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email on it's way Wolf

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quotePosted at 23:40 on 10th October 2008

Thank you so much Ms Efficientcy do you enjoy the feeling of power?

Surely the thread could have been left.Frown

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quotePosted at 23:51 on 10th October 2008
Now you can go ahead and delete this.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 00:10 on 11th October 2008

No Wolf, I will not delete this, and you may continue to post your thoughts on my efficiency and power all you want.

Go at it! friend.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 00:12 on 11th October 2008

OK, I see my initial post has gone. Darn it! Maybe I will be the one asking Chris and Sarah to remove me from the moderator position.

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quotePosted at 00:34 on 11th October 2008

 Hi Sue, are you having a good day, I think we should maybe start a gripe thread ?

 I am over this and still think you are doing your best at a thankless job.

 No long term bad feelings, and when you think about it, this is probably the longest conversation I have had with anyone so far on Poe.

 Glad you said friend up there.  Friend.Smile

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 00:42 on 11th October 2008

At this rate Wolf, we'll be outdoing Jason and Krissy with their personal thread.

And think of all the raised eyebrows when the English get up and try to figure out what the heck is going on.  Shall we keep it a secret? I certainly don't mind either way.

Yes friend, brother even, as we are part of a this big POE family.

Keeping your email advice close to my heart, I promise I will be doing better in future .


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quotePosted at 00:56 on 11th October 2008
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 04:39 on 11th October 2008
Goodonya both brother Wolf and sister Sue, i that the right ting to say? I alwys seem to be in the dog house thes days; in fact, last night he came up asking for last weeks rent off me!  May I add though, that yesterday , after Ron and myself seemd to have a small misunderstanding, after a lengthy discussion, being the gentleman he is, Ron was most gracious and things were resolved without any hard feelings, and I'm sure we can now move on from there.  Thanks Ron, and of course, for Chris and Sarah's valuable input as well.
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quotePosted at 04:43 on 11th October 2008
Glad you got sorted Paul, and sometimes it's good to say whats on your mind.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 08:44 on 11th October 2008
Welcome back Paul (well you never really went did you?). Thank you for the recent communication that has finally resolved the matter. I know the members will be so pleased, as well as Chris and Sarah who were the two that had nothing to do with it, yet copped the lot so to speak! I believe I say it for all in welcoming you back and look forward to your fantastic pictures being submitted once again, along with those already on the site of course!
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