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What's your weather like today? 2

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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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Posted at 15:59 on 5th December 2009

It's snowing here in Virginia!  I'm making soup and decorating my Christmas tree.  Great way to spend a Saturday morning, methinks.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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Posted at 16:12 on 5th December 2009

We are expecting the first snow storm of the season to arrive around
threeish today. Can't say I am looking forward to it. Lol. It doesn't seem much like Christmas to me this year.

Sorry, I guess I am just having an off day. :-(

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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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Posted at 16:29 on 5th December 2009
Hang in there, Diana. You have people who love you and believe in you. Also turn your burden over to God and He will carry it for you.  I pray that your employment/financial situation will be swiftly resolved and that in spite of your circumstances you will know where to look to find your "Christmas."  An open heart is fertile ground for miracles.  May God richly bless you this season.
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 03:01 on 6th December 2009

Very eloquently said, Barbara.  Barbara said it all, Diana.  Hang on to that natural optimism of yours.  It's might just be a tad too early to be in the mood for Christmas, but like you said, it's probably just an off day and you'll bounce back.  I've no doubt that as it gets closer it will lift your spirits.  Like Barbara said, hold on to your faith.  You WILL be blessed.  xoxo

I wish I lived closer, if I did, I'd come and see you and give you a big hug.


Hang in there, kiddo.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 03:04 on 6th December 2009

Oh, I forgot.  It was overcast today and about 63° F, so we're freezing our butts off here.  Freeze warnings tonight - I really must go outside before bed and cover up the flowers.  They're calling for quite a bit of rain on Monday or Tuesday.  YAY!  We're pretty desparate for it right now.  Our annual rainfall is about 7 inches, and so far this year we've only gotten about 2.5 or 3 inches.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 14:14 on 6th December 2009
Beautiful England but had 7 inches or more in one day here Ruth, not funny! Anyway, today blue skies, no cloud, slight chilly wind but sun shining. Fantastico!!! Yes, I did watch 'I'm a Celebrity'.
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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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Posted at 16:11 on 6th December 2009

Thank you for your support Barbara and Ruth. I really do appreciate the prayers, good wishes, and kind words. They help more than you know. :-)

Today the sun is out and Salem looks like a sparkling winter wonderland! Lovely. If I am very quiet I can just hear Dean Martin. ;-)

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 10:07 on 7th December 2009
Raining again, cloudy skies, slight winds and chilly but this is still beautiful England. Believe it or not some of the tree's and shrubs are in bud already!!
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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 16:23 on 7th December 2009

Big snow storm blew in yesterday afternoon, and now everything is white    .

My husband has to transverse a mountain pass to and from work, and last nigh, in the storm, he saw 12 emergency vehicles attending three different road accidents     .

 It's the same snow every year, but still people don't seem to know how to handle there vehicles. Me, I stay home, that's how I handle it.


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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 16:54 on 7th December 2009
Big snow storm came,another big snow storm comes....Foot in mouth
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