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Good Day "61"

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Pat Trout
Pat Trout
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Posted at 18:19 on 31st March 2015

Good evening, it has been a very windy but dry day here,

At last we are getting back to normal by doing our shopping at 8 am, when the shop opens with plenty of car parking free, then back home by 9 am.

Have a god evening everyone. 

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Posted at 18:36 on 31st March 2015

Good evening all.

It's been windy here too Pat, another brolly has ended up in a skip Frown I don't know why we bother with them. 

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 19:54 on 31st March 2015
Good Evening to all who are aroundSmile
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Posted at 20:20 on 31st March 2015
Good evening all, glad to hear you've heard from him at last John, must be a load off your mind.
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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:35 on 31st March 2015

Ron, long's on an "spiritual" plane in part...but apparently he came through to my mother's family by way of Henry Larkins...that's where I get the first of my mother's lineage with an sudden problem of "diabetes"...and I think why the Roman Catholic church parked themselves in Nelson Co., Ky " out of the blue" also. 

Ralph Larkins had both his legs removed from diabetes in his time...this would be my great uncle's family... he never married. It has taken me considerable time to understand this. I am told it's an every other generation disease...and the generation that should be " carriers" are not.  But we are traveling with the Gaves family leaving Illinois in 1847, though they go an different route then did my ancestor...and they are Lawson lineage out of Ky also. This is an genetic disease. It is usually one of wealth also. It has certain critera to beable to manfest.  It is supposedly broken down by way of generation also. I can not see where the Lawson's were ever carriers...though they might be of "Cohen's disease off the Planegant family. Kind of simliar..only it's digestive problems. I can see where we were an perfect "set up" for his spiritual revival in ways. I have had many people invovled in this since my mother passed only took her 3 years. You know...diabetes is not an disease that kills that readily. Even if your not on insulin...depending on how you eat. Mother was never heavy set either. I mean 48 years old is pretty young to die...but she had many symptoms of it being blonde/fair skinned..female(changing hormones every month)...having children..delivering large name an few.  I first noticed that with them in California giving us problems as an "legacy" for my ancestor, which was stopped when another lady on the wagon train left and paper on the trip in an old folks home. They were neighbors to my mother's kin in Illinois haveing come up from Kentucky earlier...where she was distinguished as having been born in Daniel Boone's Fort.  Then thsi DAR James Larkins....none of the kids" pan out" when you go looking for them.  Only an couple of them out of supposedly an large family. I believe he is not an Larkins but an Martin legacy...if even that.

You have to ask yourself at times, if you believe there is only bodily death in life. Even the bible talks of Angels sent to earth un-beknown to the people. My brother has been saying the most rediculious things...that only King Henry would probably say in his time. It is not until I understood him  that I can see this stuff going on.  But then unless your King would never understand. I do believe for years on end...they have been changing our history to keep themselves alive in ways. They say there is an fine line between the dimensions these days...maybe they are correct.  But I believe there's someone trying to control me also. It would need to be someone that profits from it also. I think that "Red Elk" kind of  "laid it on the line" to me before he did in any way for me to ever make future contact with him again....without going to see him in person.I think this is where in the bible it's said the first shall be last and the last shall be first also...meaning body vs spirit. It' shard to explain to have to have sensitve and psyhic abilties. Which these days gets you hunted down by the military/Government so most of us stay quite and go underground to advoid being harassed....they want us for predicting the future ahead of time I am told and understand....and it's up to each person to make their pathway that they eventually chose to take. Guidance doesn't equal out come..and is meant to be that way for personnel freedom of actions. For it is only that from that which real judgement can be given. Most often it is re-incarnation of the soul to keep trying it it out until you pass the test and can move goodwill to others and lessen learned on the spiritual plane. Your goal is to become one with the "God" source of all understanding, truth and mercy...and light. So you never have to ask the questions of "why" by the time you converge.  But some souls can't figure that one out. You have probably heard of some psychic's that go to houses and ask the people to free themselves cause they don' t have an clue that they are dead as of yet.  Love lorn often fall into that problem. They are usually waiting for some one they love to return. Though the Native Americans I understand saythat we have two is the body "ghost" and the other is the "heaven"spirit that has to be compatible to move to creator source also. You know they ever buried thier dead until an year they could work out the issues at hand. But anyway. That was my main erradicate the diabetes in the family. Instead they are trying to give it to me instead. They... being doctors and those that "misuse" thier bodies. Enough said about ths for the moment. 

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Sk Lawson
Sk Lawson
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Posted at 23:47 on 31st March 2015

I am glad we are on page 50 today. Raining here, Grits was painting her house and fell on her hip and she's out of motion at the time being...but I'm trying to help and finding some stuff to send to her. Yes, it appears my neighobrs (Strothers/Cornett) also married into the Lawson family way back when...weren't  to many people around then you Northcumberland Co., England. I go for now. See you in an change over of the thread maybe...I did all my calendars over last night to April. 

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Ron Brind
Ron Brind
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Posted at 07:52 on 1st April 2015

A really interesting post Shirley, thank you and definitely food for thought!

Hi to POEsters elsewhere...

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James Prescott
James Prescott
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Posted at 09:05 on 1st April 2015
Good Morning to all on April Fools day --dont get caught outSmile
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