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UKIP are gaining ground, fast!

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 18:53 on 3rd March 2013

Phil you say>>>But Heaven forbid the Tony Abbotts and Nigel Farages of this world obtaining any more power.

Please explain why you feel more power for Nigel Farage and UKIP would be detrimental to our Country.

The bottom line is that my grandchildren are out of work (not because they aren't looking for work either), they have no chance of ever getting a 'council' house or local social housing in this Country, our NHS is there for anybody who wants to use it at the taxpayers expense, our Schools are under pressure because the classroom is overcrowded and so the list goes on...

The immigtrants arrive and say I want house I am entitled, I want money, car, designer clothes, washing machine, mobile phone, meal vouchers and get it. All that does is encourage another lot to do the same, but this time from Romania and Bulgaria!

Tell me Phil - why don't France, Germany and Spain take them instead of giving them money to come to the UK? We are just a load of suckers who have had enough and thats what Nigel Farage and UKIP is going to stop!

This Country is going to the dogs, what say you members?

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George Woodward
George Woodward
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Posted at 20:14 on 3rd March 2013

How right you are Ron,a while back I read in a newspaper article of a young woman with two young children and her husband who lived with relations,they did not earn enough to save for a deposit for a house;so they were on the council house waiting list.

  As they got towards the top of the list they went down it again as immigrants with more children were deemed more in need of a house.

  Immigrants who had never paid a penny in tax or anything else to this country.She said all their family were native to this country and this is how they were treated.

  Phil,ask that young woman what her opinion is of immigration and see what she says. Every time a collection tin is jangled for an overseas charity I remark my donation is in the £12 billion this government is giving in overseas aid.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 20:41 on 3rd March 2013

Makes me b....y sick George!

Our own kids throughout this land are living in poverty, but Cameron says he's dealing with it. I wonder how much food his kids get on the plate at any mealtime?

And I wonder if his wife needs to juggle the funds to decide food or warmth?

What we ought to consider to prove the point is to stop paying our bills, all of us and all of the bills, until Cameron, Clegg and LasticBand get the message. If we all did it they would change their ways overnight! And you know what it wouldn't take much organizing with the power of the internet today, social networking sites etc...

The only way for change is to vote UKIP in my opinion!


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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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Posted at 00:42 on 4th March 2013

Paul,the apostle to the Gentiles said,"Anyone who does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household,he has denied the faith and is far worse than an unbeliever." 1 Timothy 5:8. Jesus Christ said,"The poor will always be with you."

Immigration is fine when the economy is booming but at the moment there are 2.49 million unemployed people  in the the United Kingdom and they need jobs.Austerity measures have been in place since 2010.A series of sustained reductions in public spending is in place.Spending cuts have caused a lack of demand.Businesses are choosing to pay down debt and they are not spending or investing as much as they used to.When the economy is booming,more people have jobs and better wages.They pay more taxes and require less unemployment assistance and other social security.

The United Kingdom is heading towards a triple-dip recession.The slowdown was caused by sluggish exports due to recession in the eurozone, a cold snap that deterred shoppers and a decline in oil output in the North Sea due to the shutdown of an oil field for maintenance.

The United Kingdom has about 62.65 million people in a comparatively small land area.Traffic density on the roads and motorways is already high.

History shows us many people from the United Kingdom migrated to Canada, USA, Australia,New Zealand, Zimbabwe,South Africa etc because migration was encouraged.I don't think it's time for immigrants to flock to the United Kingdom because the wages are higher in the UK than in some Eurozone countries..

Edited by: Ken Marshall at:6th March 2013 01:51
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George Woodward
George Woodward
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Posted at 13:54 on 4th March 2013

I like your sense of humour Mick.

  Was all that true that you wrote? 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:28 on 19th March 2013

Here is another good example of why you should vote UKIP into Government just as soon as you can.


A common sense approach to help the motorist, thus the family and the...

C'mon Nigel Farage......we all know UKIP are going to deal with the stuff that the others shy away from.

Can't wait for the change!

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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 10:41 on 19th March 2013
They need a candidate in every constituency,  that is what I was reading somewhere a few days ago, and that is quite true, I have not known of one in this area
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Posted at 12:05 on 19th March 2013
Same here Peggy, no candidate in this area either, just the 3 usual suspects. 
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Vince Hawthorn
Vince Hawthorn
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Posted at 21:51 on 19th March 2013
  In Radio Surrey news TODAY, a conservative councillor has jumped ship to UKIP, can't get details as page won't link. If you google tory councilor defects to UKIP, there is quite a list !!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 21:58 on 19th March 2013
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