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Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:47 on 30th September 2015 You don't half see life over there Shirley! Keep running, it's as good as the diet I suspect. Hi to all POEsters... |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 21:53 on 30th September 2015 Which means what Ron?...wondering. Well, I brought my sister over and showed her my craft room so she would understand what I've been busy doing here lately. Fed her breakfast, chipped beef on toast and orange programmed. Took her back home again. She didn't smell this time around, she didn't wet in my recliner and she didn't wet in our car either. Small mircales do happen I guess. Tongiht we go get sissy..she has an early dental appointment ot get her braces offso she can go an get her graduation picture taken for their year book...for graduation next year. Hubby said he'd take her in and I can go get here an pick her up and take her back to school after they are done...if she feels like it. 10.6 inches forcasted for the east coast and the hurricane coming in suppseodly, bu tthey lie so badly these days...weathermen. Let's hoep its about like what they have been forcasting forus lately...our grass is little clumps in the mid of dead grass and bare it has been for months on end now. No one else's yard is like this..just ours. Others in some cases have no yards in grass any more...they went to decking around planters they have no lawn to mow now. But at least they have flowers and bushes. Did you hear rt Bell last night...he's correct you know in the Trillion dollar budget they are saying they are giving the miltiary to upgrade their nukes bcause Russia suprassed us in the abilty to kill everyone in the world after the year 2,000. What the professor said was anywhere can be annilated in less them 10 mins in the world...counter nuking will destroy the whole world for everyone, reguardless of whose begin with 25 to 100 miles could be burned crisp...don' tmatter if yiur underground'll smother from the heat as the inital blast will be as hot as the sun surface when it dtonates...then will come an black cloud of smoke upward, circling earth and putting it into instant "nuek winter" for everyday after for an year or better....climate wise....bu tit will take even then 10 to 20 years for areas nto blasted to beable to grow anything, esp food sources. More then one "nuke" should finish th eplanet off nicely for all of mankind. Art Bell said, when you think of all we could do in the world to improve it for an Trillion dollars these days. Sad. Didn t mention the laser techonolgy either they have out these days. Its' pretty well what I was told in my special Science classes in High School some 49 years our teacher said...once set in motion it is something that can not be recallled nor stopped either. Sad. There is always an George Bush type out there also...wants retailiation for wrongs done...and yells patriotism of the cause at hand in he process also. I don' tknow if our aleins would stop this beforehand or not..I do know that they consider nucular fission unleased killls at "soul" level though supposedly. Three is always that crazed someone also that can hardly wait for thier heaven to arrive also. In this case..I doubt it ever does. they day out today...clouds dissapated weirdly though...must of been more fog then clouds maybe...dragging out my winter shoes and coats to see what kind of shape they are in and hope our season can normalize itself again, like in the olden days as they were more normal then what's going on these to you all later...myself or whomever.. if anyone manages to get in here some day again.
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:55 on 1st October 2015 I mean that you see and comment on a varied amount that happens in the US Shirley. You often manage to keep us informed well before the television news here breaks it. Hi to all POEsters... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 09:50 on 1st October 2015 Good Morning to all who are awake and thinking of posting |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 21:42 on 1st October 2015 Ron, that's because I live here and many times Oregon sets the path for the entire USA....unless there's an criminal element involved...controlling. It is not because I endorse an good many things going on these days....but one of them is in California they took three streets that converged and renamed is for Frank Sinatra, one is for Dean Martin and the third one was for Sammy Davis, Jr.The famous "trio" of entertainers....on the Vegas strip also. there are many people you have over there from here that are shirt tail kin, one of the more known is of course Elvis Presley's daughter...amoung others. I am sad today because the "Marry Wanda" dispenseriesthere open today...we were so much against this here in Oregon....the political forum passed it anyway...most likely and cartel buy off....but anyway, there's not an one of them in our city and local have to go into Portland more and off course in the poorer sections of it. But they still got have be 21 to buy it, or have documents that your an patient needing it...companies that do drug testing an still fire you if you test positive for can't fly with out of state, or carry it out os state if your an resdent. You can not use in any place in the public or where people gather. That includes youf front porch. You have to provide information if you do buy it, how much from whom and your legal deiver's liscense, date of birth. Of course you know the rules can be broken in private housing giving kids an smoke/joint...whatever they call it. There were an LOT of how to handle dealing kids with drugs all yesterday on TV here. We will have to see if what I was told "visionary" that God plans on destroying those whom use and sell drugs to abuse others including their families, particularly kids.. see their day of reconging. I hate to see our area destroyed because of others inthe drug business. The police will not be monitoring the useage of it either...much like they don' t ciggarettes or wine these days either....they are an big business also for the state in tax revenues...this will be also. There has already been multiple deaths of young kids and parents in the gneral area since Washington State passed it over in their state. I will say this one more time for the Native Americans...and any other "psychic's"....getting "spaced out" is not an visionary trip to use for advising is what it is...being space out....creator God has never sent me visions nor messaging "spaced out" on anything. That includes my diabetes drugs they try to force down my throat daily also. I have none of the symptoms of my mother...the big babies...the correct generation of an "carrier"...I don' t