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What's your weather like today?....3

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 18:34 on 2nd January 2010
Cold, blue sky and more cold weather to come. Beautiful England!
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Beth Austin
Beth Austin
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Posted at 18:46 on 2nd January 2010

LOL  Good start, Ron....posted my weather report on last thread, so will post a new & improved weather report! Dry, very cold, more snow/sleet coming down and on the Positive side of things....SPRING IS COMING!

Cheers All!

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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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Posted at 19:45 on 2nd January 2010
So we've had the coldest December in 13 years. I wonder just how cold it'd be if it wasn't for global warming keeping the temperature up---allegedly??

Edited by: Paul Hilton at:2nd January 2010 19:46
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Beth Austin
Beth Austin
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Posted at 19:53 on 2nd January 2010
Paul, are you saying my 'balmy sea breezes' would be almost extinct? LOL...
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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Posted at 16:45 on 5th January 2010
Well Beth, they certainly have seemed to become extinct in Berkshire! In 30 mins, the landscape has just turned from green to white and it's only just started.
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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Posted at 18:08 on 5th January 2010

They're just reporting that we're likely to have the coldest winter for 20 years.

We need a Cold Tax !!!----Saint Al of the Gore.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 19:02 on 5th January 2010
BBC News is telling us here in Oxford that its the worst for 30 years Paul and to expect upto 40cm of snow by tomorrow morning! Yuck!!!
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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Posted at 20:39 on 5th January 2010
It's equalled anything I've seen here in Berkshire in 32 years, and certainly never seen 40cm ---16 inches---in 40. The last time I saw that was winter of 1968, and that was in Manitoba-----slightly west of Oxford!  Gotta run---the sled dogs getting ready to go in the back yard!
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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Posted at 06:41 on 6th January 2010
Well I took the boys to school at 9am yesterday & had to fetch them back at 11am with all the snow. Still waiting for them to announce school clusures today - I hope they are shut - took me an hour & a half to bring back my boys and my friends girls yesterday - they picked up a snowball every 2 seconds! Terry has walked to work - hope he will be OK- he is still not right after the op. The snow is too deep to drive up our road - my neighbour is trying to get up there now!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 09:32 on 6th January 2010

Like most in the UK it seems, plenty of snow (about 8 inches so far in Oxford) and still coming. Transport, schools, work patterns all affected.

Strange, when we had this sort of weather 'years ago' we still went to school, the roads were 'gritted' rather than salted and when we got home from school we picked up the shovel.

Chains were available and carried in vehicles as the norm and life carried on! What happened, what a load of whimps we are?

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