Pictures of England


Historic Towns & Picturesque Villages

Cullercoats harbour. Tyne & Wear

Cullercoats in the county of Tyne & Wear

Conwy, Gwynedd

Conwy in the county of Gwynedd

All Saints church, Okehampton, Devon

Okehampton in the county of Devon

A picture of RyeBath AbbeyA picture of Bath AbbeyBag End?A picture of Barton Le ClayA picture of Barton Le Clay

I'd rather be....

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Beth Austin
Beth Austin
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quotePosted at 19:08 on 26th January 2010

I think Krissy & Peggy have a great idea...suppose we could get enough of these recipes together to create our own lil booklet ?

Would be great experimenting ! We could name it????????

Edited by: Beth Austin at:26th January 2010 19:11
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 19:23 on 26th January 2010
On 26th January 2010 18:50, Peggy Cannell wrote:
Yes Rick you can come with us as long as you are over 18 years of age!

I'll be 46 in june,,,will that do ??!!!
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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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quotePosted at 19:24 on 26th January 2010
On 26th January 2010 19:08, Beth Austin wrote:

I think Krissy & Peggy have a great idea...suppose we could get enough of these recipes together to create our own lil booklet ?

Would be great experimenting ! We could name it????????

Hi Beth,,,what about my recipe ??
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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quotePosted at 19:37 on 26th January 2010
On 26th January 2010 19:08, Beth Austin wrote:

I think Krissy & Peggy have a great idea...suppose we could get enough of these recipes together to create our own lil booklet ?

Would be great experimenting ! We could name it????????

Cooking with Pictures, of England...
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quotePosted at 19:41 on 26th January 2010

I like it Ron!!

Great idea Beth!

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Barbara Shoemaker
Barbara Shoemaker
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quotePosted at 21:16 on 26th January 2010

Brilliant idea!  We could have a cookbook to go along with our calendar. 

I like cooking with pictures, Ron.  In fact, I can hardly do it without them!  Laughing

About 10 years ago, my employer at the time traveled to Belgium on business and brought back for me a box of Godiva chocolate covered cherries.  The liquid inside was Kirsch (cherry liquer).  Wow!  Talk about needing to keep track of how many you ate!  Those were a party in a box. 

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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quotePosted at 22:22 on 26th January 2010
I'd rather be in heaven.
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Rob Faleer
Rob Faleer
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quotePosted at 22:46 on 26th January 2010
On 26th January 2010 17:25, Richard Sellers wrote:
On 26th January 2010 17:21, Krissy wrote:

LMAO Rick!!!

Rob....I have to track some down!!! Where can you find them??? oh and great avatar by the way!!

me too.....where ....where !!!

I have had the whisky chocolates only over in the UK and they are made by Lindt and like most Lindt chocolate bars are quite delicious! Here's a website for them via a Bristol distributor:

The Lindt cognac and Irish Coffee filled chocolates are available in the U.S. as well from a number of sites (but not the whisky-filled)--just Google "Lindt cognac chocolate."

In the States, the Jameson Whisky chocolates are available, though I've not had them. My brother had both the whisky truffles and whisky chocolate bar when he was in Ireland this past summer--he said the truffles were spectacular, but the chocolate bar was just okay:

The rum-filled chocolates that I have had were strictly homemade affairs via some old friends of mine.

As to my avatar, it's a photo of my son Ian and I a few years ago in our respective academic rigs just after he received his Master of Music Degree in Choral Conducting. I made arrangements to march with the faculty in his commencement so that I could hand him his degree and "hood" him. His soon to be wife had also received her Master of Music Degree in Vocal Performance, so it was a double celebration.
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Ruth Gregory
Ruth Gregory
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quotePosted at 03:35 on 27th January 2010

Do you US people have Trader Joe's in your towns?  They always have whiskey filled chocolates at Christmas time.

Today whilst (Smile) I was getting ready for work, I had BBC 3 Counties radio on and they were interviewing their travel expert.  He was discussing Portugal and how beautiful it is there, and how it's become a major vacation destination for people from the UK.  I emailed them to say that I was in warm, sunny Phoenix, but that if I couldn't go to the British Isles for vacation, then I didn't want to go anywhere.  They read my email on air.  I was chuffed!  Then they proceeded to talk a little about how people in England don't appreciate what they have in their own back yards - the castles, the cathedrals, the stunning countryside, and that people always think they have to go abroad for a good holiday.  But I think the Brits on POE most definitely appreciate the beauty over there, so I need to say, "Thanks for sharing it."

But we're all like that, I guess.  We always want to be where we're not.  Better yet, in places that aren't like home.  I think that's why I love it over there so much - it isn't anything like here.

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Diana Sinclair
Diana Sinclair
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quotePosted at 05:51 on 27th January 2010

Oh shoot! I would be absent when you all were here having a good time. Lol.

Ruth, you can't turn a corner in New England without running into a Trader Joe's. I love that store. :-)

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