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What's your weather like today?....3

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Posts: 23275
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Location: South Africa
Posted at 12:46 on 13th April 2010
This morning started off with a thick mist (very similar to an autumn morning in England), now it is sunny and warm - lovely.
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 13:27 on 13th April 2010

Morning James and all...

So it's spring all over the POE world then?

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Posted at 13:31 on 13th April 2010
Not here Ron (Southern Hemisphere)- we are heading straight into Autumn
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Patrick Van Calck
Patrick Van Calck
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Posted at 07:39 on 14th April 2010
still very chilly in the morning. Wind seems to be coming from the north. That's you up there !
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 21:57 on 16th April 2010
Sun shining all day, blue sky, ground frost tonight but snow expected again? What???
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 19:11 on 17th April 2010
Wonderful day weatherwise here in Oxford and no sign yet of the dust from Iceland. Frost expected again tonight.
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Posted at 19:16 on 17th April 2010
lovely day here again, in fact I had to water the garden with the hose this morning, not seen rain since the start of the month, where are to april showers? second thoughts dont want them yet, just cleaned the car as a light covring of dust as settled, but nothing to worry about lol
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Dee Gill
Dee Gill
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Posted at 20:02 on 17th April 2010

AZ valley is about 90 degree fahrenheit!! NO cloud coverage, dry as a bone! We were supposed to drive up to Flagstaff, greener, about 10-15 degrees cooler, a 2 hour drive north just to get out of the heat (otherwise nothing else to do up there except maybe some hiking in the wooded areas and see typical small rinky dinky, wild west towns!!) But hubby's cousin calls suggesting a nearby water park instead . So I'll be dodging the weather by going to the mall, a national American pastime!!  and worrying about the kids getting heat exhaustion, dehydrated, OTT sun tan. There should be a Center Parks type of thing here in AZ. There is just too much sun and heat!! Again I miss the British weather and the variety of things to do in the UK.

Cathyml-I had know idea it is colder in South Africa during the summer months. So what are your winter months like.

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Posted at 13:10 on 18th April 2010
Dee, you're not blond are you lol. SA is in the southern Hemisphere, they are in their autumn now, aproaching winter!!lolWink
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Posted at 15:02 on 18th April 2010

Thank you Michael!, yes the seasons are reversed in the Southern Hemisphere - back to front - same as the Australians.  Christmas always feels very odd here being right in the middle of our Summer!  (The one and only time I miss the snow and a nice fire)!

Our Autumn starts in March, Winter is in June, July, August, - 1st September officially starts our Spring and December -  Feb is Summer.

Very confusing isn't it?

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