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Quizzy "13"

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quotePosted at 19:34 on 13th April 2015
Thanks Ken, I'll sort something out and be back.
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quotePosted at 14:47 on 14th April 2015

OK here we go, what's betting Ken gets this straight away Smile

I am a global company, prior to my fame for a particular product I made something completely different, something you would not expect from me.

What is my company name, what did I become famous for, what was the product I used to make ? 

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quotePosted at 16:49 on 14th April 2015
No John, not Apple, at least I've managed to get one wrong answer before the "Brain from Brisbane" leaps in and gets the answer Laughing
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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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quotePosted at 03:11 on 15th April 2015

Yamaha  - started selling pianos and organs, then started manufacturing motorcycles.

Wrigley  - started selling soap and baking powder, now famous for chewing gum.

Colgate-soap,candles and starch .Famous for toothpaste.

3M --the mineral corundum used in the manufature of grinding wheels.Famous for adhesive tape,post it notes and many other products.

Avon-books, famous for cosmetics and personal care products..

Dupont-gunpowder.Famous for chemicals

Tiffany and Co.-stationery. Famous for jewellery.

Nintendo-playing cards.Famous for video games.

Nokia-paper mill.Famous for mobile phones.

Edited by: Ken Marshall at:15th April 2015 04:04
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quotePosted at 09:30 on 15th April 2015

You have the correct company there Ken, and what they're famous for now, but you haven't quite got the product that they originally made, well the one which I'm looking for. To give you a clue, I got the quizzy from my RNLI magazine. 

Just to leave it a little more open I'm not saying which is the correct company Smile 


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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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quotePosted at 13:10 on 15th April 2015
Nokia started with a ground wood pulp mill which made thick fibre board to be shipped to a paper mill for futher processing.
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quotePosted at 15:12 on 15th April 2015
You are correct with Nokia Ken, but it's not the pulp mill I'm looking for in this case, it's something else they made. It can be made into something a lifeboat man/woman would wear.
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quotePosted at 18:58 on 15th April 2015

That's the one John, Nokia made rubber that went to make wellies. I got my info from the RNLI mag but there is a headline from the Guardian which reads "How Nokia went from wellies to world beaters - before the world caught up"

Now, problem, you and Ken got half the answer each. I'll let you toss a coin and see who gets the next go. If you think that's fairSmile 


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Ken Marshall
Ken Marshall
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quotePosted at 22:56 on 15th April 2015

John can have it because he was first with the correct answer. I was in bed asleep.I knew Nokia made Wellington boots or galoshes maybe 35 years after the pulp mill was established.I don't get to see all the clues because it's sleep time in Australia while it's afternoon and night in the UK and that's ok.

Edited by: Ken Marshall at:15th April 2015 23:10
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quotePosted at 08:54 on 16th April 2015

Looks like John is letting you have this one Ken Smile

Thanks John, next time there's a draw between you'll have to have a go. 

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