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Good Day "63"

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 04:53 on 8th October 2015

I'm getting help the wrong way as the post jumps all over everywhere tonight.

You missing an whole paragraph I wrote...i go an make my apple cake I guess.

Have an good day or evening where ever you it's double spacing without...ah...just changed it....what can I say? 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 10:21 on 8th October 2015
Morning/afternoon to all POEsters, hope you all have a great day.
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:36 on 8th October 2015
Good Morning --have a nice daySmile

Edited by: james prescott at:9th October 2015 09:31
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 22:26 on 9th October 2015

I just made the most awesom spaghetti...and finished off my third bowl of it, with

some fluffy FRench Bread.  Sissy and I were going to go to the coast today, but I got an bit ansey about Hurricane Oho flying past the coast and woke up sick to my stomach. Last night was about the President visiting Roseburg, where the shootings took place...they were not happy he was coming...because they didn't want an public forum going on over Gun Control....Protestors were to show up also. He released last night that his visit would be privately done away from the public...then he was leaving. Which conjured up in my mind this morning an good friend's ordeal in her son taking his about to be engaged girlfreind to an house party.... they had an few drinks and as he crossed the road,,wth his girl they were hit by an oncoming car with an fellla that had a few drinks under his belt also.  It was tramatic....he sustains some broken limbs as she few over their car...he was hit and pushed an ways. I am so thnkfull her ex-husband showed up with herat the hospital...God did she need someone was a son by an first marriage...she raised both her kids by herself pretty much. By the time I go ttherewhat I saw was an handsone young man with an head like and sunken in basketball on one side, they had to drain the water off his brain or he would of died that night....maybe it would of been better if he had....from there he went through eventuslly to an nursing home... I as there at Christmas....and I waswith her many times even unto his vital tubes being pulled...because she ran out of money to pay for his car...unto his funeral.  Just thinking of this leaves me with and saddest hard to describe, next to tears.  I brought her back to her houseafter seeing his head caved in and I just couldn' think of an thing to say....and I told her was such an shock to me that anything I could of said wouldn't fit how I really felt about it all. ..I almost broke down in  tears then.  I told her shehad my sympathy...and to stay close to her remaining family for support in the wee hours....callk me if she needed help.  She looked at me and she said...I believe that God must of had an purpose for all of this..what yet I don't know. I think we both knew that by all rights any other time he probably would be dead.  Once again I get to acknowledge that once dead or semi-dead, things are never the same as before. She asked me to go with her to see him for the last time as she had his feeding tubes removed and I did.  I felt he recongnized us, and thoughhe couldn't say anything, he wanted to.  My expereince with death by such anything...or committting legal murder...but she had no more funds to draw upon to keep him alive...and while we readily kill people, how come we do nothing to keep people alive? The families down in Roseburg now are pleading for help finaicially to pay off the hosptial bills of those they have kept alive so far....they are not an rich type of community. I know how that feels also from my own heart operation. They sent them all over to hopitals in souther Oregon and to university hospitals you could say they all will benefit from thsi tragedy. One little gals' bills alone was post to $67,000 plus dollars....but she's alive. 

I woke up sick to my stomach this we didnt' go to the coast, I went back to bed and slept until noon nearly..and made my spaghettti. It's suppose to be raining most all of Canada gets slammed with the rememants of the hurricane...last I heard they were in 60 mph winds...nto the 125 they thought was is Canada's "Thanksgiving" by the way. The radio the other

night someone callled in and they said...WE don't have an gun problem, we have

an mental problem in this country that is not being addressed to correctly....and

the radio host said, Thank you for tellling the truth ..because unless people see

that nothing for improvement can be made on it....and what starts this is neglect

and lack of money...and bullying by others in authority...and family breakdowns

instead of real solutions. Not always docotor prescribed solutions. One hour in the offfice where they have to agree they have an problem, but nothing is really done beyond that....most of these people fear being kicked uot into an lonely world of there own and feel their family is trying to abandon them most often.

