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Altering your photos

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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 23:00 on 21st August 2008

Do you alter or adjust your photos in any way before posting them on POE.

  If you do is it cheating?

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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 23:28 on 21st August 2008

The only alterations I ever do on my photos is to crop.

But for people who know how to enhance their pictures, no, I don't think it's cheating, I think it's clever.

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Mick Bean
Mick Bean
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quotePosted at 23:33 on 21st August 2008
On 21st August 2008 23:28, Sue H wrote:

The only alterations I ever do on my photos is to crop.

But for people who know how to enhance their pictures, no, I don't think it's cheating, I think it's clever.

 I posted a photo of a village green a while ago and it would have looked really bad with a man-hole cover on the grass so I used the clone button and made it look like grass. I'm not convinced that it's not cheating but hay, whos looking..... well, thats the point I guess, people ARE looking...
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 23:36 on 21st August 2008
I do adjust some of my photos. Conrtast adjustments and leveling the horizon mainly. A sea that slopes down just dont look right. I also tend to blur the faces of recognisable people in the shot.  A little tweeking of colour casts and sometimes a little sharpening. I dont think thats cheating. Making people in the shots that dont know they will end up on here blurred is a good thing. Oh, I also reduce the size of the photo file.
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 23:43 on 21st August 2008
I someone could tweak a picture of me and make me look slimmer, I'd not call that cheating, I'd be very happy.
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 23:57 on 21st August 2008
Sue, my sister in law wont show antone photos of her, because she has double chins. The photos I took on holiday with her and her husband, I doctored to remove the double chin. She is so happy that she can show a few of her photos now. I dont know what phot editing program you have, but most allow you to slim someone down if required. It is not too difficult.
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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quotePosted at 23:57 on 21st August 2008
But that is cheating. Lol
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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 00:06 on 22nd August 2008
Thanks Peter, but I think I'd better work on editing myself and not my photos.  But I'll keep it in mind if I fail.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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quotePosted at 00:14 on 22nd August 2008

Essentially, only checking Levels; slight colour alteration if needed; cropping; correct converging verticles if needed; contrast slightly increased; small bits of items that spoil a photo that I couldn't work around, get removed. Basically, want to get the photo right in-camera so post-processing is usually minimal. A small distant trading estate has been removed in my photo of Goldhill, Shaftesbury; it did nothing for the photo and was there irrespective of where the photo was going to be taken from. Others might say let the factories ruin the photo of the cottages; two schools of thought.

Doing weddings, there's a few more tricks here and there so the bride ( in particular) and groom look their very best on their special day, plus a few other things too for their album.

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quotePosted at 01:51 on 22nd August 2008

i do some minor altering as well...saturation, cloning, reducing the size.  but that is about it. to remove the double chins????  PLEASE share...using PSP9

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