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Good Day "63"

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:35 on 14th October 2015
Good Morning to all--have a nice daySmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 19:13 on 14th October 2015

Good morning James...just finsished washing my hair and taking out dinner so I can make it early and only have to heat it up in getting ready for the concert at school tonight.  Xfinity was just across the street...I noticed that also recently all our TV's didn't have full screen coverage...someone must be tweeking around an bit with their satelitte again in outterspace.  I won't stay long there's much to do but feel better today also. Daughter in-law was put on antibiotics by her doctor last Sunday...some kind of an cough going around.  She sounded much more chipper last I talked to her. Hope your day is going well also.  I could use an weekend for relaxation and hope there's one coming up in an couple of weeks for hubby and I. Go to the coast or some such for an over nighter maybe. Trees are in glorious autumn colors now.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 21:58 on 14th October 2015

Glad you're feeling better Shirley and yes we have a lot of colds and sniffles here too.

Hi to all POEsters wherever you are...

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:43 on 15th October 2015
Morning/afternoon to all POEsters
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 10:02 on 15th October 2015
Good Morning to all who are awakeSmile
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 20:33 on 15th October 2015

Good morning everyone....I really enjoyed the concert last night, we had an lesson in music scores and he started off with Benny Goodman and went on the the song Susza to finish it off with.  

Hum...I just got some mail that is weird to say the least...for both my husband and

myself...for me it sounds like my sister in-law trying to pass over her bills from his brother under my name almost....thier marriage has nothing to do with ours and I was told that I owed money in an amount that I've never borrwed for to begin with...then in came an card fro him of someone wanting ot buy our house...the house is under both our names...not just if I had died. Then came in an money issue from Canby on "gay" right was privately written to him

asking for money to support thier cause of religious freedom against Gays trying to harrass other people such as businesses to cater to their needs and not

reguard the business owners rights to chose their these "gays"

claim discrimination on about anything that they don't get their own way. It also 

keeps teachers from discriminating against home schooling...something readily

available to people worldwide....even wthout an gay issue attached to that...and I wonder why are we getting this kind fo mail today....we have no kids living here

at our house...we are not "gay" to begin with...though hubby has an neice back in Missouri that might be.  Most all sucessful people that have job postions in the world use private schooling and home schooling all the time...such as child

TV show actors and actresses....such as also in remote areas, like Austrailia and Candad/Alsaks..where some are home schooled by the "Ham Radio" for lack of an public school in the area.  The montessori method is worldwide known and

is particualry ememinent for politicians in Washignton D. C. ...such as ambassadors. I think this area needs to "grow up" to the now times maybe. It's been sad this year watching the churches so far completely left out of the school

and Jesus birth..because idiots make such an issue of religion. If they had the

non-violence of faith in general...they probably would have less school shooting, I can not think of any minister so far has turned loose on innocent kids. Those whom have been sexually abused had parents that were not with them at all times, either in the church..or on the street either. My husband does not have the time to get involved with these issues personally right now...not with his other

obligations such as "Scouts"....and I'm willing to tell them so i fhe isn't.  Our house comes first. Not thier causes to fight. Time is something that is an priority for everyone these days in ways.  I assume I got this for the business callled "SweetCakes" here in town to refuse to bake an wedding cake for an same sex couple...they took them to court and won $135,000....and I think, not sure...but the business is no longer there any more. The owners should have the right of selection of their customers....and I think they are in many cases rubbing our noses in their issues that really should not be an concern....if anyone else had been told that...they simply would of changed bakeries...bu tthese trouble makers appparently chose not to do that. Watch them go down the tube bu others thatwill probably sliently "balckballl" them for fear of thier tatics with others.  I beleive tth judge should of allowed them no more compensation then the amount of money to have their cake made elsewhere.  They would of gotten theri wedding cake for free...something most people getting married don't have the opportunityfor to begin with in any bakery they chose.  

Today's mail is weird an non-applical to our daily needs and and what we want out of life....even if I had NO money...I would not sell my house out...I would rent it out first. But my husband can not make that decision concerning our property soley by himself...both our names are on our it should be.  I am paying my debts off...and have never owed this amount of money they seem to think that I do...I wonder if my brother or his ex wife is behind all this...or Jack's debts from dying years ago maybe with Lorraine. any rate...I have another concert tonight...different school. ..Talk to you later on.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 21:21 on 15th October 2015
Didnt think you had heard of Benny Goodman over there Shirley--one of my favs --after Artie ShawSmile
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 08:30 on 17th October 2015

Sounds like someone is trying to scam you Shirley, be careful.

