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What's your weather like today?....3

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Posted at 12:51 on 10th February 2010 we are under a blizzard warning and expecting about 22 inches of snow today. Surprised
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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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Posted at 13:34 on 10th February 2010
We just woke up to 12 inches of blowing and drifting snow this morning in central Michigan. No plows yet on our rural road, so travel is not easy. Fortunately (I guess!), I've got some sort of flu bug so I'm staying home anyway. I had to cancel the class that I was going to be teaching today, which I'm sure broke my students' hearts!
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Posted at 13:58 on 10th February 2010
Yikes!! Hope you feel better soon Rob!! What class were you going to teach today?
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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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Posted at 14:10 on 10th February 2010
Thanks, Krissy--I also hope I feel better sooner than later! On Mondays and Wednesdays this semester I teach a course on research skills that focuses on the best ways to use reference tools and scholarly databases, and methods for formulating effective research strategies. Geez--it sounds bit stuffy, doesn't it?
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Posted at 14:13 on 10th February 2010

No not at all....very interesting in fact!

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 15:07 on 10th February 2010

My weather stinks!!! Same as Krissy, under a blizzard warning with 10-20 inches expected on top of an already 24 inches!!! We have now hit the record for the most snow in a winter season ever!!! 

Rob, Wish my daughter could take your class. She could use the help! Sure hope you are better soon. Get well vibes and prayers coming your way! 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 17:35 on 10th February 2010
Cold with more snow for us, although only a light dusting!
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Peter Evans
Peter Evans
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Posted at 18:09 on 10th February 2010
It has been snowing on and off for a couple of hours here in Essex. Bloomin freezing. But most of it has blown away except for on the cars. I am definately not going out.
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Peggy Cannell
Peggy Cannell
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Posted at 19:11 on 10th February 2010
Likewise Peter
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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Posted at 20:46 on 10th February 2010
Hi folks!  Barbara here, digging her way to the surface.  I am so over snow!  It finally stopped snowing and the sun is trying to come out but it's very windy now.  My office has been closed all week.  At least we haven't lost electricity and have plenty of food and books and telly and the Internet!   Hope you are all safe, warm and dry.
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