This is hitting nearly every family these days in some way. It's why I am highly in debt helping my kids also. Society has to turn out kids that have no problem earning decent wages to support an livelihood on their own. Stop finding ways to make more money...when it just sin't there for everyone these days...let's get back to the issues needed to live off the land like our ancestors did so the bills arent' so high...if people can feed themselves off the land and build modest cabins off the forrests...for shelter....they can stay alive without an income...then they have livabilty even if they can't afford the fancy new car. Cut down our population over wide an bit...and get educated....not millitarized in fighting wars, which brings on an whole other issue of needing help. AS said so many times by some of the truly wise people I read...we have to have the means to make our countries stronger from people within being stronger and more self-suffiient without being under such pressure to survive. SAying "i'm sorry" afterwards is hard for those having lost someone...the love is still there...despite whom did what..or should of done what...and I hope those kids on the otehrside know it now...they were " loved" in the wrold....and no matter how many tears...there's nothing can be said now...they are gone, 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:09 on 10th October 2015

That's a really tough post to have to write Shirley, hope things improve for you all.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 22:21 on 10th October 2015

That si my purpose this lifetime be there with peole of this type and try to help them...I might add with no money also. Which really makes if even harder.

We just go tback from Mt. this little cafe type hang out fo rthe locals that my ex-sister in law intorduced me to one time...their speciality are "wraps" and onion rings...she knows how I love an goood crunchy onion we went up there get out of the house's an small place but an family type place, on weekend nights they play live music outside in the summer time. I had an chicken curry wrap with apples, and cranberries and walnuts in it and couldn't but eat half , which they served with potato chips but I got an side order of onion I brought half of this home I guess you know and then we went to the bakery in "hoodland" area....and got an cherry shortbread dessert and cookies for hubby...and sissy got an cinnamon roll...she brough back half of her roast beef au just sandwhich with her chips also as she order an side of french fries to eat with the other half.  They have dinner prices but my gosh they serve an lot of food...and beer also like an pub...though hubby had coffee. I had an diet coke and sissy had an smoothie. On the way home it started raining...but it's not much and by tomarrow will clear up for another week of sunshine..augh!  So they are at the rental place now trying to rent another saxaphone for the oldest grandson..where the neighbors shot through my son's room while we were at Ka-Nee-Ta Indian Reservation one time... they hit his Saxaphone and his teacher says she thinks it needs replaced fro school andwe have two concerts this they went to the rental shop. Shaun was never this way, so I think it was with the encouragement of his cousin James maybein thier playing "cowboys" one afternoon....only one the truly made resitituion of Mark's mother...she made Mark give his nintendo they destroyed to my sonas an replacement.  I asked John to take the BBGuns out of thier reach until they were old enough to know not to "play" with them...and toook my son's away from him because he was ready to go after them for destroying hsi room...wehad left the window open when we left.  Many years ago. I guess it's time it was replaced also. My other grandson does an "solo" this week at the school concert..he's playing "trumpet" this year.

Ron, I hope things improve also....since I lost my mother, I've lost my dad and all his siters and brothers...all my mothers parents and sister an brothers and so many close and good friends and neighbors. Sue and I use to pass each otherat the flower shop here in Gresham sending flowers and I told her then, this is getting rediculous Sue....while some are old and expected to pass...not all of them were...ther's many kids in this mix of those not making it very long. They were the said ones to see leave...and always will be I think. At least with th eolder ones they had some sort of life...and of all of had to be mybrother in-law "Jack" that even John, his boss sent along an friend that had known his borther to be with him at the funeral....and somone in making comments started by tellling some of the carzy things this guy did and we started laughing remembering...and from then on others included others thingsand it was like he was there once again...and it was probably the best funeral I'd ever been to.. to pay respects to....Walter's was like alll helll broke out that day, we had hurricane force winds tearing trees down as we traveled to it an it endedin one massive tearful crying session in church  that just started everyone else crying  for an bit there was not an dry eye in the crowd. It was not an happy affair or remembering the good times....we were dodging downed trees and electricall wires all the way home.  Maybe "God" was unhappy? I know he took an good guy back "home" with him that day. He was one of our scout father's also in our Troop...besides running the county's animals judging and set up for the counnty fair and state fair every year. He was as an boy an nieghbor to me, and we use to cook the chicken dinners for the last night of our week long campout in the summer for our troup and parents and he later went into doing BBQ pork on an self-made BBQ he made for weddings and events...besides an regular 40 hour week elder also.  The minister said he was one of them that decided to let him represent their their church and he said, same couldn't find an nicer and more respmsible humble you could count on to be there if you needed help. Yes, it's been hard for me...but I remember the old saying  "God" only takes the good ones. I cuss to much I think...if not for making the lives of others so hard for them to endure.... when it doesn't have to be that way. I go for now...short lived rain again so far...barely enough or really get the street wet. Talk later on. Holloween is on Saturday over here and this little kind of like "pub' would make an good place for adults to finsish off the evening viisting there...and sharing what happened that night perhaps.

