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Your first car - with pictures

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:35 on 9th December 2010

Paul says>>>He then asked how many lines?  I said it depends on how wide the road was?

Brilliant Paul! Lol

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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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quotePosted at 21:22 on 9th December 2010
In the Lane
Picture by Vince Hawthorn

Hi. I took to the roads in the very early 1970's with Mr.JellyMould, a 1953 series MO Morris Oxford 1500 side valve. It was like a giant Moggie Minor in flat matt battleship grey, a split windscreen, a broken doorhandle with room only for two fingers to get hold of and NO HEATER. It did have a train style rack to carry survey plans , windows that you had to raise by hand and then rapidly wind the window handle up to make the window stay up and Progessive Rock thanks to a portable Sanyo stereo cassette player. In later life it was covered in stickers of wild gnashing ducks, many drag racing decals and being a surveyor at the time it even had it's own portable bench mark o.s. style (not that it ever helped with any level circuits). Sadly Mr. JelyMould came to a sudden end when on the South Circular I tried to out drag an 850 Norton Commando-- he won Mr JellyMould broke a half shaft.
The Portacabin
Picture by Vince Hawthorn

After this I converted to a brand new car which I had for the next 7 years-- a Fiat 128 RALLYE-- but that is another story.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:14 on 9th December 2010
On 9th December 2010 03:27, Paul Hilton wrote:
On 9th December 2010 02:16, Sue wrote:

My first car was a Mini. I can't remember the year of the car, but I bought it from my parents, and drove it for years. Here it is on our wedding day.

It's a 1974 Mini, Sue. Originally registered in Oxford.

My folks bought it new. I didn't realize it was that old. The picture was taken on my wedding day in 1984.   

I remember now, that you can tell by the number plate, when the car was bought.

Thanks Paul! 

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:16 on 9th December 2010
On 9th December 2010 08:41, Ron Brind wrote:
Paul, I bet our Sue is saying how does he know that? Well spotted mate, and Sue where are you in the picture?

I'm the cute (and slim, oh look how slim I was) one on the right in the red shirt. We were just off on our honeymoon, and people were throwing rice or whatever at us. 


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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 22:18 on 9th December 2010
On 9th December 2010 22:16, Sue wrote:
On 9th December 2010 08:41, Ron Brind wrote:
Paul, I bet our Sue is saying how does he know that? Well spotted mate, and Sue where are you in the picture?

I'm the cute (and slim, oh look how slim I was) one on the right in the red shirt. We were just off on our honeymoon, and people were throwing rice or whatever at us. 


Wait! Did you mean where on the picture. or where in England? If you meant where in England, then we were in Reading, Berkshire. 
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 02:54 on 10th December 2010
I know where that is Sue.  Went past there the other day and they were still sweeping up all the rice and whatever. Smile
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Terry WigingtonPremier Member - Click for more info
Terry Wigington
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quotePosted at 06:55 on 10th December 2010

Great posts and pictures, thank you all, please keep them coming.

I have an update, I made an error (it's an age thing) I was a year out with my dates.

I passed motorcycle test 1957 aged 16, car a year later at 17.

I had the Morris 8 Tourer, my first car as a 15 year old, it had been taken apart and re assembled so many times I was amazed it still worked!!

Father was a mechanic and had his own garage, so greasy nails since childhood.

I still use some of the spanners and tools from all those years ago, on Mabel, our 1938 Morris10/4.

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Jason T
Jason T
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quotePosted at 12:36 on 10th December 2010
I had a white Renault 12 TS!!!  i carpeted it all inside ...and loved it ...b....y horrible car it was really though!! :oD   the seats were very comfortable!! i'll give it that!

Edited by: Ron Brind at:10th December 2010 17:38
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