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What's your weather like today? 2

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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Posted at 21:29 on 7th December 2009

about 23 degrees here with an chill factor of 16 degrees, we are having our first blast of arctic air for the snow..clear skies with an occasional high cloud away to sunshine.  This has two more days to hang around this area before leaving. Tis the season as they say.

Barbara said it so nicely Diana, don't get discouraged...I've been through this already remeber. Just be glad you didn't put in 30 plus some years already on the job to have this done to you. I heard on the radio that many people laid off have called in to say that nearly everyone has been catapulted out  undesirable jobs situations by such stuff, and its not been until they went on to other things, they realized how thier old job, while it gave money stabilty was not that great for them most case its stifled their progress within the world. My hubby is now working for an much larger company then before...with much larger career contacts also in the people he's met...and I'm not at all surprised his old boss left the industry to move on himself. Older then the both of us, I mean he most likely wanted to semi-retire sometime in his life. Know that your optimsim is not wasted time in being would make an great coach of some kind using this "talent" of yours. Open up your own "curves" weight loss might be of help to you. You know what the ladies do the day after!

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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Posted at 00:06 on 8th December 2009
In central Michigan we're battening down the hatches for the approach of the first snowstorm (possibly blizzard) of the season. My snowblower is primed and at the ready! Huzzah!
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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 00:10 on 8th December 2009
On 7th December 2009 16:54, Richard Sellers wrote:
Big snow storm came,another big snow storm comes....Foot in mouth

Yes, you're getting our storms. We are in the middle of another one right now.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:30 on 8th December 2009
Blue skies, sunshine, little cloud, chilly but beautiful England! Lol
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Posted at 14:04 on 8th December 2009
Nice and cold now... but more snow comes tonight!!! YAY!!
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 14:12 on 8th December 2009
Lucky you! It is cold and partly sunny here. Is 33 degrees F!! And just rain coming.
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 15:04 on 8th December 2009
see the good day thread......ggrrrrr
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 04:12 on 9th December 2009

Yesterday we had that storm that you gals back east are about to get hammered with.  We had about 2" of a nice steady, not too cold rain yesterday, but then about 9:00 last night the wind started to blow like crazy.  A lot of people lost Christmas decorations.  Flagstaff, 2 hours north of here had 26" of snow.  Sadly, a person camping in the forest up north was killed when the wind blew a 70' ponderosa pine down on top of his tent.

Today it was sunny and about 55° F.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:29 on 9th December 2009
Blue skies, sunshine, little cloud, chilly but beautiful England, again!
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Posted at 13:55 on 9th December 2009
It's madness here...pure madness. Crazy rain and wind! Should have been snow!!
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