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Favourite Picture 6

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 16:36 on 6th July 2010

This picture reminds me of the time I was in a Pub in Tintern and overheard some visitors discussing why they had not stopped at the Abbey. One said " Well it hadn't even got a roof "

Regards, Patrick.

Patrick: Your post reminded me of a conversation that I happened to overhear between a mother and her young daughter when I was visiting the ruined and roofless remains of Glastonbury Abbey in the Fall of 2006. The little girl looked up through the ruins to the open sky and very earnestly said the following: "Did the monks get wet when it rained? Is that why they left? They really should have fixed that roof and then they might have stayed." It was at once so unexpected, so amusing and so touching that I have never forgotten it! Ah, the concrete wisdom of a child!

Glastonbury Abbey, Fall 2006
Picture by Rob Faleer

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Shaun Wilson
Shaun Wilson
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quotePosted at 22:01 on 6th July 2010

this is one of my  favourites you can see what it is but the photo says so much if you know what i mean,

is it me or am i getting too arty lol anyway its a Wonderful picture



Picture by chris humphries


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quotePosted at 21:13 on 8th July 2010

The textures on the elephant are wonderful Shaun.

I think this photo of Nick's from today has the loveliest colouring


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 01:27 on 9th July 2010
Nick's pictures are invariably eye catching. If this one was cropped a bit below the grass in the gateway, i think it adds a lot more to it and has a pleasing 5 x 4 ratio to print from too. Nick also always pays a lot of attention to his skies for a nice finishing touch to whatever his subject is.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:9th July 2010 01:30
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quotePosted at 08:14 on 9th July 2010
I am not sure that I would agree with you on that Paul, I really like that I feel that I am walking up to the gate because of the foreground. If it is cropped at the bottom of the grass, the feeling changes and I'm already standing at the gate and the "distance" created in the picture lessens.  Keeping the darker foreground also works with the darker sky at the top increasing the perspective and leading the eye into the distance to the lighter horizon.  Just my personal opinion.
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quotePosted at 19:39 on 14th July 2010
I love this rainy photo from today - typically English, lol
All Saints Church
Picture by gary watkins

Great pic, Gary
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Patrick Van Calck
Patrick Van Calck
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quotePosted at 08:18 on 15th July 2010
that's a beauty !
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quotePosted at 08:22 on 15th July 2010
Patrick has submitted this great pic, check it out full size.  Caught the sky just at the right moment I think
Wind in the Willow.
Picture by Patrick Hogan

I can really feel the storm on its way - the silvery tree blown by the wind adding to the whole expectant atmosphere
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quotePosted at 17:22 on 15th July 2010
Oh Sarah yes, is there anyone who couldn't love this??
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quotePosted at 19:18 on 15th July 2010
This one is totally awesome!!
Halton Castle
Picture by Rod Burkey

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