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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 21:00 on 30th May 2011

Have to agree Mick, the tintops are much more entertaining. Don't rely on quite as much technology.

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quotePosted at 21:15 on 30th May 2011

I am so glad you got to chat to your son Sue, and I am sure that brightened your day up a whole lot.

Mick & Dave what on earth are tintops.  I've heard of the wooden tops - are they anything like them, LOL

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 21:16 on 30th May 2011
Saloon car racing.....
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quote | editPosted at 21:17 on 30th May 2011
Sue, sorry if I am ignorant but what is going on in Korea now.  I know there have been problems, is the North being observed by American troops ?
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Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:25 on 30th May 2011

Possibly the British Touring Car Championships or similar Cathy. As the F1 driver seems less actually in control of his car when you have those in the pitlane able to over ride him, and indeed, unseen engineers back at the factory having their input on the race performance and stragety too. 

That's why, for example, I always enjoy watching The Italian Job for the countless time and the Remy Julienne stunt team driving their escape Minis around Turin---and the old Bedford VAL coach they drive them into. 

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quotePosted at 21:34 on 30th May 2011
LOL thanks for the explanations guys.  My mind was on cameras or F1 on the computer I didn't step out of the box and think Formula 1, LOL.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 21:43 on 30th May 2011

This for me has to be one of the most amazing ends to an Indy 500 I've ever seencyesterday. I think if an F1 driver did this, he'd never hear the end of it for the rest of his career.

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Dave John
Dave John
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quotePosted at 22:00 on 30th May 2011
BTCC generally accepted as one of the best championships in Europe, certainly closer racing than you will ever see in F1 except maybe Monaco, as yesterday
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 22:07 on 30th May 2011 look so "young"...I can imagine my grandson looking similar to you in days ahead.

Sue...glad to hear you got to  talk to your son...its an help isn't it. I hope he's not like what I encountered....even my letters to my hubby...I could tell  him what I was doing but not him me..classified information...and his life depended on not saying an thing.

Well, I went with my hubby and met our Scout troop and my grandson's local school, kids got in the "Pledge of Allegiance" and was singing "It's an Grand old Flag" as the two F-15 fighter Jets went over. Then they posted the colors and had two representatives from every war the USA has ever or is fighting in now.We were welcomed there with an short speech and the presententation of the foral wreath.., the gold Star wives an Mothers were presented...we had an service medley of every song by the various branches of the military, whom stood up as it was sung...we had The Hon.John Kroger, Attorney General of Oregon Dpetment of Justice, also an "ex-marine" give us an speech..then three men sang the most beautiful reproduction of Lee Greenwoods "God Bless the USA"..which was had us all standing in tribute and clapping....then the Highland Guard Bagpipes from the Portland Police played "Amazing Grace" ..and we had an Cannon Salute that made the ground under my feet "vibrate" and I was an good ways away...and echo taps...and we gave prayers, had closing remarks..retirement of the colors..and Sue...when the fella said in his speech that he hopes our country is free for the future generations...and the life we live today is "peaceful and secure" with under blessings of God...that we can then truly be "proud to be an American" and I thought the audience was going to go wild in yells and applause with the "spirit" of being Americans goes. We get an lot of rift-raft these days you know, in how we do things...and we have an lot of problems going on right now also....that need to be solved. But we everyone else around the world...Love our its our "family" also. Then it was over...I went an placed an small bouquet of flowers on my mother's grave...thought about all the others I know there...and the traffic was we left. As you know there are some over 350,000 people buried there. It grows every this is an National Cemetary. Other participating Organizations besides the in the program itself was...Air Force Sergents Assoc., American Ex-prisoners of War, American Gold Star Mothers, Inc., American Legion and Auxillary, American Veterans of World War two, Korea, Vietnam, and Auzillary, Chosen Few, Daughters fo the Union Vterans of the Cilvial War, Disabled American Veterans and Auxillary, First Marine Div. Assoc, Marine Corps League, MIlitary Orders fo the Purple Heart. (.several others as well, bu tam being asked fo rmy presence right now for gardening)...Oregon National Guard, Northwest Indian Veterans Assoc., Peral Harbone Survivors Assoc., Son's of the American Revolution, Us Army, Us Coast Guard, Us Marine Corps, Us Merchant Marine Corps, Us, Navy, Us Submarine Veterans of several wars, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Waves National, Women Marine Assocation and serveral others that have spun off some already mentioned...and naturally my grandkids school in Sandy, Oregon and the Troops and Packs of the Thunderbird District., Boy Scouts of America...... Gotta go for later.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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quotePosted at 22:25 on 30th May 2011

In an hurry... I made some mistakes in the post above...It should be spelled Pearl Harbor...and I left out the US Air Force I think....and this will be aired on every TV Station around tonight...because this is an National of an few in the USA.... besides Arlington National in Washington D. C. It is so high in the air on that hill that you almost feel at times like your visting heaven...and by golly...would you beleive in our little (?) congreation of people, the sunbroke out and shone down on every one of us there. It's was an nice tribute...... It's raining now

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