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Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:16 on 14th January 2013 I was just told that Spain is actually 'paying' their younger members to come to the UK because there is no work over there for them! So what do they think is different here? Germany doesn't want us to leave Europe, and is telling us we shouldn't cheeky b......s, and why? Answer: Because 'they' would lose too much in trade from us, as well as our payments to Europe that would pay down our debts totally within a couple of years if once we got out. How b....y cheeky is that? We need to GET OUT OF EUROPE regardless of what the toff and his hangers on say. Bunch of do-gooders! C'mon Nigel Farage get us out of this stupid, expensive situation, and definitely stop the immigration! |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:57 on 24th January 2013 David Cameron has promised and 'in or out' referendum after the next General Election. However, he says it would depend on the Tories winning the Election so that's it then isn't it?...... No Referendum! Nigel Farage and UKIP can only make more progress as a result of the way both Labour and Tory are continually sniping at each other, and said as much last night. It really is time they understood that we don't want to hear their back stabbing rubbish, and got on with running the Country and sorted out Europe once and for all. So as they can't do that, more power to you UKIP! I honestly believe you have a lot of quiet voters just waiting to give you the support. What say you members, any comments?
Peggy Cannell![]() Posts: 5300 Joined: 14th Aug 2009 Location: UK | Posted at 14:09 on 24th January 2013 People that I have chatted with are in agrreement, lets give them a go, I am sure they will be a benifit to the country, let us get GREAT BRITAIN back to being GREAT |
George Woodward![]() Posts: 73 Joined: 30th Dec 2012 Location: UK | Posted at 13:06 on 25th January 2013 On 24th January 2013 08:57, Ron Brind wrote:
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 15:51 on 25th January 2013 You mean Nigel Farage UKIP George? I assume so anyway, and the more people I speak to are saying the same thing. I honestly believe the 'not so big now' three are going to get a right kicking at the next Election. And you are of course right about the list of Cameron will do's, that he didn't. Milliband - Words fail me. Clegg - a lost cause. C'mon Nigel Farage keep dishing it up! |
George Woodward![]() Posts: 73 Joined: 30th Dec 2012 Location: UK | Posted at 16:36 on 25th January 2013 I do indeed mean Nigel Farage,Ron.It would go against the grain to vote Tory,and Labour seems out of touch with the public on immigration,or I should say still out of touch.Milliband demonstrates how out of touch he is with saying no vote on Europe,as a member of the working class I feel taken for granted by Labour that I will vote for them. Gordon Brown called Gillian Duffy a bigot at the last election campaign just for asking where all these East Europeans came from and what were they doing here,well I hold my hand up proudly as being a bigot as I would send all the lot of 'em back and stop 'em all getting in.
Dave John![]() Posts: 22335 Joined: 27th Feb 2011 Location: England | Posted at 17:27 on 25th January 2013 Completely agree with you George and Ron. We really need to start looking after our own. Stop all the immigrants and get the skivers doing the jobs that the immigrants would be doing. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 20:41 on 25th January 2013 Right you are Peggy, Dave, George and I can tell you that our lot have already made up their minds to vote UKIP. C'mon Nigel Farage! |
rustyruth![]() Posts: 18773 Joined: 23rd Oct 2012 Location: England | Posted at 20:48 on 25th January 2013 I was appalled yesterday when I just happened to look at some of the school league tables and saw in the breakdowns the high percentage of secondary school pupils in some areas who have English as their second language. That is not right something urgently needs doing about immigration. Even my old school which is in a village in the Calder Valley had 6 per cent. |
Ron Brind![]() Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 22:20 on 25th January 2013 That's disgraceful Ruth, and it's going to get worse unless the vote goes in the right box, the UKIP box next time, locally and nationally! |