Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

The Old Mansion, Paignton


a Seaside Town in the county of Devon

Maltby, South Yorkshire


in the county of South Yorkshire

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

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Tyneham (Isle of Purbeck)
Pages: 1 2 3
25566122nd March 2008 14:13
by lucsa
9th January 2009 13:08
by Peter Evans
Castles and cathedrals
Pages: 1 2
15648513th January 2008 07:52
by Andrea Slough-kubsch
25th August 2008 18:31
by catherinelocke
Pages: 1 2
17293521st August 2008 15:00
by Roses
24th August 2008 08:33
by L
Castles and cathedrals in Kent?5166718th June 2008 13:46
by Jelena Pavlovic
20th June 2008 16:02
by Ron Brind
Places To Stay935397th November 2007 17:59
by Brian Arlow
10th April 2008 21:59
by Sue H
Dartmoor4147524th January 2008 16:21
by Dennis Bailey
22nd March 2008 22:00
by Ron Brind
The C. S. Lewis Tour Oxford090020th March 2008 21:31
by Ron Brind
20th March 2008 21:31
by Ron Brind
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