Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Traditional Devon cottages backing onto churchyard in Zeal Monachorum, Devon

Zeal Monachorum

in the county of Devon

Ipswich, Suffolk


in the county of Suffolk

Brook Cottage, Kedington, Suffolk


in the county of Suffolk

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Planning a trip to Dorset

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Slawek Staszczuk
Slawek Staszczuk
Posts: 6
Joined: 13th Jun 2009
Location: UK
quotePosted at 12:17 on 18th June 2009
I'm (very) slowly planning a photo-excursion to Dorset and I'm specifically interested in some of its dramatic coastal features, though not necessarily the most photographed ones. Could you suggest a suitable base town/village for such a venture? I mean to go there with the sole purpose of taking pictures, so any other attractions are of secondary importance ;-). I'm especially counting on advice from seasoned explorers who know the county like the back of their hand.
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Ruediger Boettcher
Ruediger Boettcher
Posts: 1
Joined: 29th Aug 2011
Location: Germany
quotePosted at 19:47 on 5th June 2012
Hi everybody. This year, me an my partner are also planning a trip to Dorset. As usual, we would like to stay in B&B accomodations. Just looking through the Internet sites, we still are reluctant where to stay. A nice, old, little village with a pub and tea room + B&B nearby would be perfect! Perhaps Cerne Abbas? Or Abbotsbury? What about Sherbourne? Can you recommend anything? Thank you & greetings from Cologne/ Germany! Ruediger
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Dave John
Dave John
Posts: 22335
Joined: 27th Feb 2011
Location: England
quotePosted at 20:09 on 5th June 2012
Take a look at what is available here Ruediger, top left corner of the page is a green box which will lead you to accommodation which if you book will benefit both POE and your pocket!!!!Wink
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