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What's your weather like today?....3

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 22:42 on 17th January 2010
yes,--did you try the others    just click on em.Smile
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 22:46 on 17th January 2010

No, but I bookmarked the page so I can later.  Must dash now - the dog wants to G-O (sorry, I have to spell it aound him).  lol

It was lovely visiting with you, George.  Seeya later.


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Posted at 10:46 on 18th January 2010
On 17th January 2010 21:01, Ruth Gregory wrote:

Well, you need to post us some pictures, George.  There are only 2 on here and this is one of them. 

Does the weather you get there originate in the US?  I knew that hurricanes sometimes make it over there, but I didn't think other storms did.  I thought the weather that hits Britain originated in the "pond."


afraid it mostly does Ruth, the 'left overs' of your severe storms tend to make it over here and hit our west coast, the cold weather that hits Newfoundland and Iceland tend to  sandwich them between the gulf stream/jetstream so they swirl around before they fizzle out. Not to worry, it keeps us nice, green and fresh. lots of Brits go South towards the Med. beaches for a couple of weeks a year to top up their 'tan' but most are glad to come back home, lol
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Posted at 10:54 on 18th January 2010
On 2nd January 2010 19:45, Paul Hilton wrote:
So we've had the coldest December in 13 years. I wonder just how cold it'd be if it wasn't for global warming keeping the temperature up---allegedly??

i'm sure that you are aware, Paul, that global warming would make us a cooler island, due to the fact that as we are presently 'warmed' by the 'jet stream'. As the north pole ice melts it cools our surounding  sea temperatures, pushing the gulf stream further south andcooling our sea, creating a barrier and more wet weather remaining static above us

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Posted at 11:06 on 18th January 2010
On 17th January 2010 21:17, Ruth Gregory wrote:
Today's exchange rate: 

292,626.88 USD

This is a good currency exchange site:

The lb. is still pretty favorable against the dollar.  This might be your year to travel, George.  Smile

RUTH, the British pound (money) is written as £ (or GBP) lb. is wieght as in 'pounds and ounces', stick with us girl, we'll soon have you as English as we are lol
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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 21:04 on 18th January 2010
yeah stick with usLaughing
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 21:13 on 18th January 2010

Hi George, Hi Michael!

Yes, I'll stick around, George.  It's the only way I can get my England fix, remember.  And I've learned soooo much since I've been a member here.

Very nice to see you, Michael.  Thanks for the info on the weather, I had no idea. So I guess it's safe to say that some of your weather originates in the Pacific then.  lol

Sorry about the faux pas on the pounds sterling, too.  I don't have a £ on my keyboard.  I have to type Alt 0163 to get the £ sign.

BTW, it's raining here.  YAY!!  It's been mostly scattered light showers, but no sunshine today.  The clouds are thick and the storms are about to get heavier overnight.


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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 22:16 on 18th January 2010
Slight frost last night, slight rain today. Cool and more snow forecast for Wednesday but I don't believe them!! Time 22.15 and it's dark outside. Lol
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Beth Austin
Beth Austin
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Posted at 22:22 on 18th January 2010
We've had brillaint sunshine all day, and it was relatively warm(thankfully).Snow is gone, as we had rain yesterday.Tomorrow brings surprises.'s only weather.
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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 14:19 on 19th January 2010

Oh dear, we have snow  .

WE had the big storm, right around Christmas time, then it didn't get above freezing, so, even though it didn't snow again, it stayed on the ground, then it rained and pretty much took it all away. For a few days there, I could almost convince myself that we were done with the snow, but now it's all white again, with more on the way.

Woe is me  !

Whoever told me it never snows in the desert, needs to be found and dealt with.

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