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What is/was your favourite employmant

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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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quotePosted at 07:51 on 13th March 2010
I agree Jason - I like being self employed! I loved my Saturday job at the library when I was at art school though but my best job is what I do now - self employed accountant
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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 15:55 on 13th March 2010

WOW Peggy! I didn't know you were in the Army! I give any woman a lot of credit to be strong enough for a military career. 

My favorite job was as a phlebotomist (someone who draws blood) in a local hospital. I had worked in many doctors offices as a Medical Assistant but drawing blood is my favorite. I had a goal to never hurt or bruise a single patient. And I loved a challenge when someone came in with hard to find veins. I love being around people and making them smile. 

Another job I had was working in a school kitchen cooking and serving lunch for primary students. I loved the kids and we had a lot of fun together.

Now that I have to go back to work I am not sure what I want to do. Undecided 

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quotePosted at 16:03 on 13th March 2010
It obviously must be a people job for you Cathy E!
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 18:14 on 13th March 2010

I didnt know you are an ex Vampire Cathy. Lol

Now if you can show the others how to take blood from the wrist(for blood oxygen level test)without hurting,I will be most greatfull. I have them regularly and they HURT!

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quotePosted at 09:25 on 14th March 2010
I love excitement and adventure and since serving in the WRAC have worked in variety of jobs (temporary and permanent) as a Secretary including the Mining Industry and now in the Construction Industry.  The WRAC, the Mining Industry and the Construction Industry have given me the opportunity to meet so many wonderful people from all walks of life and provided me with a great deal of variety. 
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 09:43 on 14th March 2010

After 40+ years, there's no job I've done I'd ever go back and do again.

Things in school I'd seemed to have a natural talent for, I was warned away from as employment----Sport? No money in that, forget it. Music? Rock and roll is a passing fad that'll be over in a few years, so get yourself a proper job.  So I did---18 months in the civil service and died of boredom; never again would I ever do office work. Things I would have enjoyed as a job turned into hobbies instead.

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 21:13 on 14th March 2010

I kind of went with the flow of things in my life, mostly because it was centered around what my hubby was doing...he always let me know that he came first..because he earned more money then I did. But I'm old enough that the women's movement into the work field I was much on the edge of when I was young, it wasn't as wide open then as it is now. I've learned an lot, I'm multi-talented I think. Have made others more moneyed through the years then myself though.  Between working I was an advid "crafter" of an sorts also, which helped to give me more talents. I never seem to tire of learning somethign keeps me interesting.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 22:08 on 14th March 2010

Probably the job I'm in now.  I work mostly in the office, but when I go into the field, it's usually for something that's a lot of fun and related to outdoor recreation and wildlife.

I used to work at a horse racing track and there's never a dull moment there.  But you sure do learn quickly why most of the people who work at horse tracks don't bet much.  lol



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Urmimala Singh
Urmimala Singh
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quotePosted at 08:52 on 15th March 2010

I think people out West are more adventurous and experimental where choice of employment is concerned.Unfortunately in India we are still very conservative and we tend to stick to the same jobs throughout our lives.I joined the Indian Civil Service in 1992 and I continue to be a civil servant till date although I have changed assignments and places of posting every 3-4 years.I think I would have been happier teaching but in India such a change in career is not very easy to implement.However, I still daydream about quitting and doing something on my own after a few years.

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 14:37 on 15th March 2010
Never give up on your dreams, Urim, you just never know when they may come true, and if they never see fruition, well, you've had your dream and that's not a bad thing.
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