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Ray Kirkbride
Ray Kirkbride
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quotePosted at 20:52 on 4th May 2011

My name is Ray Kirkbride and I live in Oklahoma, USA. I found this beautiful website while doing research on my family tree. I have fallen in love with the English countryside and thought that I might find pictures of the area that gave us our family name. We hale from Kirkbride, Cumbria and there is evidence of a knight (Sir Richard de Kirkbride) in our linage. He died and was buried at Windsor Castle, but I can't find mention of him anywhere in the Windsorrecrds available to me. I'm sure it is because very few records were kept in 1330 when he died.There is also a small church that bears our family name still in the village of Kirkbride.

If anyone has pictures of this area, I would love to be made aware of their location. Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.

Respectfuly, Ray Kirkbride

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quotePosted at 21:08 on 4th May 2011

Hello Ray and a very warm welcome to POE. As you will see we are much more than a site for photographs of England, although of couse we think we have the best there are.

Members enjoy the fun and games and thoughts and discussions on the forums as well.  Please feel free to join in whenever you can.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 22:05 on 4th May 2011
Welcome to POE from Anna and Ron, Ray. As you say a beautiful website, with a forum that the family members love. Please do feel free to join in whenever you can, and enjoy!
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Sally Birch
Sally Birch
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quotePosted at 22:08 on 4th May 2011
Welcome to POE Ray, I do hope some of our members can help you with your quest.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 13:22 on 5th May 2011
Sally, I reckon our Paul's the man, don't you?
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 15:08 on 5th May 2011

I did spend a few moments checking which does seem to indicate he was buried at Windsor Castle----which I'm sure looked very different in the 1300s than what it does today.

After the death of King Edward I, Sir Richard de Kirkbride was listed on the Parliamentary Roll as one of his knights. 

He appears in documents in the National Archives as Sir Richard de Kykebride that were written in French in 1305 dealing with----requests the issue of a commission to deal with the theft by men of the region of wheat and wine being brought from Ireland but cast ashore after a shipwreck near Holmcultram.

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:5th May 2011 16:05
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 23:46 on 5th May 2011
Hello Ray and welcome to the POE family. I am in Massachusetts myself, but like you have a great love of England.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 18:21 on 7th May 2011

Ray--if you wish, got your Kirkbride family back to Scotland in 1099 with Lord Odard de Loges.   Will sort it out and put on pdf file to email to you.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:25 on 7th May 2011
Very well done once again Paul. Thank you on behalf of all of those that you help.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:36 on 7th May 2011
Sent Ray two pdf family trees starting from Sir Richard and his wife's grand children backwards several generations; first back through Sir Richard's side and then back through his wife, Christina de Wigton, side which will join together eventually as they appear to be 3rd cousins, joining up at Baron Adam de Wigton b.1129 with his son, Baron Adam de Wigton II leading to his wife.
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