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Richard Sellers
Richard Sellers
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Posted at 17:05 on 10th February 2010
On 10th February 2010 15:15, Cathy E. wrote:

Hi everybody!!

It is pretty Krissy isn't it? But I have had enough!! 24 inches + another 10-20 inches today. I'm ready for the Caribbean! 

Stephanie - I'm glad your eye is improving and will be thinking of Terry.

Cathy - Is good to have your bright personality here with us! 

Ditto !!!...except the snow part,,,wasnt that long ago we had over three feet of snow in one night !!Tongue out
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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 17:34 on 10th February 2010

Hi to everybody...

I am about dear friends, but have other stuff to deal with before I get back to the usual, thought provoking new threads! Lol

Nothing to stop you guys starting a new thread though.

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 23:10 on 10th February 2010
Just on the news - my area has accumulate 21 inches on top of our already 24 and it is still coming down!! Frown
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Paul Hilton
Paul Hilton
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Posted at 23:51 on 10th February 2010
They should send your snow Cathy, to Vancouver for their winter olympics; they seem a bit short of it at the moment----or maybe they should move their venue to Washington , DC.   Speed skating on the Potomac; a ski slope from the roof of the Capital building; a bob sled run along the Interstate.........Smile
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Shirley K. Lawson
Shirley K. Lawson
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Posted at 02:40 on 11th February 2010

They will be getting if not already Paul, they said with this rain came in here today, it's going to be snowing about the 5,000 foot level on Mt. Hood,which is good, as we are only at 74 per cent snow pack there right we need this. We had the heavy snow last year in these parts. This four day rain storm is as far up as Vancouver also. But SE alabama is facing some thick snow tonight falling...that's rare. Maybe we do have an mini ice-age upon us, as I understand it's been pretty cold snowy weather in Europe long as it knows when to stop.  

Hello there everyone!...all the new ones, so glad to see your here with us in the POE threads. Keeps our days exciting and interesting getting to know about you. Just be forwarned, we tease and laugh an lot here at times. 

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Posted at 05:12 on 11th February 2010

Goodmorning everyone, have a really great day, love and best wishes to all who are feeling a little under the weather (be it snow or health!)

Seeing Pat's gorgeous pictures of the snowdrops in Oxford gave me my morning boost.  I have never seen them grow in such profusion, what a fabulous sight that must have been.

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Cathy E.
Cathy E.
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Posted at 06:12 on 11th February 2010

Final totals came in and we got 23 inches on top of our already 24. Everything is shut down and no one is allowed on the streets unless you are an emergency vehicle or the gas and electric company.

My mom said that there had been an accident in York, PA where a couple was driving their snow mobile on the streets (where it is illegal to do so) and ran into a car. The man was instantly killed and the woman died tonight. I don't understand why people want to take the risk!

I have pictures from a friends place about 30 minutes from me where he cannot get out of his front door and while on his walkway the snow is about at least 3 ft taller than he is, and he is a tall guy!

If you live around here and are reading this post, please, please stay indoors until they can get the streets cleared and the wind stops.

And after hearing about the little girl in Ohio who was buried in the snow after a fall and died because no one was watching after her, please parents, don't let your kids go out in the snow to play unless you are right with them. It is too dangerous!!

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Posted at 06:31 on 11th February 2010
Hi Cathy E, that is so tragic, nature sure can be a force to be reckoned with, stay warm and safe inside.
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Stephanie Jackson
Stephanie Jackson
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Posted at 06:48 on 11th February 2010

Morning my two dear Cathy's -What a contrast in weather you two!

Cathy that snow sounds really scary - take care and wrap up warm. Such tragic stories. We had a blizzard here at school pick up time yesterday - I am not used to wearing my glasses & I needed windscreen wipers on them! Luckily it didn't stick.

Terry has been signed off work another two weeks until his scan - the doctor is trying to pull that forward. It is very frustrating! My eye is mostly OK - painful at night but my sinusitis is back so I think it may be related. It is all good fun here in the West Midlands!


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Sally Birch
Sally Birch
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Posted at 12:04 on 11th February 2010
The U.S. snow news is just amazing, particularly when we see the UK grinding to a halt with just an inch or two. Like Stephanie I was driving late yesterday afternoon and although there was very little snow on the ground driving conditions were almost a white out. Very scary at times with huge lorries driving at high speeds and dwarfing my little Nissan Micra. Keep safe everyone. Stephanie I hope things soon start to improve for you and your family I know what back problems are like as almost 35 years ago my husband fractured his spine in several places and spent two full years in hospital without coming home once. Needless to say he has had many operations over the years and is never without pain, however we are lucky that he has been able to lead a reasonably full life. It a lovely bright day here today with just a dusting of sparkling snow.
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