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Ray Kirkbride
Ray Kirkbride
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quotePosted at 22:55 on 8th May 2011

Paul, I don't know how or where you found all of this information, but I thank you from my heart. Have a great day and stay in touch.


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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 23:16 on 8th May 2011

It all came from a wide variety of sources Ray and tried to assemble into something understandable, thus your great uncles and aunts have been left out, hence it often wrongly states " they had 1 child" when it was likely more; sometimes quite a few more !

There's quite a few Richard Kirkbrides; a couple of Bernard's between them by the time we get to Joseph Kirkbride who went to the Colonies. 

The Barony of Wigton comprised the manors of Wigton, Waverton, Blencogo, Dundraw, Oulton, Kirkbride, and their dependencies. 

A distant great cousin of yours is Sir Thomas Lodge (d.1584) who was Lord Mayor of London.  I think the Plague was during his time as Lord Mayor.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:9th May 2011 00:07
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 00:59 on 9th May 2011

The Colonial Joseph Kirkbride has married three times; his third wife was Sarah Fletcher and they had a son b. 1731 who became Col. Joseph Kirkbride of the Bucks Co. Militia and was friends of Thomas Paine and George Washington.  A letter dated June 22, 1778  from G. Washington to Col. Kirkbride states------

 Sir: It would seem from the information received, that the Enemy mean to advance thro' Trentown.[ later Trenton,NJ] They are now in motion and on that rout. Nothing could contribute to harrass them more or to facilitate our views, than for a number of Militia to hang on and annoy their rear. I could wish you and the other officers in your County, to exert yourselves, and if possible, to pass the River with a respectable number of Militia for this purpose. Indeed a force tho' never so small will have its advantages. Whatever can be done in this way will require the utmost expedition. I am Sir, Your Most Obedt. Servt. G. WASHINGTON"


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Ray Kirkbride
Ray Kirkbride
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quotePosted at 01:41 on 9th May 2011

Paul, you amaze me. I have most of the info on Joseph from the time he came to the colonies, but you have passed along some info that I did not have. Maybe I should hire you to complete my family tree! (Just kidding.) Thank you once again kind sir.


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Cheri Thomas
Cheri Thomas
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quotePosted at 02:42 on 9th May 2011

Welcome Ray.  Paul is definately "the man".  He has an amazing amount of knowledge and is always happy to help people.  He gave me a lot of help with my family.

Paul, I assume that you are watching this post.  Last 4 e-mails have been returned.  We are staying at The Ray Corner Guest House, 141 Bridge Road in Maidenhead and will be arriving around 3:00 on 29 June.  Send me an e-mail.

Sorry to take up your space Ray.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 10:55 on 9th May 2011
Hi Cheri. As you are having problems with your email, I thought it worthwhile reminding you that the secure POE CONTACT facility is available to members. Click on the name above the avatar and it will take you straight to the appropriate page.
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Cheri Thomas
Cheri Thomas
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quotePosted at 14:23 on 9th May 2011
Thank you for the reminder Ron.  I had forgotten.  I'm tellin ya, "Gettin old isn't for sissies".
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Ray Kirkbride
Ray Kirkbride
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quotePosted at 17:05 on 9th May 2011

Hi Cheri, You are right. Paul is "the man". Thanks for the welcome and you can use my space anytime.


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