Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of Conwy

Conwy in the county of Gwynedd

A picture of Penmon

Penmon in the county of Isle of Anglesey

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Anglophile from New York! :-)

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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 09:29 on 28th February 2010

Hello again Jo. Yes a "Scouser" is a Liverpudlian. Liverpool has long had a reputation for rough people who come out of the city and rob houses in the surrounding countryside! It isn't a fair reflection of the warm friendly people who live there at all. My nephew goes to university in Liverpool and prefers it to his home in Bewdley! Of course there are good and bad people everywhere. It's stereotyping - the Brummies (from Birmingham) have a reputation for being thick (stupid) - and we know that isn't true - LOL!

Yes Birmingham isn't really far from where I live although us Black Country people have a friendly rivalry with the people from Birmingham and a little bit of friendly banter! We have our own dialect and language here - it's a great area!

I'm glad you like the look of our area - there are some beautiful places here in the Heart of England and I have tried to show this to the world through my Pictures of England. Where I live it is very built up and used to be very industrialised although the factories are disappearing fast now, but it only takes a short drive to reach wonderful countryside.

Great to have you here as a member of POE Jo. Hope you stay around to enjoy our forum discussions!


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quotePosted at 15:55 on 28th February 2010

Hi, Stephanie! :)

Yes, it just goes to show you that there are stereotypes EVERYWHERE!  I hate being judged because I come from New York.  People make assumptions before they even get to know you.

Well, I have yet to really see the other forums because I've been so focused on making sure I answer every comment I receive in this thread (of which I'm most grateful), so I will definitely need to check out what's going on elsewhere. :)  I hope I can in some way contribute even though I've never been to your fair country, yet, and thusly, have no pix.  Boo-hoo. 

But I am absolutely loving viewing the pix that members have sent in, and I've seen quite a few of yours, actually, and they are simply wonderful! :)  I still have a pretty decent digital point-and-shoot camera that serves me well to take pix of surrounding areas and my kitties, but I've been wanting for the longest to get a (digital) SLR.  Just priced them on the Canon website last nigh (I'm a Canon girl, but Nikon is wonderful, too) and, m'gosh, they're expensive!  When I saw my 16 year old niece with an SLR at Christmas, I was so envious (happy for her, though, of course!)..but I couldn't help thinking that this young sprite had a much better camera at her age than I've EVER had!

Anyway, hope to see you elsewhere on the forums, Stephanie, and I'll be checking more of your pix out.  Thanks for taking the time to write. :)

Hugs, Jo xo

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quotePosted at 16:08 on 28th February 2010

Steph, you dont look like a black, country, person to me, lol

and ho, your dicription of liverpudlians lol

Liverpool, of course, being an old world trading port has a large mix of different peoples, mainly Irish stock, but very witty and friendly people, one might say, rather like New Yorkers.

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quotePosted at 19:59 on 5th March 2010

Liverpool, of course, being an old world trading port has a large mix of different peoples, mainly Irish stock, but very witty and friendly people, one might say, rather like New Yorkers.

Oh, Lancashirelove, I "love" you! ;-) I've NEVER heard of New Yorkers being described as such. Usually we have a reputation of being aggressive, arrogant, pushy and flat-out rude! I'm so glad you don't find all of us that way. :) ..and I'm guessing you are from Lancashire, and by the pictures I've seen, you are very lucky to live there, indeed! That would definitely be one of my picks if I were ever fortunate enough to have a summer home in England. Hugs, Jo

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 23:29 on 5th March 2010

Hi Jo:  I'm originally from PA, but live in AZ now.  I love New Yorkers.  The way you describe the NY reputation is only the exterior.  I know quite a few New Yorkers, and yes, they can be like you described, but underneath, hearts of gold and would do anything for anybody.

As for Liverpool, mainly Irish stock, it just might be the best place in Britain! Wink


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quotePosted at 15:49 on 7th March 2010

I know quite a few New Yorkers, and yes, they can be like you described, but underneath, hearts of gold and would do anything for anybody.

Hi, Ruth!

Aww!! :-)  Well, I can speak for myself that I would do anything to help someone.  Unfortunately, it's not always appreciated, but that's life for you, sadly.

As for Liverpool, mainly Irish stock, it just might be the best place in Britain! Wink

Lol!  Okay..I'm gonna guess that you're Irish? ;-)

My "introduction" to Liverpool comes courtesy of being a huge Beatle fan.  I think they are the greatest band in history. :D

I was told that my mother's maiden name is Welsh, so is it fair to say that I have British "ties"? ;-)

Btw, Arizona is beautiful, Ruth!  There is another Ruth in this thread from AZ, as well.  Quite a change from PA, no?  I've never been to AZ, but I long to live in Colorado as I love the West and the mountains.

Have you ever been to England, Ruth?  I would love to go one day.  For now, however, pictures will have to do.

Hugs, Jo

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 04:08 on 8th March 2010

Hi Jo:  Yes, I'm half Irish, however did you know,  lol?  Wink

Yes, Arizona is beautiful.  I think the other Ruth from Arizona you're referring to is probably me.  I put up a new avatar last night.  And in answer to your question about England, yes, I've been twice.  The avatar that's up now is one of my vacation pics.  It was taken at Beaulieu Palace House in Hampshire.  A very dear friend from this forum, Paul, took us there last summer.

Jo, you can view pictures from any of the people who post to the forum by clicking their name above their avatar.

Glad you're enjoying yourself here.


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quotePosted at 17:32 on 19th March 2010

Hi, Ruth..

 Thank you. :) there are 'two" of you here, eh? ;-)

There are so many pictures on this site and not enough time to look at them all, but I try each time I visit.  I hope one day I can actually see the real thing!1

See you around the boards!

Hugs, Jo

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