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Digital slide/negative scanners

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Michael Smith
Michael Smith
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quotePosted at 14:26 on 17th March 2011

Can anyone advise on a good quality slide scanner for a Mac? I bought and returned an Agfa slide scanner as it was total rubbish. Very easy to instal and use but very poor results.Slides ended up very contrasty, over exposed, poor colour rendition, occasional banding,burned out highlights. the results are so poor they are impossible to correct using photoshop etc.I compared the results to ones I paid to have put onto disc (same slides),they where perfect copies.  I want a scanner that is going to produce a final result that is going to be good rendition of the original. 

Any ideas , I would be very grateful.


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quotePosted at 14:36 on 17th March 2011
I would also be most interested in the replies to Michael - except I would be looking for a PC running XP Professional.
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Gemm Ferrane
Gemm Ferrane
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quotePosted at 22:16 on 18th March 2011
I can't help you with the make/model but I would've thought any scanner would be compatible for both Mac and Windows. You just need a different software/driver.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 22:27 on 18th March 2011

A handful of my photos on here were taken with Fuji Provia  and scanned with my Epson 1660 which is a few years old now. For example------

Newbury, Berkshire.
Picture by Paul Hilton

Newbury, Berkshire
Picture by Paul Hilton


Edited by: Paul Hilton at:18th March 2011 22:30
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 22:29 on 18th March 2011

Hi Paul!!

I love that shot!


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 22:31 on 18th March 2011
nice pics paul.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 22:36 on 18th March 2011

Hi Ruth; thank you. Made me think of the good ol' days when I used to shoot with my Nikon F3, EM, or FE2. Nice to see you here as always. Smile

Thank you James; shame slide films are getting scarcer to process; do have quite a few slides was thinking of scanning besides these few I have from Newbury.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:18th March 2011 22:39
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quotePosted at 08:48 on 19th March 2011

Paul - are you saying that the pictures above were from slides?  And you processed them with an Epson 1660?  Presumably you got software with the Epson so you turn your negative slide into a positive photo.

Can you also put negative film through it as well?

Or am I totally misunderstanding the whole procedure?  Sorry this is yet another area that I know nothing about but would really like to find out more.

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 10:08 on 19th March 2011

Cathy---the photos were from slides that had been processed; then put into the scanner to make a digital version of them which is what you see above.

The scanner will also scan 35mm negatives and makes a digital positive of them or likewise, scanning a print to make a digital version of it as it's more usual usage as the photo below of my mum in Southall----I have around 1000 1960's negatives of aircraft I've been meaning to scan for ages now, not to mention also one of Col. Charles Lindbergh's Miles Mohawk custom-made plane in Reading for him and his wife. The lady who owned it was going to throw it away along with other old plane photos she had her husband had taken.

Southall, Greater London
Picture by Paul Hilton


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quotePosted at 12:16 on 19th March 2011
Thanks so much for the explanation  Paul.  Most kind of you.
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