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USA President George Washington's ancestral home in England...
Lying just south of Northampton this beautiful canal village offers a wealth of interest to any boating enthusiast or any country lover...
The landscape of Northampton is dotted with reminders of its illustrious history. Despite the great fire of 1675 when much of Northampton was destroyed, it was rebuilt in such a.....
Traditionally known as the last outpost of the Cotswolds...
Hidden amongst leafy lanes and glorious poppy fields of the undulating Northamptonshire countryside, lies the peaceful village of Guilsborough...
This house was originally part of an Augustinian Priory, it was only converted into a charming Elizabethan manor house during the.....
This delightful Tudor house is the very epitome of the comfortable English country home, and yet it embodies all that is best of.....
Althorp (said Althrup) has been in the Spencer family since 1508. It has undergone many major changes over the generations and.....
"This is a beautifully maintained garden of exceptional charm...there is something for everyone here. This garden could not fail.....
Beautiful forest, with massive oaks over 500 years old, situated a short distance from Ravenstone, close to Stoke Goldington. .....