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 03:58 on 12th October 2015

It ;look slike Mt Hood got an dusting of snow for the first time this last weekend...and you know Collins retreat is an muti-million dollar resort at Mt Hood near Government Camp at the 3,000 foot level that relies on enough snow the people can walk the town resturants and play in the snow park there over the weekend. I don't knwo if Jackie Collins owned it or not...following my mother's family out of Illinois..but possibly. I use to like to read her books...first I ever read was "Lady Boss" woman Ceo kind of in anot so feminie world.  

I started my  Christmas oranments today...took my first one over to Leslie..whom knows that "Picasco" is not made in two hours....but it was an wooden deer medallion on an background of pine cones/grrenery and berries and gold glitterings....and at the top was small feather flowers in brownish gold patterns/distincive print bird feathers,,,,and an strip of  swede leather...with tiny  gold jingle bells across the top of  it...with brown silk binder below it....and at the toe some gold fabric soft print in snowflakes and on the back glitter gold stockiing backing and some tiny holly leaves with the words "Jingle Bells" below that for the back side and brown hanger ribbon. I have many colors to do and can get about six stockings off each sheet ot stock glitter paper. So I have started them now at least.

Nice day, we took sissy back to her house and she seemed like she really slept well over here this time in her room. I was glad we got out an bit yesterday though. My spaghetti lasted all will be finished offf tomarrow most likely. Trees really turned brilliant colors with this rain storm that came in...I mean the neighbor's maple is crison red against our yellow/reddish brown Oak tree leaves. It is an delight to see them in gray weathery days as they loose thier leaves also. We'd be depressed if we couldn't look outisde and see thier brilliant colors against the dark sky. I close for now..another week has started and it's going to be an busy one with two concerts at school to attend and "Scouts" and the Christmas oranaments to do..... Talk later on.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:44 on 12th October 2015

Good Morning all ok??

Another stonker ShirleySmile

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Ron Brind
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Posted at 22:16 on 13th October 2015
Hi to all POEsters...
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:52 on 13th October 2015

Good morning....I spent the entire day yesterday making Christmas Ornamanents and started in today and gave up for the need to go rebuy the stuff in my craft room that has seen to disspeappear for some reason, but the nice lady used her coupons so I could get itat 40 and 30 per cent off an few things. So, since the store was near by...bought my hubby another office desk chair for downstairs for Christmas gift this year....and some things to send off Judy to complement the things I'm making. Iwas just talking to the people in earthboppin...who are tellling me that bludberriesare so epenisve she can't afford to buy them fresh any longer...I told to try adding them to blackberry jam and thinning it out an bit and using it over pound cake, orin danish pastry instead....on top of cheesecake also. While I was out I bought an Christmas Book that shows how to place fresh purple grapes in soften butterscotch on an dish, side by side and then stick small  birthday candles in them for Hannkah..and around them you slice up red and green or yellow apples and top them with nuts of various kinds for the table centerpiece.Around that any kind fo fresh eatable greenery.... Light the candles I can see in an banquet situation this could be an easy low cost idea...or big family dinner even. Handmaking the Christmas ornaments means it takes close to about an hour per ornament....cutting drying and decorating, I'm usind real leather swede/tiny mental bells/glitter st6ock paper/fabric/ribbon...and in some cases beads...and tiny bird feathers....some with an blue hue on the tip, others with an more defined design of brown/black amid orange. The whole thing is about the size of the palm of my hand. It's an stocking ornanament...but the going is slow. I get 6 cut-outs per stock square of paper...they are double decorated...on each side is an little stag deer on ribbon, feather flowers on top..leater suede on that and around the fabric on the toe...and then tiny bells go over the top of the feathers an near the leather... and the other side is an sticker that complements the glitter paper, with matching fabric at the top and toe again.....the front side is like corrigrated paper with the ribbons and feather at the top and the toe in bright fabric...bellls and any way...they take up my time. I have quite an few to make, but got tired and gave up on it today for an bit. So if I'm not in here, you know what I'm doing down in my new craft room these days.Not to mention the designing of them. I guess I go for now, today really went fast...I didn't listen to Art Bell last night...he was doing an show on some kind of physidelic drug out of Peru they do in rituals, with prestigious scientist on it... and I was just to tired to get involved for the most part.  I do that on him at times when I work all day long. So I go for now...tonight is "Scouts" and next two nights school concerts. Talk later on....I've made 7 ornaments now...and have quite an few left to do as yet. Be good...Holidays are closer then you might think now....I'm hitting chunky Chocolate Chip cookies with hot coffee as I "design" the cards...not good, but I swear I think better doing things that way....winks*

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