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Favourite bird pictures

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 03:29 on 18th December 2008

Great idea for a thread, Sue.  I'll try to exercise restraiint too, but there are so many great bird pics here.  Andy, how long of a zoom do you have?  My trusty little camera is great, but I can't get in close enough for good bird shots.  Santa may have to rememdy the situation.


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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 03:31 on 18th December 2008

Here's my all time favorite bird picture here - you definitely captured this little chap's "personality" in this one, Andy.

Robin, North Cave, East Riding of Yorkshire
Picture by Andy Edwards

And here's another really great one!


Pied Wagtail in flight.
Picture by Roy Jackson

Super shot, Roy.


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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 03:33 on 18th December 2008

OK, just one more (for now).  From our lovely friend, Jo Adams.  (miss you, Jo, if you're watching).


Blue Tits
Picture by Jo Adams

Don't they look like little blossoms?


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Mick Ascroft
Mick Ascroft
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quotePosted at 22:05 on 18th December 2008

bird photography is all about patience, i tried it a few years ago and i have no patience at all, but a bit of luck helps as well.

I've been birdwatching since i was 6 years old ( 34 years up to now ) and i doubt i will ever get bored with it.

Excellent pics by the way.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 22:10 on 18th December 2008

You'll be seeing a lot of wonderful bird pics, especially in this thread, Mick. 


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Mick Ascroft
Mick Ascroft
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quotePosted at 23:39 on 18th December 2008

Looking foward to more pics.

Last year i was sat in my local park reading a book when a sparrowhawk landed 6ft away from me, she was absolutely beautiful and the girlfriend couldnt believe that a bird of prey would get so close to humans and i didnt have a camera (sods law).

I'm quite used to being so close to birds of prey as a friend of mine is a falconer and he owns,eagles, falcons, owls.

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quotePosted at 23:45 on 18th December 2008
On 18th December 2008 03:33, Ruth Gregory wrote:

Don't they look like little blossoms?

They are lovely, Ruth, but I wouldn't like to be in their mother's shoes lol
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Andy Edwards
Andy Edwards
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quotePosted at 08:02 on 19th December 2008

Thanks Ruth. Of all the wild birds in England, the robin is one of the bravest and is very possibly the easiest to photograph.

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 17:54 on 19th December 2008

Yes, they are little hams too, Andy.

LOL, Maria.  Talk about a pile of hungry mouths to feed.  She better be careful she doesn't fall in. 

Mick, you must have a great time seeing your friends' raptors.  The bird of prey are the best.


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Sue H
Sue H
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quotePosted at 23:52 on 19th December 2008

OK, I'm surprised this hasn't been posted yet as I know it's an all time favourtie.


Chick, Ely, Cambridgeshire
Picture by Jason Twist


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