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What's your weather like today?....3

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Posts: 74
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Posted at 08:44 on 22nd January 2010

Apparently there has been widespread disatisfaction with the inaccuracies of the UK Met Service .... especially in not forecasting this last cold snap. Reporters travelling with Prince William on his visit to NZ and Australia have said that they're even considering having the NZ Met Service contract for coverage of the UK. Apparently the graphics used on weather broadcasting sites in the UK are all NZ originated.

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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 14:54 on 22nd January 2010
Snow , snow  , and more snow  .
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 17:39 on 22nd January 2010
Rain, rain, rain and more rain! Been out today and got thoroughly soaked. However, tomorrow it's supposed to be a little better. Ah, beautiful England!!
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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Posted at 00:45 on 24th January 2010

Chilly and breey, with a few stray cloud left over from the storm we had Thursday.  Sunny days til Wednesday, when we're due for more rain, then a few days of sun and more storms next weekend.  It's a pretty typical weather pattern for this time of year as the storms line up across the Pacific.

The storm on Thursday had very tragic circumstances, when a couple tried to drive through a flooded wash to take their 6-year old son to the hospital because of illness, but the car got stuck and the child was swept away.  They have yet to recover his body.  Please pray for the family.

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Posts: 1986
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Posted at 09:42 on 24th January 2010
On 22nd January 2010 08:44, Kahu wrote:

Apparently there has been widespread disatisfaction with the inaccuracies of the UK Met Service .... especially in not forecasting this last cold snap. Reporters travelling with Prince William on his visit to NZ and Australia have said that they're even considering having the NZ Met Service contract for coverage of the UK. Apparently the graphics used on weather broadcasting sites in the UK are all NZ originated.

take what 'reporters' say with tounge in cheek, Kuhu. The UK weather service is second to none. It's the 'wallies' that attempt to report it in the press and media that sensationalize it to make up a storey.

The Uk has four seasons, always had four seasons and always will, (sometimes in one day lol). At the moment we are in our winter season, that means cold, wet and possibly snow. If we get sunny days at this time of year (and we do) its a pleasant bonus. If you dont like it, dont blame the weather, blame yourself or head south like the wild geese do, but stop whinging and get over it, it'll still be the same when you are pushing up daisies. Cool


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Sue H
Sue H
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Posted at 15:21 on 24th January 2010

Snow on the horizon, hopefully it will hold off until we've made our trip to the city. Ideally, I hope it stays up in the mountains, pleases the skiers, pleases me.

I'll be back on Tuesday.

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 18:37 on 24th January 2010
Safe journey Sue!
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 18:44 on 25th January 2010
No rain today, cool, cloudy but gearing up for a frost tonight! Not bad though for a 'Winters day' in beautiful England.
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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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Posted at 19:21 on 25th January 2010
Rain and wind overnight, but a balmy 60 F. this morning, cooling to 50 F. by this evening; currently, a gentle breeze, partly cloudy/partly blue skies with bright sunshine.  A brief respite from old man winter.
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Posted at 19:28 on 25th January 2010
Same there too Barbara! It's balmy out there!! I had to drive with my window down at lunch!!! BUT...snow is coming on Saturday!
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