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Holbeach, Lincolnshire. Winner of Britain in Bloom Sign

Holbeach in the county of Lincolnshire

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quotePosted at 14:09 on 21st October 2008
On 21st October 2008 10:22, Lyn Brant wrote:

Thank you Wolf, Lyn and Emma, I know you are right and it isn’t that I don’t want to join in with every one else, I know you are all fab people but I just find it really difficult, I never think I have anything to say that is worth a reply or even reading, I’m the same in the real world, I stand back in the shadows, out of sight and unnoticed, I haven’t always been like this, I used to be really confident with plenty to say to anybody and everybody whether they wanted to listen or not Laughing but over the years, things happen that knock your confidence and I now find myself a bit of a hermit, very rarely leaving the house unless it’s to work or with hubby to take my photos, I guess I withdraw from life and my friends a long time ago and spend far too much time alone in my comfort zone, not even I recognise myself anymore, I was only thinking yesterday that I can’t remember the last time I went out of an evening, it’s that many years ago.

Trouble is once you have got yourself into my situation it is really difficult to change things, people give up on you and I don’t blame them, anyway, I won’t babble on anymore. Please Know that I’m not being ignorant and I do try to post on other threads, I hope I have never ignored anybody that has ever spoken to me on here, I hate rudeness and if I have it was just something that I overlooked and was not done intentionally, obviously I’m fine and at ease chatting to Emma because I know her so well, she is part of my comfort zone. I will try harder and even though I don‘t always join in with the fun and banter I do spend time reading all your posts. Smile

Lyn...I know EXACTLY how you feel!! I am the same way!!  I have few friends in my "real" life and almost never go out!! If I am asked to go hang out with co-workers or a friend I always find an excuse not to go!! I usually hang out by myself! 

That was until I came to POE!!  These wonderful people here are like family to me!! I care about them...worry when one goes missing...think about them when I'm offline and so on!!  So jump in...join in!! I would love to hear what you have to say!!! I really do want to get to know you better!!!


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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 14:14 on 21st October 2008

(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lyn B., Krissy and Stephanie)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

You all are such lovely people and I am so glad you are here. You have made a big difference in my life. Someday I hope we can all be together for a visit.

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quotePosted at 14:14 on 21st October 2008
Me too Cathy!!  I really care about all of you!! Kiss

Edited by: Krissy at:21st October 2008 14:15
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quote | editPosted at 14:34 on 21st October 2008

Cathy, Thank you so much for saying that, you really are a very special, kind person.

Stephanie - you are so right, I like to think I have brought my children up that way and like you said, they do make me proud having grown into sensible (well, most of the time) caring young adults, it’s great to know that at least I got one thing right. Thank you also Stephanie for your really kind words. I think I am probably still suffering from empty nest syndrome, I did give up more or less everything and dedicated my life to bringing up the children, which is fine until they leave then your left wondering who you are and what to do now with the rest of your life. Looking back it was probably not the right thing to do but with hubby being in the Army I was dragged from pillow to post never staying in one place for more than a couple of years, never really getting close to anybody because one or the other would be leaving and moving on and with hubby on duty most of the time I really only had the children for company.

Krissy, Thank you also, it’s great to know I’m not alone and I would love to get to know you and every one else much better, I really do enjoy the company of other people but just always feel so out of place that's why I have become such a loner. Like you Krissy, if I was ever asked out by co workers I would always make some excuse up not to go, now they don’t bother invited me anymore and who can blame them.

Cathy, Stephanie, Krissy, Thank you so much, your words and messages mean more to me than you will ever know. I never actually expected anybody to reply and I only said my piece because I hated the thought of you all thinking I was rude or ignorant because nothing could be further from the truth. A huge Thank you to you all for taking the time to reply. Smile

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 14:47 on 21st October 2008
Hugs and kisses all around!
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quote | editPosted at 14:48 on 21st October 2008
Yes, Thank's CathySmile
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 15:27 on 21st October 2008

Hi Lyn B:  That story is great - thanks for posting it.  You're probably a little more outgoing than you give yourself credit for just because of the line of work you're in.  I often find that when you're around people all day, you need time to yourself.  And if you still work full time, it's often hard to find the time to socialize wih friends AND family.  Lack of time seems to be the modern day plague.  But you definitely seem to have your priorities in order.  I think I'm a pretty outgoing person, but I definitely need my quiet time to myself, just to recharge.  So don't beat yourself up.  I think we've come to know you as a very kind and caring person. 


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Emma Utting
Emma Utting
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quotePosted at 15:51 on 21st October 2008

I agree Ruth, Lyn B is very outgoing and she doesnt give herself credit for it!!! You and chris have more of a social life than me and shane and we are in our twenties, You go out to different places around Norfolk atleast 4 days a week... and snap amazing pictures. But Ruth you are also right, people do need time to themselves...just to reflect and to take things in. I know I do!!!! lol

All threads on poe, are interesting, funny and very thought provoking!!! and everyone has an opinion and I think that is great!!!!!!!!

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quote | editPosted at 16:08 on 21st October 2008
Thank's Emma and Thank you Ruth,  I do only work part time, well, actually at the moment I am just working relief shifts so only go in as and when I am needed. I do enjoy my own company allot of the time, I can spend hours doing my genealogy or gardening. I go days without ever going out of the house or seeing another person other than hubby and my daughter when they return home from work in the evening, some times I do feel like life is passing me by and I know it is my own fault but just seem unable to change things. once I get to know somebody I am fine, I love a laugh and a joke and actually can get along with anybody at all, the past few years though I just seem of locked myself away and in doing so have lost all my confidence. Glad you liked the story, I think it proves that it is the smallest of things we can do that make a huge difference to somebody else.
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Joined: 1st Jan 1970
quote | editPosted at 16:10 on 21st October 2008
Hi Emma, now you are making me sound me sound like a right gad about, it's twice a week I'm allowed out with my camera haha not 4 times, blimy that would kill Chris having to go our 4 times a week, he moans enough at 2 Laughing
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