Hi to all POEsters...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:33 on 17th October 2015

Good Morning to all--enjoy the daySmile

Hope Ollie hasnt got a hangoverSmile

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 22:35 on 17th October 2015

Ok, remember I told you that xfinity was here...probably looking into space hackers....well, they sent my neighbor up the street with lung problems byabulance to the hospital....he must of been watching tv most that day.....but theyhave also almost taken out my little Sony Radio I listen to Art bell on also.  Just like coast to coast before him, I could not get Art Bell in last night hardly and keep the radio transmission on going to hear his show. JohnL thinks its our own Government throwing these electro-magnectic pulses at us,...causing our  helath problems...including my heart problems also.  I know the last time the black triangle UFO showed out up above your house it was blocking these incoming waves for me...and I know it saved my life back then also. Even if it did take offour roof gutter pins leaving. Maybe it had something to do with the weird mail...and my hubby more or less "scoffed" at reading it all as I did myself. 

James,... Oh yes, I remember the "Big Band" era...I was pretty young back then, but my mother was quite an musician we grew up on all kinds of music while she was alive...and I think I saw her the other day...she's been dead now for years...didn't have hardly any hair on her head though...if she were alive, she'd be 87 years old coming up in November....but we have relatives that have often made it into their 90's back east...including her father...and mother.

The other concert was just palinly "cute" to say the grandson di dhis "solo" and his group are the new beginners...and his teacher toook us through the struggle of teaching them beyond "mary had an little lamb"...and some of the starts the kids made were "faked" to be my grandson laughed afterhe did  his.... an threw out "mary had an little Lamb" at lightening speed therafter perfectly on his trumpet..the next group of students was an "Ghost Band"...with an alein and an knight and two long foam "whoosh" swords...whooshing them them with the music at certain spots...and when they quite playing, there was an occasional "scream" amoung the band girls being heard...another song just plainly sounded like we were walking through an cemetary., with someone in chains and monsters maybe..and the final sound was kind of like an wherewolf enjoying the night "Trick or Treating" and there again..I'd don' tremember the name of the songs right now.... but it was ended by two sweet little girls with blood curdling sounds. Some of the students had zorro masks over their eyes and an few had ghost masks on thier heads also.I'd never seen such an concert before at school, teacher dressed up also...but they were I think advertising the school's Holloween doings for this year also.  Both night's were different and both nights I throughly enjoyed also. I hugged them both and told them I thought they had done an ecellent job playing thier saxaphone and trumpet. 

I just finished with hubby taking an pick-up bed full of autumn leaves off to his nursery to dump...good thing I wet them down an bit though...keep them from flying around getting there. So...half our leaves are off our trees more trip and it will fo rth emost part be over and done with this year and the squirrel came in as we were leaving checking out if we raked up any of his nuts he'd hidden fo rover winter. I'll have to get him an feeder.

The Native Americans, own the cascino's here, bought out the old Greyhound racing track down by an shooping Mall in Troutdale. This is an improvement over the cascino's elsewhere that wanted us taxpayers to pay  for the improvements they made in building an cascino....I hope they put in an hote...concert area l and restruant and only an very little gambling area if any...they need the draw of people to be spending shopping dollars at local retailers...not nickles in slot machines only all day and night long. We wait and see what happens. 

My ex-sister in'law came by yesterday....and I gave her an few things I'd bought and saved for her and some ornaments I'd already made and told her I'd send her the the rest by mail or maybe come down there and give them to her...she looks very happy....she's glad to be around my brother's daughter and her two little girls and with their mother working, I think she's filling in helping there an bit also. His daughter went back to school and willl be getting her BA degree here soon. She was surprised also at all the work I'd done over summer with our garage and the craft room I made also. Sent her back with an cookbook and some receipes also.  With that I'd best go an maybe make some more ornaments also...I've made about 10 o fthem now. Talk later on....I hope the craziness in the air waves leave also. 

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