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Dittisham as seen from the River Dart

Dittisham in the county of Devon

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I'd rather be....

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Bob T
Bob T
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quotePosted at 18:59 on 29th January 2010

Nice to see you, Shirley. Tahiti isn't on my horizon yet. In a few years when I retire, but not yet. When I retire we're thinking about a circumnavigation. We'll sell everything, lock, stock, and barrel and buy the big boat.



Edited by: Bob T at:29th January 2010 19:00
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 20:00 on 29th January 2010

I know a bloke who was circumnavigated! At least, I think that's what he said Lol

And Shirley, hang on to some of that weight for no matter what the 'experts' might say, in losing lots of weight you might end up looking really scrawny and I wouldn't like that! Remember, you need a bit of fat to keep the wrinkles at bay! Hey, Im not wrinkly! Work that out if you can Lol

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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 02:33 on 30th January 2010

You're cute, Ron.  xx


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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 14:27 on 30th January 2010

Shirley, you make me laugh! :-)

Hiya Bob! Long time no see. I hope all is well? :-)

Ruth, don't make Ron's head any bigger than it already is...he won't be able to fit into that van of his. ;-)

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 18:20 on 31st January 2010

Ron I' d like to just get back into my smaller clothes again, going around next to "naked" is not fun for me...letting it all hang out is not the thing to do sometimes. One of my doctors looks loving at me with ideas of an lipo-suction treatment...he says, lose as much as you can first my dear..and we take care of the rest, and tighten things up at the same time. I told him, I thought I was "born" without an waistline one time.

Diana, I found something for you..ever heard of these cookies called Macrons...about $20 for an dozen..I guess they are really popular in the SW of the USA. Come in wide variety of flavors. Featured in Sunset Magazine, they look like an sandwhich cookie of maybe soften baked egg flavors....with an complementary center filling.

Bob, retirement...there is such an thing isn't there?...without having to "lose it all" so as to say. Sounds like you have quite an adventrure planned for the days ahead. They just found another old ship along the Oregon coast that unwashed itself recently from one of the storms with an high tide...not much left but the bottom of it. Where's my metal detector...see if I can find some riches amid it. I bet that's the first thing millions of other people thought of also. Diana "hunts" Johnny Depp in these cases..and then she "gigglesnorts" him. Right Diana..smiles* He probably stands on an rock and says "To be or NOT to be!" he looks provocatively at her.

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Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 06:19 on 8th February 2010

Diana..I made that meat loaf of yours again...and used it as sandwhiches on rolls for the Super-bowl Football game today. I made it last night and tried it out on the grandkid's cousin, babysitter for the kids, young "Anthony"..and he really seemed like he liked it also. In fact it was more like inhaling it then eating, it went down his throat so quickly, along with cold milk(with an big smile)..but as I told him, I understand kids at his age, and I know if they are in sports of any kind they drink gallons of milk and eat tons of bread for energy. He came over with an cold, and I kept telling him, "feed an cold and starve an fever", so with pizza earlier and cough supressents, we worked him over good..and he wasn't sounding so bad when he left today. Coughing was gone. I made them call it an early evening also. He had one grandson in the recliner and the other one on the floor on an air matttress and he took the sofa. Young Anthony in two years has grown about three feet recently. His older brother is tall also, but most of the daughter in-law's kin is...male or female. Tall and skinny.

In the meantime, I bunked down in an room I use to have as my own "summer" bedroom, with my electric blanket on low..and whom joined me for the evening but my kitty cat..all night long, just like when he was an kitten and I poked him up next to me to keep him warm..he was so sweet and tiny then...thing is he's no little kitty any more... but it was nice he remebered those times, he's been very loyal to me. He is still my cat over anyone else's in this house. He always sleeps near me usually. How is your new kitty doing, learned hsi way around in the house and with you as well?

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Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 06:54 on 8th February 2010

Right now I'd rather be someplace warm!!!!

Shirley, your kitty sounds so sweet!! My Katie (cat) went to sleep with me last night on my pillow and woke me this morning licking my eyelids!! She is so gentle and loving. 

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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 17:33 on 8th February 2010

As it snows,,,i think of only 21 more days and we will be in beautiful  Hereford !!!! 

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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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quotePosted at 18:13 on 8th February 2010

Are you all packed up anticipating the trip as of yet Richard?..I think I would probably be in that situation. I'm  re-arranging my kitchen to take my mind off being house-bound over winter right now. Did my book reading last month.

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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 19:52 on 9th February 2010
On 8th February 2010 17:33, Richard Sellers wrote:

As it snows,,,i think of only 21 more days and we will be in beautiful  Hereford !!!! 


Hereford as in Herefordshire, or Hereford as in Arizona?

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