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Posted at 06:48 on 21st October 2010
Does anyone agree or disagree, needing input here folks, please!
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Posted at 06:59 on 21st October 2010
Have a look at these two, again furrows because it makes the point so well about leading/drawing the eye into the picture to a point of interest (focal point).

The field, Kirkham, North Yorkshire
Picture by Andy Edwards

Edited by: cathyml at:21st October 2010 18:52
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Posted at 09:56 on 21st October 2010
Hi Cath, I think Nick's image has been 'photshoped' to add 'drama' to the picture, were as Andy's hasnt and IMO appears 'flat' in comparison. nothing 'wrong' with any of them though.  (Mike)
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Posted at 10:02 on 21st October 2010
Looking at the pics again, Nicks makes you want to 'jump into' and get to the otherside of the field to see whsts in the wood. Andys appears cold and uninviting and the lateral lines in the foreground form a barrier, wanting you to move along.
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Posted at 15:37 on 21st October 2010
On 8th October 2010 22:07, cathyml wrote:
From an artist's viewpoint this pic works:-
Clifton, South Yorkshire
Picture by Mick Carver
"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" is a well know phrase. But for some pictures there is more. The subject, the color, the balance.  Lots of people put an ‘eyecatcher’ in the middle of the picture., but putting it out of the centre gives a much better result.. In art the used to work with the ‘Golden Section’ or ‘Golden Ratio’. A Mathematic way of devide a object (painting) in a perfect way. With the picture above from Mick carter you can do a similar trick. Divide the picture in four equal parts.

Draw Lines from left top corner  to right bottom corner, next line right site corner to middle bottom and last line from left bottom corner to middle right. Were the three Lines cross is a focal point. You will notice that the tree is very near this point.


Somehow our brain is unintentional directed to this kind of points and make you think, yes this works.


Try this with some other pictures, its fun.


(Hope I wrote this in proper English) Foot in mouth


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Posted at 16:18 on 21st October 2010

Way back with Leonardo & Michaelangelo the "Golden Ratio" was understood and much used, and as you say Ted it still works!

Similarly the brain prefers to see an odd number of items rather than an even number.  This works even in such arts as flower arranging.  Try putting 4 flowers in a vase and look at it and add a 5th, the eye/brain prefers the 5 normally. (There are always exceptions).

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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Posted at 16:50 on 21st October 2010

Cathyml.  Do you have consent  to slate other peoples photos on here? It is one thing to comment on a photo,but to tell everyone what you think is wrong with it is out of order. 

We submit photos for others to see what England is all about,not to win competitions. By knocking others photos you may drive people away from this site.I do not like seeing friends of the site getting slated for taking the time and effort to submit their photos. We are not trying to submit works of art,just a picture of our lovely country. You may be an art teacher,but we are not submitting our photos for marking in a competition.

Lyn,like 99% of us on here,is a  keen amature and as such should be given respect for their efforts. To tell the word what is ,in your opinion,wrong with their photo is an insult. In my opinion,we will be lucky if Lyn submits any more.

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Posted at 17:04 on 21st October 2010

Oh Peter, I am so sorry you feel that way, it is not my intention at all (as I said by Lyn's photo - which by the way I think is great) to knock anyones photos, but to help add a different perspective to photo taking.  Lyn is an incredibly talented photographer as are all the people who submit pics to POE.

I am in total agreement that putting our photos on POE is not about winning competitions but adding to our knowledge and insight of all the beautiful places in England.   But I think it is only human nature that we would like to take the best pics we can and it was my intention only to aid this. I was hoping to point out what had worked in the pic not what was wrong, if anything.

I appreciate that you felt strongly about this and were willing to voice your opinion, and I respect that.

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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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Posted at 17:40 on 21st October 2010
Cathyml. I dont know of you realize the damage you may have done. When I go on otheer sites,I always try to advertise this one. A friend of mine came on here to see what I was talking about. He is also a keen photographer. He emailed me to tell me what you had said about Lyn's photo,and he will not be joining a site that puts down submitted photos,His words not mine. So we have lost a potential member. As I asked in my last post,Did you ask Lyn if it was OK to use her photos as a description of using the wrong viewpoint?
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Ray Stear
Ray Stear
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Posted at 18:00 on 21st October 2010

Hear Hear Peter,

You have said very eloquently and accurately what is the truth of this matter. Lyn is a particular friend of mine and I know she felt insulted and belittled by what was said about her photograph.

There is a time and place for criticism if invited; for example in an 'Art/Photography Critique' type of class or website. POE, as a public forum,  is not the right place for such comments.



Edited by: Ray Stear at:21st October 2010 18:05
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