Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

Hello all, good to be back

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Mick Ascroft
Mick Ascroft
Posts: 3
Joined: 23rd Apr 2014
Location: UK
quotePosted at 00:25 on 23rd April 2014
Used to be a member a few years ago and always loved the site.
Stopped coming on for personal reasons.
So happy the site is still active, Ive been looking at some of my old photos which are still on here and its wonderful to see some of the same members still here, especially our American friends.
Looking forward to having a good chat again.
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Ron Brind
Ron Brind
Posts: 19041
Joined: 26th Oct 2003
Location: England
quotePosted at 08:33 on 23rd April 2014

Welcome back Mick and great to see the comment in the UKIP thread.

Join in here whenever you can, we really have got a great bunch of people here, who honestly care about each other.

My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
James Prescott
James Prescott
Posts: 25952
Joined: 11th Jan 2010
Location: UK
quotePosted at 09:13 on 23rd April 2014
Hi Mick Smile
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Posts: 18773
Joined: 23rd Oct 2012
Location: England
quotePosted at 19:47 on 23rd April 2014
Hello Mick, nice to see you Smile
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Dave John
Dave John
Posts: 22335
Joined: 27th Feb 2011
Location: England
quotePosted at 20:42 on 23rd April 2014
Welcome back Mick, join in when you can. As Ron says we got a crowd knocking round the forums.
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
Posts: 12758
Joined: 19th Apr 2010
Location: UK
quotePosted at 21:15 on 23rd April 2014
 Greetings Mick, you know the ropes so sign on and join in and as always- enjoy the pics.
My favourite: Pictures  |  Towns  |  Attractions
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