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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 18:46 on 6th February 2015
Good Evening to all--everyone had a good day??Smile
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Posted at 20:40 on 6th February 2015
Good evening James, not a bad day, Internet has been a bit hit and miss for a couple of hours, but it seems to be OK again now. Famous last words Undecided
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editPosted at 22:34 on 6th February 2015

Working at it James, San Francisco had two small quakes this morning...they are having rain down there in the bucketfulls I guess, up here the storm has been mild an meek so far. Light steady rain.

I'm pretty well ready now...I had to check out Joan of Kent geneaology, and I'm satisfied she was named after JOan of Arc in her day..cause to the lineages that are asociated with her. So I am declaring that Parzival's son named Lohegrin isthe closest I can find to an "Larkin" in Kent Co., England...and the oldest form of it. No, I did not ask him where he came from either...I'm relying on the history known and to an degree my own physic impressions. I have always felt that the Edward Larkinof Charlestown, Mass was kin...and I think I found it through his second marriage to to the Rev. Hale  Family....and their "Nash" in-law kin. They are most likey also the Cardinal William Larkin ..outsted by Henry VIII to put Thomas Wolsey in his place. By the time of the Dissolution of the Churches, there was no reason for them to stay in England...and Henry VIII had an nasty reputation of killing the in-laws of others. He still does that with out family "diabetes"'s time he changed his ways. I've never seen an "King" so throughly almost "Satanic" like as was he. But I do believe that he had problems that have never been written about as of them was the economy of the nation coming out from John of the Barons refused to help in thier day. Plus he had the Catholic church down his neck also with the Magna Carta as well. He wasn't the only one, thier source of Gold had ran out...same for France.  King Henry II did likewise also..he was trying to maintain four English Castles in France and refused to help in England. So I guess it's no big surpriseto see Henry VIII's willingness to dump churches. The Catholics by then had thier own "Nation" in Europe pretty much also. The William Warham can be seen in Wikipedia. There's an Warham down in southern England, and pretty much the same area as even Wolsey grew up in. Warham I have as an Larkin also...and that he had an child in old age...that he asked the "Percy" family to raise should he die for any reason.  The are about three differrent connects to the colonial family's coming over. But..the Nash family I found in e-google books as into "Tory" North Carolina history. As to our James Larkin father of William E. Larkin of 1847 Oregon. Thanks to Melinda's help, whose ancestor married Gov. John Sevier in Tennesee...his military records are not in the Federal military files, but in his own personnel records of his milita he formed. In it, an James Larkin was killed around 1795. I think this is the James Larkin I have in William Rogers  Rev. War report as owning money to for "wintering his cattle"....I found only one bit of data that he had married an Mary McAdoo....but John Larkin shows up in Illinois backing her to purchase an land grant. She's always gone down as having the husband of Benjamin F.Clark before Malinda guided me to this file box of Seviers. Her an James could not of  been married long enough to have more then an couple of kids. I believe she is the child of Rev. Samuel McAdoo of North Carolina that died in Illinois. He's been in all the right places so far...including Augusta Co., Va. as an preacher. There were actually two early William Larkin in Virginia. I've had an hard time trying to sort them out...but I do think one of them may of been the son of Cardinal William Larkin/Warham..and he was from the Kent Co/Suffolk Co., area...and I believe the name derived from that of Parzival...from which the French "Percy" family dervied from and they were all "Templar Knights". King Henry VII's mother took our maternal line of family Manor house away from them to be near her son as he was educated in the area down in southern England. Parzival's family is tied into the  McAdoo family way of the house of Anjou. The Rev. Samuel  McAdoo died in Illinois.  This family is by now from Scotland roots, more then French..but throughout all of this they keep thier ties to the "Templar Knights" days...and to the Lawson family. Cardinal William Warkham/Larkin is the one our "Paul" suggested was our kin...he earned his Cardinalship as having studied the Judical part of the church...and at one time attended at Oxford... or al least so when he had his son. After he died.... he was interned at Canterbury Church.  Apparently his wife moved up to the area of the Percy family as "Headly's" also. Over here they say they know my family well of my mother's as they are of the same lineage though Rachel Reed/Read line...thier ancestor, and she was discussing at one time with me the North Carolina "Pierce" family. Because of knowing and looking through the family here..I beleive our William Larkin was an son right now of Ebenzeer Larkin, whom opened up the bookstore on Cornhill that is still in they started the first bible book circulation and they most likely did it with the help of Benjamin Franklin. Ebenezer died early leaving 17 children...some of whom I think took the name of "Lucus" also.Though Robert Larkin in records says his mother was kin to his father's lineage...he was out ot Tenneesee...and an Masonic Lodge member. Being that the "Forrester" family is also an kinship, particularly to the Lawson's takes in the Bamburgh Castle also. So at this time..I've an couple of people that I've got scanty information of them is William Lucus whom married anElizabeth Price, daughte rof Micheal Price..October 2, 1782.  Four days later John Huff married Elinor Corder...and the Huff family was listed as William E. Larkins unit that he joined in the 181r appears that he may of been Quaker, as Racheal Reed had been but both changed to "Baptist" and also had ties with the Epsicopal and Methodist beginnings...they also have ties with the Haw River in North Carolina. John Nash listed as "The Pennsyvanians pushing up from the Shanendoah Valley..working their way up the James River"...see's him in an land grant of Goochland county, Va near the mountains with an 440 acre land grant on an branch of Byrd and Deep Creek.  The divison

