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Continued help pls and thank you

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Heather Carrington
Heather  Carrington
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quotePosted at 03:52 on 22nd April 2013

It's Heather again and we need some more help pls.  We arrive a day later than planned so our farm stay B&B can only have us 1 night and we will need at least 2 or 3 nights to rest and drive the backroads of Skipton, Bolton, Otley, Bradford, Knarsborough, etc.

So far, it's definite that we arrive in Manchester on April 25 and ride train to Huddersfield where we pick up a rental car.  Does anyone know which easy driving route to take leaving Huddersfield and any personal knowledge of a great working farm where we could enjoy the sheep, cows, chickens, etc.       I tried to look at the B&B accomodations, but  I do not know the areas well enough.  Any suggestions or personal knowledge of the area will be very greatly appreciated such as places to stay and which direction to head.  The accomodation is really important, because we want a few days to calm.    Thanks again to everyone.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 09:23 on 22nd April 2013

There will be a Yorkshireman looking in sometime to-day he may be able to give you some advice--to be quite honest there is nothing to see in Huddersfield,Bradford you would have been better making for York where there is much more to see,maybe Dave will advise you.

Forgot to mention Ruth she may be able to advise you ---some nice places in Lancashire as well Heather where we are more civilised.Wink

Edited by: james prescott at:22nd April 2013 11:50
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quotePosted at 12:27 on 22nd April 2013
Not true Heather, don't you believe that Lancashire Man - there are plenty of us Yorkies around to attest that Yorkshire has much more!! Laughing
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quotePosted at 15:04 on 24th April 2013

Hi Heather

I agree with both James and Cathy on different points. James is correct in that Huddersfield & Bradford in my opinion also have little to offer. Cathy is correct in saying that Yorkshire has lots to offer, but then again so does Lancashire.

Are you in Skipton for your first night here ? if so I'll come up with a route there for you from Huddersfield. I don't want to worry you but being regulars driving through Huddersfield we think it's one of the worst signposted places in Yorkshire, the roads are awful, best get away from there ASAP. It's not far to Skipton and away from the urban sprawl.

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quotePosted at 15:18 on 24th April 2013
Heather, I have sent you a PM regarding the route you'll need.
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 16:32 on 24th April 2013
What a galSmile
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quotePosted at 14:34 on 14th May 2013

I had an email from Heather today, she is somehow unable to post on POE, so she has asked me on her behalf to thank everyone for their kind help and suggestions. She is back home now having had a wonderful trip, sadly though she had a fall in a castle, she has a sprained wrist and also a broken arm which she had put in a cast during her visit here. She appears to be on the mend now, hopefully she'll be back to her normal self soon.

She can read the posts here, just not answer. 

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quotePosted at 14:36 on 14th May 2013
Oh, my goodness, that is sad that happened on your holiday, and I am so glad to hear you are on the mend Heather, and hope you also took back lots of happy memories with you.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:29 on 14th May 2013
The settings on your PC need sorting out then Heather and maybe empty the internet cache?
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