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The bad news just got worse

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 23:56 on 26th August 2008

Oh dear! Not muscle pain after all, but still not a blood clot yet.

 I guess it showed that I am at high risk for a blood clot, and Doctor has given me exercises to do, and I have to take an adult aspirin every day, and if I have a heart attack I have to go to the emergency room.

Oh! I just was not expecting that.

Feeling a little scared now  .

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quotePosted at 02:06 on 27th August 2008

My thoughts are with you Sue, please take care and be sure to follow Dr's orders.

Please keep in touch with us.Kiss

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 03:33 on 27th August 2008
Our prayers and thoughts are with you too, Sue.
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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 07:30 on 27th August 2008
Mine too Sue. As Wolf said, follow the doctors orders, they know their stuff! Just take it easy and don't worry, that's the best medicine.
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John Ravenscroft
John Ravenscroft
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quotePosted at 07:59 on 27th August 2008

I'm sorry you're going through this, Sue.

As the others have said, follow the doctor's orders and look after yourself.

You're in my thoughts.

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Susan Wood
Susan Wood
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quotePosted at 11:54 on 27th August 2008
Sue, was this because you felt pain in your leg?  If doctor has given you exercise and aspirin, didn't he reassure you?  Try hot, then cold, showers (baths are good), dry skin brushing beforehand will also help move the blood and definitely keep up those exercise.  Just a sluggish system hopefully so don't get measured up yet!  LOL
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quote | editPosted at 13:07 on 27th August 2008
Sue, try not to get to worked up, (easier said than done) and as you will know, everyone who has any type of surgery is at a small risk of a clot. Aspirin is great at thinning the blood. Just keep taking it and doing the excercises. Susan's advice sounds good too. You're in my thoughts and prayers. 
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quotePosted at 13:55 on 27th August 2008
Oh Sue!  Sorry!!  You are in my thoughts!! 
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 14:38 on 27th August 2008

You are all an inspiration to me, and I am very grateful for that.

Because my Doctor is two hours away, I got the news via phone, and now I have a million questions I wish I had asked. He is off work today, but I hope back tomorrow, so I will call him and get some fears allayed.

I thank you again for your thoughts and prayers.

I'm also thinking of Diana, as tomorrow is her day of news.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 15:24 on 27th August 2008

Sue, these doctors make me so angry. Yell  Couldn't he take the time to call you himself and answer all of your questions to put your mind at ease?  Honestly, it's like they forget what it feels like to be on the receiving end of such news. Yell

Of course, the good news is that it is NOT a blood clot yet and the chances are that it never will be because you were wise enough to go in and get it checked out right away. In turn, the doctors were able to catch the problem BEFORE it became too serious.  I know you can't help but worry, but just do as your doctor's say and everything should be fine.

My prayers are speeding their way to God and my loving, healing thoughts to you! Kiss

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