of Goochalnd and Henrico counties was made by the James River flowing between them. This was done by the commisioner then named William Byrd..and this family left the only records of William E. Larkins coming to Oregon by an descendent that was on their wagon train. The Byrd family from Virgina was John Sevier's commanding officer in his self-appointed milita in Tennessee.The Saponi Tribe lived in this area also...whose DNA say they were Shephardic Jews from France/Spain at one time also. They tend to include the Collins family nieghbors of William E. Larkins in Illinois. I have an picture of their's nothing "indian" of it's's laid out in an hug pasture completely fenced in white railing and the house looks more like an manner house, and huge barn, and the road ran in front of it. Though these Indians were amoung the first to be in Virginia, they often married into European families. The Saponi often were surveying the boundry lines. Goochland county was north of the James River...formed in 1727...years away as yet from the Revolutionary War. Many of these Virginian's with sympathy to England moved to North Carolina at the start of the war and New York. From New York they went into Canada...from North Carolina they went west into Tennessee and north into Ohio and Illinois...along the Canadian border.  Henceforth the need for an "fort" in 1812 called Ft. Meigs near the shore where the Lucus family lived. Esp the Robert Lucus at one time in Tenneesee...most likley trying to help the REv. Samuel MaAdoo after the yahooz land scam, where many people lost their land grants. But they did make an stop in western Kentucky near the Byrd family to organize and open up the Cumberland Presbyterian Church. James C. Larkin went north also..I think an possible brother to our William E. Larkin...and I'm not at this time ready to say that he was not being raised by the REv. Samuel McAdoo either..his mother's father.  

Parzival's lineage at one time came from Lake of Zurich at Bollengen, where I also understand was the home of Carl Jung.  Has an bit to do with HItler's thinking also from what I am reading. Maybe why Wolfram got into his rendition of the King Authur and his Knights story. The Frankish royalty in King Authur comes from four "Fisher Kings" and Joseph of to Jesus, some say this is an title more then an relationship to Jesus; I don' t know other then in Normany FRance it's said it's his younger the Apostle James.

King Authur comes from this lineage...while Perceval..however you want to spell it comes King Aurthur's maternal line of Glorius..being her second marriage after Glorius was killed in battle... apparently and the Angevin line of the Anjou family.This line is said to orginally came from Lazarus. Where Authur was born of the Uther pendragon lineage of Britain... of Ingraine's second marriage. But between them all comes at least three lines converging of Jesus lineage and the "Fisher Kings". Prazival's wife was said Condwiramus..and it can be traced back to an Titurel...whom was an ruler of Jerusalem during the Roman days. He goes back to Rome to take up an affair with his sister..which he denies and they both eventually leave each other and Rome behind them. I read now that this is the expected route in Egypt to maintain the Pharoah's rulership...tha tbeingto marry and sister..if ever so kept quite. This is part of the earliest days of the Roscurians also...whom later developed into the Templar Knight movement and the "Marion Cult" as England called it, of Mary Magdalena. My guess is that it was the Red tribe that melted inoto the White Tribe of early Egyptian rulers. Ones that wore the little " beehive" looking hats...they later changed the looks of them.  I go for now and try not to bother you any more on all of this, but for me this haas been years and years of history understanding whose where and when and least since 1978/79. I havew been tols so many times I am "wrong" all good people, they said that Einstein by his school teachers would never amount to anything also. What I write is what's been passed down in history and change it or leave it out these's all I've ever had to go on...but I kind of think as hard as it's been to come by...Lohergain still has never wanted it told about him as to his legacy.he does not want anything to as the templars upon his help by name... or nationality. His service is unto God's workings for mankind. 


