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Prayers,,,, Please
Pages: 1 2 3
25874614th August 2013 15:41
by Richard Sellers
20th August 2013 19:25
by Richard Sellers
Autumn,,,,I Love it,,, what about you?
Pages: 1 2
15588813th August 2013 17:08
by Richard Sellers
17th August 2013 01:28
by Dave John
Please send your prayers to Oklahoma, after mile wide tornado,many school children among those who have passed...
Pages: 1 2
10360021st May 2013 15:07
by Richard Sellers
24th May 2013 20:15
by Ron Brind
NHS Managers riding the gravy train 5181922nd April 2013 22:30
by Edward Lever
25th April 2013 06:45
by Ron Brind
2 Brothers from Russia,are identified as the bombers, one is dead, one is on the run9206219th April 2013 13:17
by Richard Sellers
21st April 2013 02:39
by Rob Faleer
ARREST MADE IN BOSTON BOMBING..9165917th April 2013 18:58
by Richard Sellers
17th April 2013 21:49
by Richard Sellers
Cameron mocks the disabled
Pages: 1 2 3 4 5 6
59150818th January 2012 14:2314th April 2013 12:42
by cathyml
Our Mr. Ron for P M !!
Pages: 1 2 3
26429019th February 2013 19:14
by Richard Sellers
12th April 2013 18:33
by rustyruth
Pages: 1 2
1025004th April 2013 22:27
by Vince Hawthorn
6th April 2013 22:59
by Rob Faleer
Iam so Happy
Pages: 1 2
1857779th April 2012 16:18
by Shaun Wilson
4th April 2013 21:53
by cathyml
Its been so long !28161st April 2013 12:52
by victorian67
2nd April 2013 07:20
by victorian67
King Richard III found under a car park??!!
Pages: 1 2
1742144th February 2013 17:14
by Richard Sellers
14th February 2013 22:13
by jc
Pages: 1 2
10277431st January 2013 10:19
by Shaun Wilson
2nd February 2013 23:11
by jc
Campsites in castle grounds?3207210th March 2012 00:03
by Jason T
20th January 2013 00:18
by Roses
Can help in the search for Madeleine McCann?
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651845919th March 2008 13:52
by Ron Brind
3rd January 2013 23:34
by Mike Freeman
KIND WORDS727576th February 2012 01:37
by jc
23rd November 2012 09:30
by James Prescott
Which Canals for Narrowboats are Your Favourites?5317714th September 2012 13:35
by Ken Marshall
18th September 2012 00:11
by David Roberts
Anyone live in/near Gloucester? help needed.2170910th September 2012 16:06
by Deborah Drain
10th September 2012 20:57
by James Prescott
This Generation
Pages: 1 2
12442423rd December 2010 11:21
by lancashirelove
7th August 2012 00:47
by Ken Marshall
Planning a vacation
Pages: 1 2 3 4
3276546th November 2011 15:46
by Carol Byers
19th July 2012 19:02
by James Prescott