drink,..heabily and now not at all.. I've never been an alcoholic either. I don' tto drugs if I don' thave to, because I don' tbelieve that God meant for us to pop pills...the most I do use are vitamins and over the counter suppliments and natural herbs. I am ashamed of my generation for all this they put their kids through these days. Rather here... as "Americans" or as transplants from another country...I can tell you having worked in the nursing sector of the harm I have seen by others in this ordeal. The health industry has joined the "abusers" of life in general now. I took sissy in early this morning to supposedly get her ugly braces off her mouth for her senior and yearbook picture...they did not take them off her and she has them amother 8 weeks...and so why the extra cost for making this dentist appoiintment???...the deserve the very same treatment in life by someone else. this si an picture she will be carrying with her for life. I am extremely upset over that also this morning..... Hell be with them,...i don' tcare how fancy and expenisve theri office is...I'm thinking of my grand-daughter's life. If any photographer can remove them in an picture, without it being an painting.. I don't know...., other then it will be expensive to have it done. Most photography went out the door in these poarts with the bad economy...I can't think of anyone to do this right now. I told her mother I'd help pay for the pictures, but why should I help pay for lousy pictures to begin with...don't make sense..I am an bit disgusted over this ordeal also. They already forced her to have in implant sticking our of her head to hear..from an infectious bacteria gern when she was an littlier kid she caught at school. She's far from done with that also, it will be something they will be watching for years to come. Righ tnow she has long hair to hide th eimplant...but someday if she ever cuts her hair, you'll see if most likely. How much that will ruine her life in the years ahead has to yet be seenas far as gettin an job....she is extremely shy, has no boyfriend, hardly any friends in ways also because of all this. Again, may they get it back what they did to her when younger..and I'm sure missing Kyron Horman's father feels the same way about his never found missing son also. I would never have kids these days, those they come in contact with are unsuitable people to be raising dogs let alone human beings...really from the 1980's onward. I am glad I did not have an gril i listened ot K-- Meyers tell me how they take all the kidswith divorced parents or low income ones and make them into "troubled" kidssomeway...then send them to "special schools" to be eventually prostituted out by the faculty there. order to have an education. They closed that school here in town,...when the whistle got blowed on it... but not until years after the damage had already been done. these kids are for th emost part absolutely wthey have the marijauana issue to deal with also. i go for now. Somedays are not particularly good ones, and I guess this is just one of them. Things I can not seem to change at times...because it IS the "Authority" figures behind it "controlling" the lives of others in an negative way....and for the most part being letting all have an good life or abundance and worthiness.Take care..while I get into something around the house here...I am checking coats and shoes for this winter...if we ever have any...we are not doing good for the rain at all. For being "normal" much either at all these times. |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 01:08 on 2nd October 2015 Whikle I was in here talking you talking to you people...some guy in Roseburg, Oregon at their community college went on an mass murder shooting, killed 13 people and injured 20 more...they killed him on site....see what I mean about feeling like it wasn't an very good day...then laid out on th stretch of Higway 26 down the corner not far away and multiple car crash...emergency vehicles stretchedout for at least an mile and traffic held up about five miles back both lanes and four ways. President Obama has already commented on the shooting. Judy, whose house burnt last year in an wild fire sent me the news that they took out an VA loan and are talking to an builder now on an two story house but on an very small lot...79 feet by 79 feet. Two bedrooms and one bath upstairs and main house maybe seh can now think about retiring, if she can make the monthly payments. I sent her back an paper an newspaper clipping that the despensaries for the marjiauna released today...that these are looking for "union" job participation....and they hope to have like a drug store on nearly every corner in the quote what this says. Ther eventually goes our kids I guess you know. I'll have to wait to see what she thinks about that one. She has an daughter also in high school. But let's hope tomarrow is an better day over all maybe? |
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 08:27 on 2nd October 2015 Interesting and thought provoking posts Shirley. Sorry you have to put up with so much trouble over there, but it sure makes us realise how lucky we are here in the UK Hi to all POEsters... |
James Prescott Posts: 25952 Joined: 11th Jan 2010 Location: UK | Posted at 18:51 on 2nd October 2015 Good Evening ---been a bit busy to-day cleaning shed out for winter and a few odd jobs while the day was fine--may have a beer to-night |
Sk Lawson Posts: 4014 Joined: 7th Oct 2010 Location: USA | Posted at 00:20 on 3rd October 2015 Ron, we get that from being "God's melting pot" so as to say...all the problems of every culture in need of help I guess.... Including their hatred at times also. This kid comes over here with the ladies from church...he said it aptly....when I said, "you know an person is good reguardless of what they call themselves when they do good"...and he said... your correct...we are all the same... those that believe in God He tells me that he is into an budget these days, now that he's college bound I guess. I laughed...he said what's your advice...I said my father told me to not buy anything today that you can't sell for the same amount of money tomarrow and the depreication is " nil" on it also..... It keeps it's worth in life. He smiled at me. He's been with me for some time now watching me give stuff away to others. He introduced me to his mother named "Mary" the last time he was here. They just bought an new church two streets over....building was there but they renovated it I guess. Gesh...where did time go today.... hubby's coming around the corner...have an good weekend everyone. Talk later on.
Ron Brind Posts: 19041 Joined: 26th Oct 2003 Location: England | Posted at 07:55 on 3rd October 2015 Have a great weekend too Shirley. Hi to all POEsters looking in... |