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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 22:37 on 6th February 2015
Good post ShirleySmile
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Posted at 22:53 on 6th February 2015
Didn't see the game but just spotted the result John.
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:28 on 6th February 2015

Some mistakes though in it, but it's covering earlier then just King Arthur in 600 AD which makes it hard to do an one pager legacy on. These lines of the so called "Fisher Kings" were immortal lineages you know...meaning they are still with us by way of "spirit". An article I read about Glastonbury the other night says that Jesus was "restingt" under the Tor before the second coming of days....but I don't think so, I think I've already talked to him..he's in Hawaii... and I see "Paul" just arrived. 

I decided last night to add in the 10 places of Kent County to" tour" in the write out of the legacy in general.  I've been told that there's already an lineage written also on the family by Rosealie Pleis...someone whom doesn't care for me at times because of what I say...I've no tbeen given an copy if she has. While Henry II was said Gay...James the VIII an tyrant with diabetes, and the lineage of "Jesus" with heart problems. These leaders had quite an time in thier life. AS I said, Lohergain suposedly can't be known for an legacy beyond himself as the "Swan Knight" in service of God's "Damsels in distress". So there's an lot hereto discover on my own apparently. I am though finding that "God" has always in an way "protected us" against the false.  I owe an big time hug to begin with for British History on-line now in it's stages of being re-written and not asa it orginally showed up as I found it when I first came in. Everyone doesn't want to do but basic pictures to an basic history...that doesn't cover all the people in an area. By the time the young kids have the time to think about their ancestors how much of their information can be found will be hard to to say if it keeps up.These are such old lineages...way before William the Conqueror. I have an lot left to do as yet. Often times we have had as women to seek the help of our in-laws and for those that have helped us...I hope to let it be known that they were good people. The head of the "Percy" family association here by the last name of "Forrester" has also died from an heart attack. Thank God she wrote me she picked up the pieces from her husband's death.  We are also kin to George Washington...she wanted me to know that one also. I never found

Silva Lyttel again after her husband died and she called me up crying begging for help because the "Austin's" had her legally filed as incompetent to handle her affairs and took over everything they owned...Austn's ran an bookeeping firm in Milwaukie and lived in Mollala/Carver area. It wasn't that I didn't try to find her though...called all over... including the Austin's... that didn't know an thing about her...said she was doing fine last they heard. Then I heard she'd been placed in an nursing home in Silverton...called everyone of one had ever heard of her. She cried so bitterly over the phone to me begging for help James. They most likely killed her.... or kept her highly sedated...... so she couldn't assert her human rights to life. My memory of this woman I use to write to regularly...crying. I doubt any of the family appreicate my efforts so far. none of them keep in touch..and that includes both sides now. Sign of the times maybe? You see now why my sister in-law wanted to go also in ways...those she grew up with andher friends, many of them on the "other side" by then. Her daughter told me they were disinterested in the Lawson legacy recently...said they just didn't have "time" for busy. Hoe doees one build upon the past if they are "to busy" for it??? to they improve and change things for the better?..if they don't even know where they are coming from to begin with. It's true, we have an lot of problems amoung us to get resolved, we are here as an "soul" growing to perfection.  Bodily you can change things physically.... that you can't do always spiritually at times. People shoud understand that one. I go for now.

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Ron Brind
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Posted at 10:42 on 7th February 2015

Great posts Shirley, keep them coming!

Hi to all POEsters wherever you are, whatever you might be doing today.

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 11:28 on 7th February 2015
Good Morning to all who are around--a bit late to-day --visitorsSmile
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Posted at 15:04 on 7th February 2015
Afternoon everyone, I'm late today too, be out most of the day.
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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 15:04 on 7th February 2015

Good afternoon everyone,

just come back from a nice but muddy walk ,

not quite so cold here today,

have a good weekend 

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