H
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quotePosted at 15:36 on 6th February 2010

Oh yes, a slew of pictures from POE.

The other ones are stunning too. Whoever posted them a a great eye for picking wonderful pictures.

Again, you're to be commended for your observation Cathy.

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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:49 on 6th February 2010
Thanks Cathy ML for alerting Chris and Sarah to this, they will be looking at it, if indeed they haven't already!
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quotePosted at 15:49 on 6th February 2010
If you say that your permission hasn't been sought or given, and I am presuming that POE wouldn't have given this either, can anything be done about this person using your pictures without it?
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Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 15:59 on 6th February 2010
It's certainly not alright CathyML. Chris and/or Sarah have not agreed to it and never would. I respectfully suggest you wait for a statement from POE unless of course you choose to take action individually, because it appears your pictures are being used without your permission, definitely not on!
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Peggy Cannell
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quotePosted at 16:00 on 6th February 2010
Yes some of mine are there also, I do not think Chris and Sarah would have given permission without a mention to POE and also the photographer.
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