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Greetings from Winnipeg Canada

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quotePosted at 19:52 on 26th January 2011
mmmmm! first 2 weeks in May eh? DONT FORGET the Royal Wedding takes place 29 April. and that weekend is a Bank holiday so London will be busy whichever way you look at it. So will hotels and guest houses and airports/rail stations. Watch for selective strikes  that may interupt your travel plans. Having said all that, May is a great month, fresh blooms and possible sun. It doesnt go dark till about 10pm in the evenings, coming daylight at about 4-30am. There may be 'street parties' on the royal wedding weekend. One final word to say is prices of prepared food and drink, taxi cabs etc may all be inflated for the occasion, so take care! (Watch for 'foriegn' pickpockets working in teams in busy places, if you are carrying a hand-bag put the strap over your shoulder and dont leave it unattended. for extra security carry 90% of your money/cards and passport hidden away in your underwear or somewhere)
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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quotePosted at 20:11 on 26th January 2011
no need to worry if they come up north mike ehLaughing
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quotePosted at 16:40 on 27th January 2011
Whilst visiting someone asked how do you get out of Liverpool? I replied 'Fast' lol!     (only joking!)Smile
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 14:06 on 28th January 2011

Hello Laurie

I agree with Paul, head to the Cotswolds, you will not be disappointed.

Of course Oxford is always a good choice too.

Truth is, no matter where you go, you will find beauty, history, and many memories to take home.

I hope your mother enjoys here visit with her brother. I know how sad that can be when you know that the probability of it being the last visit is high.

Safe travels, and come back with pictures and a report for us here on POE.  

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