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Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 08:50 on 4th January 2010 Osama bin Laden will be found (dead or alive) during the month of September. I predicted this last year (September also) and although it didn't happen, I feel strongly that I have seen the result of the worldwide search during strange sleep patterns. We shall see, anybody else got any predictions? |
Stephanie Jackson![]() Posts: 3911 Joined: 13th Apr 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 09:00 on 4th January 2010 Got the old crystal ball out Ron? Only joking! Stephanie will be moving in February - have been moving since July last year so it has got to happen some time! Had a dream the other night that there was a bad helicopter crash on a local town - hope that doesn't happen! I predict a lovely warm and dry summer here in the UK - you can only try positive thought!
Urmimala Singh![]() Posts: 655 Joined: 8th Sep 2009 Location: India | quotePosted at 15:14 on 4th January 2010 Ron hope your prediction comes true! Following Stephanie, I can predict a terribly hot and humid summer where I Iive!I wish I could predict that I will visit England this year but sadly that can't be. ![]() |
Rod Burkey![]() ![]() Posts: 554 Joined: 2nd Sep 2008 Location: UK | quotePosted at 17:55 on 4th January 2010 In June, the government be blaming the last one for all the problems we now have.................regardless of which party wins. Our weather forecasts will have the accuracy of a bent blunderbus. England will still be a beautiful place.
Shirley K. Lawson![]() Posts: 2310 Joined: 17th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 18:15 on 4th January 2010 I predicted two things in Elk's web site(near Las Vegas) ...1. that this would be the year for the "common" folk in this country to sink or swim in daily need for livabilty. 2. An possible another terrorist strike, but they kind of already said that themselves. We are again having large worldwide earthquakes, esp in the SE Pacific Ocean and South America....and some people came in the other night an said as the year changed over on an prediction show, and they were hoping an 8+ quake did not occur off the Mendcino Trench of Northern California, because of the San Andreas fault...he said they have been monoriting it for some time and it's simply an matter of time's been "creeping" apparently. Another said that an 5.0 quake will happen within the San Francsico Bay area. They also site renewed volcanism in places not seen before(as of this morning in Columbia that was full-filled) ..and many thought that the "sunspots" would come around by this summer. They felt that Obama should watch his children closely this year to ward off an possible kidnapp attempt...that was not good. This prediction show refused any information on assasination or political hatreds in it's predictions for the coming year. But on the good note they said they thought there would be several important medical breakthroughs also.. Alhizermers, MS, and Cancer. Urmimala, it was said that the guy that killed that Lady politican, I think her name was something Bandar(?), some years ago, that he killed Obama before her...that everyone over there already knows this to be true...he was recently I think taken out of office also. An leader in Afganistan. Wish I could remember how to spell this lady's name, sorry...she was quite popular. She said she knew they were going to try to kill her in an u-tube "interview" here in the United States just weeks before they did...some news documentary. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 19:16 on 4th January 2010 Do you mean Indira Gandhi Shirley? |
Urmimala Singh![]() Posts: 655 Joined: 8th Sep 2009 Location: India | quotePosted at 05:16 on 5th January 2010 I think Shirley probably means Benazir Bhutto .Indira Gandhi was assasinated by her own bodyguards in October 1984. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 08:19 on 5th January 2010 Ah yes, that would fit the suggested 'Bandar' better Urmimala, thanks for that. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 14:26 on 8th January 2010 So more predictions anybody? For what its worth, I had more thoughts on OBL during sleep last night. He is bald, no facial hair whatsoever, is living among the western world and going about business as if nothing ever happened. He is wearing a tailored suit that would not look out of place in the London Stock Market. Why me?
Toby Craig![]() Posts: 147 Joined: 11th Sep 2009 Location: UK | quotePosted at 16:43 on 8th January 2010 He wasn't singing "Go Compare" too was he Ron... lol ![]() |