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Shirley K. Lawson![]() Posts: 2310 Joined: 17th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 22:05 on 24th May 2010 Well, I lost two of my neighbors, or are about to "flew"away over the weekend....out of the house mid-street. While I was getting dressed this morning the youngest grandson, whom was on the computer when I went downstairs to get dressed, was crying when I got back up there, why?...decided to give the bird an bath and killed it in the process. It was only an parakeet, but an mated pair of an parakeet, I went to the local pet store to replace Tweetie bird, and when I did, and tried to get this one in the cage, "Hoppers" flew out and I can't find him in the house anywhere, none of the myradrid of places amoung my house of hanging and standing silk plants can I find him haning on an limb.... so I went back and got another match hoppers, put him in the cage, but I'm still looking for "hoppers" and so far this morning it's been nearly $70. for two replacement birds and one package of Parkeet food. I have never seen such "agressive" birds as they have these days. Both tweetie bird and hoppers use to come to us, and if not us, then to Ruby bird's cage...whom they sit beside anyway everyday....hopper isnt' even there..., I think he knows his "Mate"is dead perhaps? Yes, I'm concerned. This whole morning I feel like I'm living in someone else's house...not my own. Just weird. I'm glad the dog is at least "understanding" and helping. I felt an great deal of silent "remorse" over this death, but from the chart work on them at the pet stores, they were not to far off to old age for birds. I do have to find hoppers though, rather dead or alive sometime, and I hope its real soon, and he's "OK" I better get to work cleaning house to see if I can find him. so that makes three less "families" in this neighborhood with the recent house moving going on as well as the "nest" moving...from death by in-expereince....though I can't really say that in all the kids have held "tweetie bird" and "hoppers" since we brought them into the house an young baby birds. It's going to take some me time on making the two newest ones to where you can call them "tame" or "hand-fed" birds....which means they get human care and talking to and are not just left "wild" in an cage to be looked at as "wild" birds. My "Ruby" bird, for an mated "pair" in his species that is hand-fed and can "talk" human words and communicate...$6,000. I can just see my birds in the pet store cages, with the personailties they have...totally different...caring and love makes an big difference in the least I could readily see it. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | quotePosted at 22:09 on 24th May 2010 Interesting how the words almost amount to the same thing. Anyway, the point is Paul have you heard the cuckoo in your neck of the woods yet? An old wives tale (or is it?) suggests that you will be in the same place the following year (having heard the cuckoo that is).....or do you think I'm err....cuckoo too? |
cathyml![]() Posts: 23275 Joined: 25th Jan 2010 Location: South Africa | quotePosted at 22:14 on 24th May 2010 Plead the 5th, or no comment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOL |
James Prescott![]() Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | quotePosted at 22:30 on 24th May 2010 whilst on the subject of birds i think i told you about the coal--tits nesting on my wall,well yesterday there were 2 on the lawn they had obviously tried to fly but couldnt so fortunately i managed to put them back in the box maybe i did the right thing i dont know but there is a hell of a noise coming out of that box. |
Dennis Bailey![]() Posts: 115 Joined: 25th Dec 2007 Location: UK | quotePosted at 23:08 on 24th May 2010 I was crapped on by a cuckoo this morning, does that count? |
Paul Hilton![]() Posts: 2605 Joined: 21st Nov 2004 Location: UK | quotePosted at 23:22 on 24th May 2010 On 24th May 2010 23:08, Dennis Bailey wrote:
Only if he were singing at the same time ![]() |
Cathy E.![]() Posts: 8474 Joined: 15th Aug 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 23:23 on 24th May 2010 LOL, poor Dennis!! James you are so sweet to help those little ones back to their nest. I had been waiting to see my little chipmunk "Speedy" come around after such a long winter. I was about to give up hope when yesterday he appeared but was not alone!! He had 4 little ones with him! I was sooooo excited! I put some bird seed on the patio for them. They have a home in my garden. So now I have all kinds of birds coming to visit besides my chipmunks, squirrels and a bunny too! I just love my pretty back yard!! |
James Prescott![]() Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | quotePosted at 08:45 on 25th May 2010 On 24th May 2010 23:08, Dennis Bailey wrote: hope you wiped its @@@@
Shirley K. Lawson![]() Posts: 2310 Joined: 17th Jul 2008 Location: USA | quotePosted at 02:13 on 26th May 2010 Good news for an change, that little bird "loose" in my house I couldn't find, smelled dinner being cooked and flew up out of an hanging pot of silk ferns I had in the corner...and more or less said to us...What's for dinner? Now back in the cage with the other two...but most admired by everyone for showing up again. Silent remorse in losing one, and Joy in finding the other one...such an day!!! We don't have cuckoo's over here do the States? Someone run off an picture of this bird please. Birds mess on others because they have no "potty" houses and go to people for help looking for one...smiles* |
Sue H![]() Posts: 8172 Joined: 29th Jun 2007 Location: USA | quotePosted at 02:19 on 26th May 2010 We have Yellow and Black-billed Cuckoos here in the States, but not up where you live. I spent a wild and wet eight hours searching for the Yellow-billed Cuckoo one year. They are very shy, and very elusive, and we waded waist deep through swamp to find them.